Sigh. Another uneducated post by a brainwashed liberal moron who has no idea what is going on. I live in a red state that is almost 50% Mexican due to illegal spawn. If Trump is unable to deport the illegals, this state will succumb to savagery the likes of which is the daily platter in Mexico.
Do you liberal white fools have any idea of what is going on or see what is happening? The fact that probably over 30 million Mexicans have fled Mexico and are here destroying the United States... do you even have a clue of what they are fleeing? They are recreating the hellhole that is Mexico right here in your backyard.. and you think it's great. It is simply amazing how clueless some of you fools are.
I really struggle with Understanding how those who support Mass Immigration of what you describe and also followers of "The Religion of Peace" desire to leave to their GrandChildren the type of USA that will come to be as result of this immigration they demand.
The ONLY logical conclusion one can possibly reach is that
their desire is the same as that Husband or Boyfriend who kills his female partner and then his self. It appears that those who support Mass Immigration into this country's End Goal is to Destroy America so as to leave a 3rd World Hellhole to the Generations that follow them here.
I never imagined anything like this to be possible let alone come to pass, to become a reality.
The Liberal Left/Feminists/Snowflakes are Severely Mentally Ill, they are trying to Suicide Themselves and take as many people with them as they can. Whole New Paradigm of Mental Illness here, undoubtedly borne of Damage due exposure to Chemicals in Foods//Water/Plastics/Pharmaceuticals/Pesticides
Its Obvious that there are Millions here among us who's Primary Objective is to Kill America.
What Opinions do Guys here have on what is causing them to desire the Death of their Country?
That Crime and devastating danger be what is left to the young that have to live here after they are gone?
What do you guys think has caused these people to arrive at a place where they desire such a thing?