No more transgenders in the Military. MAGA



RX Original
Oct 21, 2001
"after consulting with military leaders", I believe he did AND that's says it all. Game, set, match.
I think not having to pay for their sex change operations would save us a great deal of cash :).

A. This isn't about paying for sex change operations, it's about denying a person the right to serve our country.

B. The fact that you believe anything from lying Donnie says it all. He didn't consult with ANYONE! It's amazing how naive and gullible all you drumph supports are. As you like to's genetics

Pentagon Reportedly Feared Trump’s Transgender Ban Tweet Was Announcement of North Korea Strike

President Donald Trump used his personal Twitter account to make sweeping policy changes when he announced that after consulting his generals and military experts, he had decided to ban all transgender people from serving in the military.

It was reported shortly after that military leaders were caught off guard by the president’s tweets despite Trump claiming he had consulted with them. (Defense Secretary James Mattis is currently on vacation, for instance.) Later in the morning, the Pentagon released a statement referring all questions about the new policy be sent to the White House.

However, it wasn’t just that the Department of Defense was blindsided by the announcement. When the president sent the first of his three tweets about the ban, there was a nine-minute gap before the second one went out. And while the world waited to see what the president was announcing, those at the Pentagon were concerned they were about to find out they were involved in a military strike.

At the Pentagon, the first of the three tweets raised fears that the president was getting ready to announce strikes on North Korea or some other military action. Many said they were left in suspense for nine minutes, the time between the first and second tweet. Only after the second tweet did military officials receive the news the president was announcing a personnel change on Twitter.
It has since been reported that Trump’s snap decision to impose this ban was a way to get funding for his Mexican border wall, as some House Republicans wanted to stop funding for military reassignment surgeries and were threatening to derail the spending bill because of it.
Sep 21, 2004
A. This isn't about paying for sex change operations, it's about denying a person the right to serve our country.

B. The fact that you believe anything from lying Donnie says it all. He didn't consult with ANYONE! It's amazing how naive and gullible all you drumph supports are. As you like to's genetics

Pentagon Reportedly Feared Trump’s Transgender Ban Tweet Was Announcement of North Korea Strike

President Donald Trump used his personal Twitter account to make sweeping policy changes when he announced that after consulting his generals and military experts, he had decided to ban all transgender people from serving in the military.

It was reported shortly after that military leaders were caught off guard by the president’s tweets despite Trump claiming he had consulted with them. (Defense Secretary James Mattis is currently on vacation, for instance.) Later in the morning, the Pentagon released a statement referring all questions about the new policy be sent to the White House.

However, it wasn’t just that the Department of Defense was blindsided by the announcement. When the president sent the first of his three tweets about the ban, there was a nine-minute gap before the second one went out. And while the world waited to see what the president was announcing, those at the Pentagon were concerned they were about to find out they were involved in a military strike.

At the Pentagon, the first of the three tweets raised fears that the president was getting ready to announce strikes on North Korea or some other military action. Many said they were left in suspense for nine minutes, the time between the first and second tweet. Only after the second tweet did military officials receive the news the president was announcing a personnel change on Twitter.
It has since been reported that Trump’s snap decision to impose this ban was a way to get funding for his Mexican border wall, as some House Republicans wanted to stop funding for military reassignment surgeries and were threatening to derail the spending bill because of it.

What's fucking stupid is you brainless libtards who think these mentally ill people are capable and should be in the armed services. You're so fucking blinded
by your idiotic ideology you can't think straight. Do you think this woman should be fighting for our country?

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

"DUh, If I cut off my dick, I'll be a woman!!! " WHEEEEEE

[h=1]Woman Claims She Blinded Herself with Drain Cleaner to Fulfill Her Life-Long Dream of Being Disabled: 'I Should Have Been Blind from Birth'[/h]




Ever since she was a little girl, Jewel Shuping dreamed of being blind. The North Carolina resident was born perfectly healthy, but she became so obsessed with losing her sight that at age 21, she took matters into her own hands.
Shuping claims that she had a psychologist pour drain cleaner in her eyes, then waited to seek medical attention. Afterwards, she gradually lost her eyesight and is now almost completely blind, she says.

“I really feel this is the way I was supposed to be born, that I should have been blind from birth,” the 30-year-old says.
Shuping has Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID) – a rare condition causing able-bodied people to believe they are supposed to be disabled. She has long fantasized about being blind.
“When I was young, my mother would find me walking in the halls at night. When I was 3 or 4 years old,” Shuping recalls. “By the time I was 6 I remember that thinking about being blind made me feel comfortable.”

Jewel ShupingRUARIDH CONNELLAN/BARCROFT MEDIA /LANDOVShuping acquired a white cane in her teens and could read Braille fluently by the time she was 20. As the years progressed, so did her desire to be blind.So, she decided to take matters into her own hands. In 2006, Shuping claims she found a sympathetic psychologist who agreed to pour drain cleaner into her eyes (the two first met for a few weeks to make sure Shuping was ready).
“It hurt, let me tell you. My eyes were screaming and I had some drain cleaner going down my cheek burning my skin,” Shuping says. “All I could think was, ‘I am going blind, it is going to be okay.’ ”
The two waited for 30 minutes before going to a hospital, where doctors worked to save Shuping’s eyesight. But the permanent damage was already done and, over the next six months, Shuping’s eyesight gradually faded.
Shuping has refused to name the psychologist who she says helped her blind herself.

“I was so happy, I felt that this was who I was supposed to be,” Shuping explains.
Shuping’s decision to blind herself put a strain on her relationship with her family. She initially told them she lost her eyesight in an accident, but upon learning the truth, Shuping’s mother and sister cut off contact with the her, she claims.

Jewel ShupingRUARIDH CONNELLAN/BARCROFT MEDIA /LANDOVHowever, Shuping says she has never been happier and does not regret her decision – although she does not recommend her drastic method to others.“Don’t go blind the way I did. I know there is a need, but perhaps someday there will be treatment for it,” Shuping said. “People with BIID get trains to run over their legs, freeze dry their legs or fall off cliffs to try to paralyze themselves.
“It’s very dangerous. And they need professional help.”
Now Shuping, who is studying education, wants to both raise public awareness of the condition and help other blind people live independent lives.
She admitted that she understands why some people would be angry about her deliberately blinding herself. But, she says, “the way I became disabled doesn’t really matter.”
“I went blind on purpose, but I don’t feel it was a choice.”

Sep 21, 2004
Blinding yourself on purpose, or getting your dick cut off on purpose, which is worse?

Fucking idiots.

Sep 21, 2004
She actually found a psychologist willing to help her put Fucking drain cleaner in her eyes.

Kind of like people that will "help" you cut your dick off.

Fucking insanity.
Sep 21, 2004
Existing medical standards for enlistment, BEFORE TRUMP's TWEETS you dumb ass libtards:

Military Medical Standards For Enlistment And Commission

Mental Health Conditions


AF Psychiatry.
US Military Careers

By Rod Powers
Updated July 18, 2017

Mental health in the military is taken very seriously for obvious reasons not just for the admission into the services, but also staying in the services as well. There are many disqualifying medical conditions to entry and continued service into the military, but none are quite as challenging as the subjective nature of mental health and illness.
The disqualifying medical conditions are listed below.

The International Classification of Disease (ICD) codes are listed in parentheses following each standard.
The causes for rejection for appointment, enlistment, and induction (without an approved waiver) are an authenticated history of:
Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder , or Perceptual/Learning Disorder(s) (315) is disqualifying, unless applicant can demonstrate passing academic performance and there has been no use of medication(s) in the previous 12 months.
Current or history of academic skills or perceptual defects secondary to organic or functional mental disorders, including, but not limited to dyslexia, that interfere with school or employment, are disqualifying. Applicants demonstrating passing academic and employment performance without utilization or recommendation of academic and/ or work accommodations at any time in the previous 12 months may be qualified.

Current or history of disorders with psychotic features such as schizophrenia (295), paranoid disorder (297), and other unspecified psychosis (298) is disqualifying.
Mood Disorders

Mood disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder, psychoses, and other unspecified depressive issues are disqualifying.

Any history of mood disorders requiring medication and/or outpatient care for longer than six months by a mental health professional is also disqualifying. Also any symptoms of mood and mental issues that affect social ability, school and learning, or work efficiency is disqualifying.
Current or history of adjustment disorders within the previous 3 months is disqualifying.
Behavioral Disorders

Behavioral disorders history in school and with law enforcement agencies having to get involved due to dangerous behavior to self or others is disqualifying. Antisocial attitudes or behaviors are disqualifying as people who exhibit these symptoms are typically not adaptive to military service.
Any history of personality disorder that is demonstrated by documented and recurring inability to remain in a school environment, work with employers or fellow employees, social groups is disqualifying. Any psychological testing that reveals a high degree of immaturity, instability, personality issues, impulsiveness, or dependency will also interfere with the ability to conform to the rules and regulations of the Armed Forces is disqualifying.
If a person has a current or history of behavior disorders that include but not limited to the following conditions:

1 - Enuresis or encopresis after the 13th birthday is disqualifying.
2 - Sleepwalking after 13th birthday is disqualifying.
3 - Eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, or other unspecified eating disorders lasting longer than three months and occurring after the 14th birthday is also disqualifying.
Speech Affected Disorders

Any speech impediment, stammering, stuttering or other receptive or expressive language disorder to such a degree as to significantly interfere with productions of speed or to repeat commands is disqualifying.
Other History of Medical Disorders That Are Disqualifying

Any history of suicidal behavior, that includes discussions, gestures, or the actual attempt is disqualifying. A history of self-mutilation is also disqualifying.
Anxiety issues, either current or historical, or panic, agoraphobia, social phobia, simple phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorders, other acute reactions to stress, and posttraumatic stress are disqualifying for entry into the service.
Any history or current disorder of being dissociative, bouts of hysteria, or de-personalization are disqualifying.
Any history or current somatoform disorders, including, but not limited to hypochondriasis or chronic pain disorder, are disqualifying.
Any history or current psychosexual conditions, including, but not limited to transsexualism, exhibitionism, transvestism, voyeurism, and other paraphilias, are disqualifying.
Any history or current issue with alcohol dependence, drug dependence , alcohol abuse, or other drug abuse is disqualifying.
Of all the medical issues that disqualify a person from being in the service, the mental health side is rigid in its stance, even if some diagnoses can be highly subjective. However, over the past decade, there has been a relaxing of some previous conditions such as ADD / ADHD. Over-diagnosed or misdiagnosed children that exhibited such symptoms when younger may not longer have those same symptoms and may be perfectly functioning for military service. Since 2014, Department of Defense has softened their stance on childhood Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The rule is now, children with a history of ADD/ADHD under the age of 13 are now waiverable on a case by case basis. Future waivers may allow older applicants to enter the military as long as they have been off any medication for a year of high school, college education, or work experience.

Many of these diagnoses are marked with historical data as well as the opinion of the civilian or military provider as to if the ailment or history of mental illness and medications will interfere with, or prevent satisfactory performance of military duty.
Derived from Department of Defense (DOD) Directive 6130.3, "Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, and Induction," and DOD Instruction 6130.4, "Criteria and Procedure Requirements for Physical Standards for Appointment, Enlistment, or Induction in the Armed Forces."

Sep 21, 2004
According to fucking brainless libtards like BZ, the military is "discriminating" against everyone in the above post, the 100's of thousands that
fall into those categories... probably MILLIONS.
Sep 21, 2004
[h=1]Transitioning Transgender Soldiers’ Medical Expenses 14 Times Higher than Average[/h]


Justin Sullivan / Getty

by JOEL B. POLLAK26 Jul 20172,050
[h=2]Critics of President Donald Trump’s decision to bar transgender Americans from serving in the U.S. armed forces are citing a 2016 RAND Corporation study that, they claim, refutes “the idea that transgender soldiers are somehow expensive, or that they undermine the morale and cohesion of the military over all,” as the New Yorker put it.[/h]The question of cost relates to gender transition treatment, which some transgenders want the military to provide for them.
The RAND study says that the cost of gender transition treatment for transgender service members would be “relatively low” — that is, relative to total military expenditure on health care. But a closer look at the numbers in the study reveals that the health care costs of transgenders who choose to undergo gender transition treatment in the military would be some 14 times higher than the average health care costs of service members in general.
The study estimates that between 29 and 129 transgender service members in the active component of the military would choose to utilize “transition-related health care” annually. The mid-range estimate is 79 individuals per year. Given that the total active component population of the military in 2014 was 1,326,273, that means about 0.006% of service members could use gender transition-related health services. The RAND study estimates that the annual cost of such services would be as low as $2.4 million and as high as $8.4 million, based on different assumptions about the relative prevalence of transgenderism within the military and between men and women. That represents “a 0.04- to 0.13-percent increase in active-component health care expenditures,” RAND concludes. The mid-range estimate for that increase would be 0.085 percent. Therefore 0.006% of service members would be responsible for a 0.085% increase in costs — i.e. a transitioning service member’s medical bills would be 14 times the average.
There are large categories of people who are excluded from military service because of medical conditions — e.g. asthma — that are cheaper and easier to treat than transgender-related health issues (both physical and mental).
As for the question of morale and cohesion, the RAND study is explicit about some of the issues that the military would encounter — such as the need to screen for additional mental health issues, and the problem of recovery from gender-transition surgery. RAND notes that it may not be possible to deploy transgender service members: “Other countries [with transgender service members] have found that, in some cases, it may be necessary to restrict deployment of transitioning individuals to austere environments where their health care needs cannot be met.”
The RAND study noted that other countries had not experienced problems with unit cohesion and transgender service members. “However,” it noted, “we do not have direct survey evidence or other data to directly assess the impact on the U.S. military.” In Australia, Canada, Israel and the United Kingdom, the effects were minimal, but these militaries “had fairly low numbers of openly serving transgender personnel.”
Given significant doubts, it was entirely appropriate for the U.S. military to make its own recommendations, which the president has followed.
Critics of the president’s new policy have compared the transgender ban to the racial segregation of the military. In fact the comparison is useful. Racial segregation was a policy of social engineering championed by so-called “progressive” Democrats like President Woodrow Wilson. It made our military less effective. Today’s push for transgender soldiers is another, largely Democratic, effort to use the military to achieve social outcomes unrelated to the primary purpose of the military, i.e. defending the country and defeating its enemies.
The White House Press Corps questioned Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about how Trump’s new policy squared with his promise during the campaign to “fight” for LGBT Americans. In fact, the new policy fulfills that promise because it is based on what the military says it must do to defend the country. No one has the “right” to serve in the military, but the military has the obligation to protect the country and the freedom of all within it.

New member
Aug 28, 2012
Of course they have rights. Has little lying Donnie banned them as well?

Those people have never been able to join the military.

So why are you just speaking up now about transgenders, but not once about the obese, old or disabled serving?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ah yes, "human rights" = liberaleese for GIVE ME MONEY FOR BEING ME!

Who are these people kidding? Special rights cost money.

- tranny surgery costs $$$ (Up next: liberal single-payer universal healthcare!)
- FORCING insurance not to discriminate against trannies costs $$$$$ (higher premiums for Norms)
- hormone injections cost $$$$ (which significantly increase the risk of cancer, which costs even MO $$$$$!)
- trannny 'education' (brainwashing your kids that THEY are the abnormal ones, rather than the freaks afraid of their own genitalia) costs $$$$
- govt mandated "gender neutral bathrooms" cost $$$$

Being a tranny ain't cheap - for the rest of us (Norms).

Trannies want their 'rights' too - but with other people's money (Norms). It is like Sandra Fluke and her birth control. The slut doesn't want a 'right' to reach into her pocket and pay cash for her baby-killing pills, she WANTS YOU (THE NORMS) TO PAY FOR THEM!! Liberals call this "women's health."

Liberals demanding "human rights" is like a child demanding their parents give them certain "rights."

Liberals simply refuse to grow up.

Were it not for our welfare state, were it not for courts and politicians mandating Norms subsidize this deviant behavior one way or another, this tranny epidemic would not be happening.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Why Normals are ecstatic to have a real president again:


Obamacare’s New Coercive Transgender Regulations Threaten Freedom of Physicians

New Obamacare Regulation Presses for Sex Change Surgery Coverage


And libtards like BoZo have a their panties in a wad:

Trump administration moves to roll back Obamacare protections for trans people
Transgender and gender non-conforming people are often refused care simply because of who they are.

Trump rescinds transgender bathroom rules from Obama era


....because Normals should not have to pay for "who they are"

Manufactured tranny "rights" are just one of thousands of liberal reasons why healthcare premiums are skyrocketing - progressives forcing you to buy shit you don't want or need.


New member
Nov 21, 2013
Chalk up another one for Trump....Getting rid of the Obama stench daily....#MAGA

Chalk up another Fail........still looking for Win #2 following Gorsuch appointment

He's got about 41 months left....should be Easy

New member
Nov 21, 2013
Very similar to imaginary sources to false news stories?

I personally trust mainstream journalists more than I do little donnie

Your own ranking might be different

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Transgenders in the military isn't on my top 10 I give a shit list.
As a matter of fact I don't care 1 iota.

To go one step further I don't care about transgenders at all.

Having said that I think I has a solution to their plight.

If some fucked in the head guy doesn't like his dick he should
have it chopped off, then donate it to a dyke who's tired of using a
strap-on and have all medical expenses paid by Planned Parenthood.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Transgenders in the military isn't on my top 10 I give a shit list.
As a matter of fact I don't care 1 iota.

To go one step further I don't care about transgenders at all.

Having said that I think I has a solution to their plight.

If some fucked in the head guy doesn't like his dick he should
have it chopped off, then donate it to a dyke who's tired of using a
strap-on and have all medical expenses paid by Planned Parenthood.


You may not care one iota but those in BoZo's LGBTQWERSHWTVHBUXYZ community certainly do.

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