No more legal marijuana, you potheads!


Mar 5, 2009
the stuff that hits the black market in Cali has generally been rejected by the high end dispensaries due to mold, mites or other issues

vegas dispensaries still behind Cali in terms of overall quality, price and selection but def some high quality available

the largest place off the strip in Vegas has a Khalifa Kush that is their signature strain which is pretty bomb but often sold out

but every one of the stores is offering at least 30+ different strains of different quality, thc (or cbd) content etc

Once you are in the store, unless you go to a medical express window (where you don’t get to see, smell etc) they don’t even know who is medical vs rec until you are checking out and they apply the tax etc

i think biggest issue with the whole deal is edibles with the delayed effect combined with people who have low tolerance and not enough knowledge about dosage
I’m going to a party tonight and just got a couple of 25mg gummy bears
pretty stoked to try one.

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
Enjoy and be patient (and prob eat something else first). For you or anyone else who feels any anxiety and/or gets a little paranoid when “on the weed” I’d suggest mixing in some cbd edibles or something with some balance between thc and cbd. Cbd does not block the high but reduces anxiety significantly. I do a lot of public speaking for my job and it used to be a real source of stress. Now I take PURE cbd (no thc) edibles before showtime and I can’t tell you how much of a difference it has made. I have a family member back in the southeast with ptsd and I’m trying to get him to try cbd to help alleviate but still huge stigma to overcome in that part of the country from what I can tell (even though cbd doesn’t get you high at all). Education on these things happens....but slowly.

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
Finally starting to see more research to prove what people have been saying from experience for years. Issue with classifying weed like heroin is it basically limits the ability to do as much empirical research as we need on this stuff. Luckily Canada is going to help lead the way. Jeff Sessions priorities are ridiculous and motivations are questionable at best.

Feb 6, 2007
im all for legalized weed. i have no problem with someone smoking at home after a long day, i get that.
but you cant test how high someone is, just that its in their system. as a parent i dont want people on the road too high to drive and no ability to prove it. you can only test if there is weed in someones system, not how recently they smoked. with alcohol you obviously can tell and you can prevent people from driving or punish them for breaking the law. i would like it to be illegal to smoke and operate a vehicle, but can that be done since there arent any tests that i know of to administer it.
i personally smoke very rarely. it just makes me tired and fucks with me getting shit accomplished. on the other hand i know plenty of functioning potheads that get a shit ton done on a daily basis while stoned out of their mind. its a great thing for those that need it, backed by plenty of science. but can you prevent people from smoking and driving and also differentiate when someone is "too high to drive".

If you don't think you can drive, you shouldn't.

I know albatross said performance is lowered. Well as far as operating a me crazy but I drive better after I smoke. Way more alert and aware of my surroundings.

Actually only have been in two accidents in my life. I was completely sober both times. Everyone says it lowers your reaction time. Okay but it makes you drive normal. Not in rage or fast like alcohol would. So I would be worried about my reaction time if I was drunk and going 30-40 mph over the limit. But weed doesn't put you in a state to want to do that. So everyone talks about reaction time but really how fast are you even going in the first place? It certainly doesn't make me want to drive faster. So I never understood that knock against it.

Of course if u rarely smoke it will have an affect on your driving. But so will driving a brand new car. And so will turning the radio to a game u want to find. And so will taking prescription medications and driving which is far more dangerous.

New member
Sep 24, 2012
If you don't think you can drive, you shouldn't.

I know albatross said performance is lowered. Well as far as operating a me crazy but I drive better after I smoke. Way more alert and aware of my surroundings.

Actually only have been in two accidents in my life. I was completely sober both times. Everyone says it lowers your reaction time. Okay but it makes you drive normal. Not in rage or fast like alcohol would. So I would be worried about my reaction time if I was drunk and going 30-40 mph over the limit. But weed doesn't put you in a state to want to do that. So everyone talks about reaction time but really how fast are you even going in the first place? It certainly doesn't make me want to drive faster. So I never understood that knock against it.

Of course if u rarely smoke it will have an affect on your driving. But so will driving a brand new car. And so will turning the radio to a game u want to find. And so will taking prescription medications and driving which is far more dangerous.

good lord dude....

Just stop talking

Sep 21, 2001
Enjoy and be patient (and prob eat something else first). For you or anyone else who feels any anxiety and/or gets a little paranoid when “on the weed” I’d suggest mixing in some cbd edibles or something with some balance between thc and cbd. Cbd does not block the high but reduces anxiety significantly. I do a lot of public speaking for my job and it used to be a real source of stress. Now I take PURE cbd (no thc) edibles before showtime and I can’t tell you how much of a difference it has made. I have a family member back in the southeast with ptsd and I’m trying to get him to try cbd to help alleviate but still huge stigma to overcome in that part of the country from what I can tell (even though cbd doesn’t get you high at all). Education on these things happens....but slowly.

How do I find pure cbd? I play a lot of pool and would love to try it to lower nerves under pressure shots

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
I haven’t ordered from them (I buy from a local dispensary) but think these guys have good rep for online

when I was out in Vegas for most of five or six months in 2017 I also found it for sale at a vape booth at a swap meet

think some health stores sell it but value ranges widely

look at the mg you get for your $

the oils (drop under your tongue) and gummies are my go to

best of luck Seymour

Sep 21, 2012
If you don't think you can drive, you shouldn't.

I know albatross said performance is lowered. Well as far as operating a me crazy but I drive better after I smoke. Way more alert and aware of my surroundings.

Actually only have been in two accidents in my life. I was completely sober both times. Everyone says it lowers your reaction time. Okay but it makes you drive normal. Not in rage or fast like alcohol would. So I would be worried about my reaction time if I was drunk and going 30-40 mph over the limit. But weed doesn't put you in a state to want to do that. So everyone talks about reaction time but really how fast are you even going in the first place? It certainly doesn't make me want to drive faster. So I never understood that knock against it.

Of course if u rarely smoke it will have an affect on your driving. But so will driving a brand new car. And so will turning the radio to a game u want to find. And so will taking prescription medications and driving which is far more dangerous.

obviously nobody should be under the influence while driving and sure you could be more alert when you smoke. but you could absolutely be too high to drive. and it could be a factor in an accident. my question is that with alcohol its very easy to see how much alcohol someone has and how it could affect the situation, especially from a legal standpoint with a breathalizer. im simply saying that we cant do that with pot, especially the edible options. when an accident that could be fatal could have been caused by someone that has smoked or eaten too much cannabis, how can that be tested and proven in a court of law. that is an important aspect when considering legalizing any substance which alters your perspective or reaction timing. people who smoke at home should absolutely be allowed to. however, once you operate a vehicle everything changes and the ability to determine the difference between a common accident and a driving under the influence cant clearly be determined. that is a big hurdle to overcome. a urine test shows its in your system, not when or how recently. thats literally the only concern i see with complete legalization of marijuana.

you may think your a better driver, but your likley not. i drove 20 miles when i was 25 while high at night with the lights off. sure you may think your better but your probably wrong. i drove some go carts while drunk, thought i was incredible. my buddies informed me that wasnt the case

Gunga galunga... gunga, gunga-galunga.
Jan 1, 2001
Scary marijuana stats:

1. 88,000 deaths are annually attributed to excessive use.

2. Every day, 30 people in the US die in car crashes that involve a marijuana-impaired driver.

3.Teen marijuana use kills 4,700 people each year

4. Lol jk those stats are about alcohol

haaa....saw this on Twitter

New member
Sep 24, 2012
I don't really understand all the alcohol comparisons.

So because alcohol is bad for you and is legal that automatically means pot should be legal?

Wtf kind of logic is that

Dec 21, 2007
I don't really understand all the alcohol comparisons.

So because alcohol is bad for you and is legal that automatically means pot should be legal?

Wtf kind of logic is that
See you are twisting the argument around too....That is not what they are saying...They try to argue Alcohol contributes to about(88,000) deaths in the US every year and has zero health benefits(even red wine). Pot contributing to deaths, there is no real studies on that out there like alcohol, so one would assume it is less than 88,000 deaths a year. If you want to get "real" world...I have personally worked in a ER dept. for a number of years and have seen countless drunk driving outcomes and more overdoses than Id like to remember, never just pot not once......When someone comes in claiming to be "overdosing" on weed(usually ate to much edible shit) the get treated with rest. Don't get me wrong many people are abusing the edibles and truly feel like they are freaking out, but with time, a bed, and a quiet room the affects wear off.

I like money
Dec 13, 2006
I find it fascinating so many conservatives/republicans are so anti-weed on a federal level, when those groups are notoriously anti-federal and pro-state when it comes to everyday issues.

Sep 21, 2001
I find it fascinating so many conservatives/republicans are so anti-weed on a federal level, when those groups are notoriously anti-federal and pro-state when it comes to everyday issues.

I don't think many republicans are so against weed - probably not big advocates for it - the religious sect I'm sure is opposed though

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I find it fascinating so many conservatives/republicans are so anti-weed on a federal level, when those groups are notoriously anti-federal and pro-state when it comes to everyday issues.

I'm not

But I'd like to counter with the statement that you can't be a Democrat and pretend to have the higher ground on personal freedoms

Big government and personal freedoms are incapitable. They can't coexist

Dec 21, 2007
I'm not

But I'd like to counter with the statement that you can't be a Democrat and pretend to have the higher ground on personal freedoms

Big government and personal freedoms are incapitable. They can't coexist
You are right on there Willie!...Just sit back relax, big brother will take care of everything for you folks! HaHa...Not

Aug 9, 2016
Sessions is from Alabama, no lottery, no dog tracks, no bingo. Bible belt and most people from the state totally agree with him. Trump made a terrible choice hiring him.
Sep 21, 2004
[ Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just posting the article... ]

[h=1]Teenagers who smoke cannabis damage their brains for LIFE and may be more likely to develop schizophrenia[/h]
  • U.S. study found that mice exposed to even small doses of marijuana for 20 days suffered lasting brain damage into adulthood
  • Results highlight how teenagers who regularly smoke weed may have a greater risk of developing schizophrenia
ByEllie Zolfagharifard
Published: 07:24 EDT, 25 July 2013 | Updated: 00:00 EDT, 5 April 2018

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Teenagers who regularly smoke cannabis suffer long lasting brain damage and are in much greater danger of developing schizophrenia.
American researchers say the drug is particularly dangerous for a group of people who have a genetic susceptibility to the mental health disorder - and it could be the trigger for it.
Asaf Keller, of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, said the results highlight the dangers of teenagers smoking cannabis during their formative years.


The study found that even short-term exposure to cannabis impaired brain activity, with the damage continuing into adulthood

The study, published in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology, exposed young mice to the active ingredient in marijuana for 20 days.
It found that their brain activity was impaired, with the damage continuing into adulthood.
The past 20 years has seen major controversy about the long-term effects of marijuana, with experts divided over its long-term effects on teenagers.

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Previous research has shown that children who started using marijuana before the age of 16 are at greater risk of permanent brain damage, and have a significantly higher incidence of psychiatric disorders.
‘Adolescence is the critical period during which marijuana use can be damaging,’ said the study's lead author, Sylvina Mullins Raver, a PhD candidate at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
‘We wanted to identify the biological underpinnings and determine whether there is a real, permanent health risk to marijuana use.’
The scientists began by examining cortical oscillations in mice. Cortical oscillations are patterns of the activity of neurons in the brain and are believed to underlie the brain's various functions.
These oscillations are very abnormal in schizophrenia and in other psychiatric disorders.
VIDEO: Scientists explain how cannabis damages the teenage brain
<iframe src="" id="1523025197794_TBOtherPlayer_10" width="634" height="400">V</iframe>
The scientists exposed young mice to very low doses of the active ingredient in marijuana for 20 days, and then allowed them to return to their siblings and develop normally.
‘In the adult mice exposed to marijuana ingredients in adolescence, we found that cortical oscillations were grossly altered, and they exhibited impaired cognitive abilities,’ said Raver.
‘We also found impaired cognitive behavioural performance in those mice. The striking finding is that, even though the mice were exposed to very low drug doses, and only for a brief period during adolescence, their brain abnormalities persisted into adulthood.’
The scientists repeated the experiment, this time giving marijuana to adult mice that had never been exposed to the drug before.


According to the research team, there is a group of people who have a genetic susceptibility to developing schizophrenia. Adding weed to the mix during adolescence could be the trigger that causes it to develop, permanently impairing brain function and cognition

Their cortical oscillations and ability to perform cognitive tasks remained normal, indicating that it was only drug exposure during the critical teenage years that impaired brain activity.
‘We found that the frontal cortex is much more affected by the drugs during adolescence,’ said Keller.
‘This is the area of the brain controls executive functions such as planning and impulse control. It is also the area most affected in schizophrenia.’
Keller now wants to know whether the effects can be reversed. ‘We are hoping we will learn more about schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders, which are complicated conditions,’ he said.
‘These cognitive symptoms are not affected by medication, but they might be affected by controlling these cortical oscillations.’

[h=3]CANNABIS DESTROYS YOUR GET-UP-AND-GO[/h] A separate study by Imperial College London last month revealed that long-term use of cannabis destroys dopamine, the feel-good chemical in the brain that inspires a spirit of get-up-and-go.
Previous research has suggested taking marijuana can lead to individuals becoming withdrawn, lethargic and apathetic.
The cannabis users in the study published in Biological Psychiatry had all experienced psychotic-like symptoms while smoking the drug such as strange sensations or having feelings of paranoia.
The researchers expected their dopamine production might be higher since this has been linked with psychosis - but instead found the opposite.
The cannabis users had their first experience with the drug between the ages of 12 and 18 and the researchers believe the drug could be the cause of the difference in dopamine levels.
'Cannabis is an illegal drug and there is mounting evidence the idea of it being a harmless herb is not true,’ said Dr Michael Bloomfield, of Imperial College London.
'When people stop taking cannabis it seems the brain can slowly go back to producing pretty normal levels of dopamine.
'Cannabis has effects on the brain and it’s important people can make an informed decision.'

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