United, after study this game I came up to play with the Jackass, think one of us will win unless game is push. best of luck. We were on opposite sides a lot of time last couple season too LOL.
Nice first post in my thread. I'll take the high road, good luck to you OffiicialSono.
Good luck this week! The Bears are my nemesis, I have sworn them off the rest of the season! You are lucky I won't be on them, it's sure to hit now
Tell me about it, the way some teams are playing (looking @ you PIT & DEN!!!) @ times is a real head scratcher. It is wk 6, so teams will really begin to take shape & will hopefully get easier to cap.This NFL is really crazy to try and figure out. Every week is different. I definitely understand. I have certain teams I stay away after getting burnt so many times. I have been burned
a lot.
good luck this week