Timetopay, I need to change my ways as well. I am at my highest ever (214 pounds) when I should be about 180 since I am 6 feet tall.
Thus, i have 34 pounds to lose.
how about yourself?
The best way is to eat small frequent amounts. During the gaps, chug water. You should drink about a gallon a day - pissing every 5 mins. This keeps you healthy (rid of toxins) and will give you that full feeling.
when you have a snack... triscuits(regular only) and humus or almonds or pecans........no chips pretzels or anything with hydrogenated oils
The fact that all you fuckers know how much you weigh right down to the pound concerns me a lot. So much so that I'm going to go eat a bucket of KFC and pound down some Michelob Ultra and think about how my ass is spreading out. FUN%^_