New ad: GOP health care RX


New member
Sep 13, 2005
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Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"let people stay happy"

great slogan, eh?

Nov 2, 2008
Guess they don't mind that most of who they elected are rich too, and will have better healthcare than they will.

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
that's all they can come up with for a campaign? vote for socialized healthcare so the Cigna CEO won't make so much money? btw, he's not even one of the top 100 highest paid executives in the nation...

someone might want to try putting in a 40 hour work week at Americans United for Change, or hire on a marketing guru

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

of course, there are proposals out there, like "Patient's Choice Act".

These proposals receive little attention in Washington because of how the discussion on policy is framed. They're not allowed out of committee, they're not allowed on the floor, they're not allowed to discuss or debate, hell the Republicans are not even part of the discussions going on.

The only plan that has a chance "at this point in time" is one being proposed by the Democrats, each and every one growing government, growing red tape, increasing costs and increasing deficits. Of course, everything the Democrats propose is simply incompatible with improved coverage, that elephant just won't fly.

It's what's on the table, it's all that's talked about.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
that's all they can come up with for a campaign? vote for socialized healthcare so the Cigna CEO won't make so much money? btw, he's not even one of the top 100 highest paid executives in the nation...

someone might want to try putting in a 40 hour work week at Americans United for Change, or hire on a marketing guru

As for me i don't care what they can up with, after retirement age i'am blowing this freak show for Thailand.

I'll be watching to see how many Americans die for a buck and how high premiums go before something happens. I hear premiums are due for a big jump next year, just before elections. But you know if republicans premiums double they will still vote republican, they always vote against their best interest.

With 14,000 people a day losing health insurance how many years do you think this can go on?

New member
Sep 13, 2005

MAULED BY A BEAR THEN MAULED BY BLUE CROSS Last summer, while working on my ranch in the Southern Sierra mountains, I was attacked and badly mauled by a predatory black bear. Although my face was ripped off, and I was blinded, I was able to make my way back to my vehicle and drive myself down a rutted mountain road to a fire station for help. From there I was airlifted to UCLA Medical Center where a team of nearly a hundred people put me back together in a grueling seven-hour emergency surgery. That was the easy part. Although I’ve maintained a private individual health insurance policy with Blue Cross of California for thirty (30) years, they have, at every turn of my ordeal, tried to waffle, obfuscate, or outright deny me benefits for medical care. Because my injuries were mostly to my eyes, my facial structure (including my nose and most of my teeth,) and obviously, cosmetic appearance, my policy “does not cover services,” for putting me back together, and demands 30% co-pays before they will pay for the hugely expensive ($300,000 and counting,) reconstructive surgeries I need to regain a degree of functionality. I am, not surprisingly, disabled and unable to work. My assets and savings were exhausted long ago, (the deductable and co-pays reset every calendar year and my reassembly is a multi-year project.) I always thought having a "good" insurance policy was not only my civic responsibility, but would cover my medical expenses should I ever face a catastrophic illness. But it turns out that Blue Cross's $2,500 deductible is actually more in the order of an $11,500 deductible before they kick in for 100% of what they deem "reasonable and customary" care. Even that determination is subjective and skewered in their favor. All this is on top of Blue Cross's insanely expensive monthly premiums. Twice in the last month, Blue Cross denied payment for ophthalmologic consults I had arranged to see if some of my eyesight can be retained. Then there is the $600+ per month Blue Cross doesn’t cover in specialized prescription eyedrops I need to save what is left. My other medications are similarly extortionate and not covered. MediCal, for which I now qualify, does not have any participating ophthalmo-plastic, maxilla-facial, periodontic, or reconstructive surgeons here in Kern Kounty who are qualified to do these surgeries. Nor will they or Blue Cross pay for anesthesia if I DO find someone willing to do them! (There’s nothing like having an acute PTSD episode when you’re trying to lie very still for a delicate bone or tissue graft.) On the plus side, I DID fight off a bear attack and survive to tell the tale. As I am also the daughter, sister, mother, sister-in-law, niece, and former wife of physicians–and spent my 20’s working in the medical malpractice insurance industry– I am, more than most, familiar with all aspects of this issue--and am convinced that the health "insurance" industry is at the very least criminally incompetent-if not outright corrupted. Eliminating the seventy-three middlemen between my doctors and my wallet would be a good first step to corralling the mess that is our American health care system. We need a standardized single-payer system. PLEASE VOTE TO GET THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY OUT OF MEDICINE!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

great point, like socialized medicine doesn't have horror stories

long waits, end of life restrictions implemented by politicians and care denial for a number of different reasons.

please keep clueless incompetent elected officials out of health care

for heaven's sake, they can't even do what they're supposed to do well, with all their failures in so many areas, how can one have faith in them? seriously?


Nov 2, 2008
Always wondered why we needed a different insurance for eyes and teeth, as if they aren't part of our body.

Nov 2, 2008
Barman, why are all my posts being delayed until approval? Am I on your shit list?

New member
Nov 8, 2006

great point, like socialized medicine doesn't have horror stories

long waits, end of life restrictions implemented by politicians and care denial for a number of different reasons.

please keep clueless incompetent elected officials out of health care

for heaven's sake, they can't even do what they're supposed to do well, with all their failures in so many areas, how can one have faith in them? seriously?


Yeah willie, you know where those horror stories come from? The think tank of the insurance companies.

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