Maybe this has already been brought up – if so, sorry – but I just want to know if this is a cause for concern. Most of you have noticed that when you attempt to deposit via Neteller you are required to enter TWO parts of your security codes. I have noticed that now books are requiring you to enter your Neteller 12 digit ID & PASSWORD.
Didn't it used to be your 12 digit ID & 6 digit security ID? I know at the Pinnacle it used to be, but not any more. My concern is this: Could not a book (an unscrupulous book, of course) have kept your 6 digit security ID, then acquire your password with this new procedure? If so, the book now has (cold have) all three pieces of info. to open your Neteller. Right? And, correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no way to change your Security ID, only your password. So no matter how many times you change your password, the book an unscrupulous book could always know it, right? Or, maybe I’m being TOO CYNICAL.
Didn't it used to be your 12 digit ID & 6 digit security ID? I know at the Pinnacle it used to be, but not any more. My concern is this: Could not a book (an unscrupulous book, of course) have kept your 6 digit security ID, then acquire your password with this new procedure? If so, the book now has (cold have) all three pieces of info. to open your Neteller. Right? And, correct me if I’m wrong, but there’s no way to change your Security ID, only your password. So no matter how many times you change your password, the book an unscrupulous book could always know it, right? Or, maybe I’m being TOO CYNICAL.