
New member
Feb 27, 2011
For whatever reason, Northcoast produces more response than any other sports service. This is weird to me as they are about the least controversial service out there.

They have no boiler rooms, they offer packages that give clients all picks (no special extra games of the year), their record is average, and their approach remarkably low key (when compared to the Langs, Feists, etc. of the world)

Many stupid statements were made about Northcoast in this forum yesterday.

To set the record straight:
1) Northcoast is NOT a football-only service as they claim. Northcoast is run by Phil Steele and Ralph Michaels. Michaels operates California Sports, which does all sports EXCEPT football. Northcoast is primarily run by Steele while California is run entirely by Michaels. Nonetheless, it is not honest to pretend they are not essentially the same service.

2) Northcoast is unbelievably honest on its comp lines. They almost always recap losers and, unlike what a poster named Savafe says, they name losers on their comp lines for the other services they offer. Their line has two buttons for service and comp plays. They recap on one of the two almost every day.

3) Phil Steele no longer appears in any public way as leading Northcoast. Michaels is the only person who does tapes, talks to clients or has his name on any material. This is because Steele makes more money selling magazines and wants to avoid being perceived as a tout, which he is. Steele also is on voting committees for football awards and those committees generally don't work with touts, per NCAA rules.

4) Steele is still in total control of Northcoast des[ite his attempts to reduce or eliminate his profile. This is similar to Wayne root's operation. Root makes no picks. He is the front man for his partner (name escapes me at the moment).

5) Northcoast is terrible at day-in, day-out picks. They are brilliant at top plays like their 5*s. Their supporters ignore the weakness in the regular picks. Their detractors refuse to acknowledge that Steele is the best picker of big plays ever. His longterm 5* record is astonishing

Dec 20, 2008
I disagree with most of this. Northcoast is very disceptive in its recaps and in the records they give over the phone. You only hear the good news over the period of time which shows them in the most favorable light. They only tell you about the losers when they know they have to. Many times you will only get half the story. They are scamdicappers, just like most touts. What Savage says about NC is the absolute truth. Don't let anyone try to say it isn't!

New member
Feb 27, 2011
Ypu say you disagree with this withoput countering any of my info.

Do you deny their brilliant 5* record?
Do you deny that every day on the community line summary they indicate who won and lost the preceding day?
Do you deny they always mention the previous day's results of their own picks?

I am not a Northcoast shill. As I said, they are useless on all but big plays.

New member
Oct 29, 2010
I have to back savage up here. While sometimes he may be over critical. There certainly are bigger scum in the service industry. However he has exposed some of northcoast deceptive practices. They certainly take some liberties with how they track their record.

Yes northcoast has been very good on 5 star plays over the years. I also like the preview magazine and the power sweep newsletter.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
First of all let me set the information regarding Northcoast Sports straight...

I have been a Power Sweep subscriber for the last 16 years as I consider Power Sweep one of the most informative publications in the business...

I have received Northcoast's service plays for the last 16yrs as well as I have access to ALL service plays 7days a week/365 days a year. Northcoast Sports regular plays are on par with any other football service (which isn't saying much) LOL because they are probably less than 50% but that is the norm for 90% of the football sports services out there over any years time...


as far as Northcoasts MAJOR releases in college football, NFL, and college O/U's their plays are head a shoulders ABOVE the rest. Their major plays have probably hit in the 60%-70% range over those 16yrs and those particular plays have been money over the years.

I've heard many people talk crap about Northcoast Sports and their regualar plays it is deservingly so but if you bet against their MAJOR RELEASES you'd have your head so far up your bookies ass you'd never see daylight LOL...

Yours in Winners

Pick for the Post: The easiest Kentucky Derby in years....UNCLE MO in a ROMP!!!

Nov 11, 2007
First of all, Michaels does NOT do all of the tapes their is a new guy and have been other guys right along the way doing one or both extensions-I call every day-I should know-get your facts straight!
You are also COMPLETELY WRONG about the assertion that they recap their comps(which are actual plays)-it is the norm rather than the exception to say how the comps. did the day before especially if they lost-if one wins and one loses, they talk about the one that won and thats it.
Also, as I have shown/proven at the other forum, they have buried clients with these basketball/baseball comps. for three years-did you ever hear them mention/hint that the comps. have not been doing well and/or for folks to take it easy with them? lol
Yes they recap how the five stars of the NC Cappers did most of the time, but are deceptive in that too-eg. today SPRITEzer,who they raved about yesterday, went 0-5 on Sunday and they buried the 0-5 on ext. 6 where no comp. is given knowing full well that hardly anyone will go to that extension.
To say that NC is unbelieveably honest is a complete fabrication with the guys doing the comp lines. at least with the comps.
As said yesterday I have maintained a comp. line thread for football and baseball/basketball for over five years and an actual football plays thread also at atstalk and have followed them since they came into business-I know these guys inside out and how they operate.
If you think spinning, omitting, deceiving, using favorable time frames to recount their record, etc. is being honest, then well you have a different definition as to what the word honesty means than do I.
ps No one ever said their big plays ahven't done well, and I usually play them and always play the Early Bird Play, which is one of the best things that they put out.
We are talking their deceptive marketing here, no more and no less.

New member
Feb 27, 2011
If you are claiming they don't recap how their community line handicappers do the preceding day, you are not being honest. Do they recap every pick? no. Do they recap lots including the losers? Yes.

For the life of me I don't know why people can't admit Northcoast is way more upfront than any of the other services. I never hear any of the others recapping their losses. I compare Northcoast to a liar like Donn Wagner who simply makes up records on his community line.

Or Jim Feist who is affiliated with total liars like Spreitzer and Dave Cokin.

Or the Lang and Feiner gangs.

Where Northcoast IS dishonest is in the stupid claim about being a football only service when Ralph Michaels runs Cal Sports.

On the other point about being upfront, in their newsletter they print the season percentages for all newsletters---competitors and themselves. Power Sweep is almost always at the bottom!! Yet they print this. This proves my point about NC being poor on day to day picks yet being way more upfront about their record than almost anybody else.

I buy Northcoast's service and use their community line. I know what I'm getting: useless day in, day out picks, a decent newsletter, a decent community line, and golden 4* and platinum 5* plays. Using them this way has made me a lot of money.

They do engage in b-s, like the football only stuff, and their shielding of Steele is comically dishonest. But they are more upfront about losing picks than any service I am aware of EVER.

New member
Jan 16, 2008
northcoast sucks!!! so does their 5*s..he sucks big time in college and does better in the nfl...keep paying him and keep playing his plays and you will go broke!!

New member
Jan 16, 2008
and the services in hoop absolutly suck ass on all stars they put out,and savage does a great job at exposing them

New member
Feb 27, 2011
northcoast sucks!!! so does their 5*s..he sucks big time in college and does better in the nfl...keep paying him and keep playing his plays and you will go broke!!

I'm willingto bet you don't know their 5* record this past year, do you?

Or last year, or the year before?

If you did you wouldn't make such an ignorant comment.

They even list them all in their newsletter and I've never EVER seen one that was fudged. As for your college-NFL comment, they weren't very good at either this past year. Their college totals were excellent and the 5*'s were, as usual, spectacular. They were 6-2 on 5* plays and and 2-0 on 4 1/2* plays. Again, these are facts, not emotional gibberish.

Nov 11, 2007
If you are claiming they don't recap how their community line handicappers do the preceding day, you are not being honest. Do they recap every pick? no. Do they recap lots including the losers? Yes.

For the life of me I don't know why people can't admit Northcoast is way more upfront than any of the other services. I never hear any of the others recapping their losses. I compare Northcoast to a liar like Donn Wagner who simply makes up records on his community line.

Or Jim Feist who is affiliated with total liars like Spreitzer and Dave Cokin.

Or the Lang and Feiner gangs.

Where Northcoast IS dishonest is in the stupid claim about being a football only service when Ralph Michaels runs Cal Sports.

On the other point about being upfront, in their newsletter they print the season percentages for all newsletters---competitors and themselves. Power Sweep is almost always at the bottom!! Yet they print this. This proves my point about NC being poor on day to day picks yet being way more upfront about their record than almost anybody else.

I buy Northcoast's service and use their community line. I know what I'm getting: useless day in, day out picks, a decent newsletter, a decent community line, and golden 4* and platinum 5* plays. Using them this way has made me a lot of money.

They do engage in b-s, like the football only stuff, and their shielding of Steele is comically dishonest. But they are more upfront about losing picks than any service I am aware of EVER.

As I stated a zillion times last night, I am talking about the NC Community Cappers and the comp. line record, which is important because the comps. are actual plays and thus from a statistical point of view VERY important because they reflect how the cappers are doing and have been doing as a conglomerate.
Therefore, when they don't say how the comps. did the day before(and they DON'T and haven't been recounting the losses this season and hardly ever over the last few years), people don't know how they are doing.
Instead they tell us of a few cappers who have been winning over a short term and thus give a totally FALSE impression of how the cappers have been doing as a whole.
Then when one of the capper loses who has been doing well, they push him over to ext. 6 so that no one will know about i like they did with Spritezeer yesterday(no comps-thus very few folks will listen), and then talk about some other capper who has been doing well of late and start all over again
As far as your assertion about being more honest than other services, that is not quite true either.
Here is why:
The folks like Feiner, etc. who boast 80% winning percentages and have zillion star locks, etc. going all the time are obvious to anyone with an iq iover 40.
NC is sneaky as I have shown especially with the NC Cappers in this instance.
To one unfamiliar with their ways, one always comes away with the impression that everything is rosy and that all is fine and well with the cappers and that they all WIN over time.
Of course nothing could be further from the truth, and that is where folks like me come in to dig and show the REAL truth about their records and advertising.
Do you think 21 games under 500 is good for a basketball/baseball comp. line and/or that people playing these comps.(again actual plays) have lost close to 90K over the last three years at $1000 a pop or 9K at $100 a pop speaks well for the NC Cappers?
Yet if I hadn't gone to the trouble to document all of this, then virtually no one would know the truth and would simply assume that NC is always winning as this is what the guys who the comp. line always try to project at least over time.
If you consider that truth in advertising, well we will have to agree to disagree.
ps their 5* record over the last few weeks has been horrendous, and even though the losses are usually recounted, they are usually swept udner the record by coming up with the stated cappers allegedly favorable record over time using of course time frames which suit them but in most cases which are quite deceptive also.
The fact is that the comps/actual plays have buried folks for three years, which is indicative of how one would have done playing the other paid picks(actualy worse as there are a lot more plays besides the comps.)
NC never has given an inkling of this-therefore all things considered, imo they are deceptive and just tell selective truths.

Nov 11, 2007
As I didn't realize that this thread was still open, I added some comments earlier today in the Tuesday chatter section to further advance my case.

Nov 11, 2007
Here is what I said at the other forum regarding the manner in which NC operates re: the basketball/baseball comp. line.
Please feel free to add and/or dispute what I said:

Since California Sports had a bad day yesterday, they may be temporarily banished to and their record recounted on ext.6, the ext,. no one calls because there are no comps. on it.
Then again, they may not because this is Ralphie's baby and they may just simply try to hide the record on one of the regular extensions and/or spin it and tell us how wonderful CS is in spite of yesterday.
I will say it one more time-the reason that you won't win with any of the NC Cappers over time is 1) because of the truly horrible comp. record over the the last three years which is representative of how they do overall as these are actual plays.
2) the fact that they brag about a capper's or cappers' short term record AFTER the fact-that is they backload the records.
What this means is that unless you were with the said capper DURING the little winning streak, the odds are against you if you jump in after the streak has already begun.
Remember none of these guys hit much more than in the low 50% over time.
This means in essence that while it is still possible to make money with one of these LOSERS over the short term even if you hand't been playing the games in the already announced/back loaded streak, it is quite likely that the worm will turn soon and they will start losing as they customarily do.
And also just remember when one or more of these guys who have been hot have a bad day or two, they are usually banished to ext. 6 , knowing full well that virtually no one will listen to that extension as there are no comps. over there.
Then of course since there are around 20 cappers in all, Ralphie or the other charlatan who does the comp. lines will simply look through the list of other cappers to find another cappers or cappers who had a good record over some carefully selected time frame and the process will start all over again-with twenty cappers at their disposal, it really isn't difficult to find one or two guys who have been winning over the short term and brag about them even though over a larger time frame they have done poorly.
Phil and his crew of co-conspirators have this down to a science, but sadly there are still many who fall for his deception, illusions and trickery.​

Nov 11, 2007
Here is today's lesson on why NC's advertising is crock of shit, and why you are destined to lose if you buy into it.
Obviously the most important reason is that the comps., which are actual plays, have annihilated folks for the last three years to tune of over 85K-this is a microcosm of how the other plays have done using statistical procedures.
Lets look at it one other way today using an example out of NC's playbook.
On a typical day Ralphie or the other flunkie might say something like this:
"Going back over the last five days California Sports has gone 8-2 with its 4 star college basketball plays picking up 23.2 units."
Now here's the rub:
First of all, that is backloaded after the fact and using a favorable time frame over the last five days to try to make CS look very good.
Obviously, they didn't tell you how they did with the 4* college basketball picks PRIOR to ther last five days for obvious reasons-they didn't fare as well and/or lost.
Also, in this type of advertising there is no mention of how California Sports did during the five days with its 3* or 2* picks also for obvious reasons.
In addition there is no mention of how the NBA did overall with its 4* or with all of its plays over the time frame for the five days.
Conclusion-according to the way this type of ad is presented retrospectively, someone was supposed to know that exactly five days ago he was supposed to jump in and buy California Sports picks BUT to play ONLY the 4*s in college basketball and nothing else.
Prior to this time he was supposed to be sharp enough to know that he was NOT supposed to be playing CS's picks but those of some other service on the Community Line who happened to be hot at the time.
Looking ahead, the broad assumption is that because the 4*'s of CS have been hot, that existing customers who were in when the streak began should continue to play these 4*'s if they win and should know in advance if the lesser 2* or 3* are going to win as well as the NBA and then play accordingly.
For both new prospective customers and current customers of CS listening to the ad, they should also consider that since they are supposed to know in advance if CS will continue to win and with which sets of plays as well as all of the other NC Community Cappers, they should choose the way which is going to do the best over the next time frame of whichever one Ralphie or the other guy chooses to tell us about after the fact.
If above sound like double talk, sorry, I am only trying to clarify the bullshit and said double talk put out each day by the the folks who do the comp. lines.
I will tell you what is NOT double talk and quite clear-namely that Northcoast is deceptive in the way they advertise and the manner in which they try to pull the wool over the eyes of everyone by blowing smoke up the ass of all who listen to the guys.​

Nov 11, 2007
One thing I haven' t alluded too much is how NC spins/tries to minimize the poor performance of the 5*s of late.
By my count, the 5*s/GOM's/GOY's have done VERY poorly over the last three or four weeks hitting at 25% to maybe 30% at best.
Yet on the comp. the folks doing the comps. briefly mention the losses on these or in many cases conveniently move the capper in question over to ext.6 (which virtually no one listens to because there is no comp. and most people know that the cappers who have been LOSING of late, which is usually the majority of cappers, are "featured" over there) to minimize the damage.
It is interesting but not surprising that Ralphie and the novice have no trouble telling us about the Week of the Feature(ie pulling out some selective facts and selective ratings about some selective cappers and spinning out so that the cappers mentioned appear to be doing great), but yet the most important plays, the 5*s, which by anyone's standards have been a disaster of late, are not even alluded to-apparently this is what NC considers fair and balanced reporting.​

Nov 11, 2007
Here are some updated and documented/verified figures for the NC Community Cappers:
Going into today their record for the season is 164-185-5 or at $1000 a play($1100 for a loss), or MINUS $39500($3950).
Going back to the start of the 2008/2009 season the comps. are down whopping $96100($9610).
That means you would need 96 consecutive winners with the comps. just to break even.
These figures are not made up and are documented at another forum(can't divulge it).
I have challenged NC and Phil Steele on several occasions with up to a $100K to prove these figures wrong-of course I never heard from them.
What is significant is that these comps. are not just comps. but actual plays from the various cappers who comprise the NC Community Cappers.
In essence, what this means is thst sicne the statistical size sample of thes comps. is very large, above figures give you a pretty good idea as to how you would be doing had you used the NC Cappers over that time on some kind of a switching basis.
In fact you would be down a low more than the above figures show because remember the comps. give out each day are just one pick form the various cappers, whereas on a give day most services have from 3-5 regular plays on a given day-this means in effect that if you had jumped around from capper to capper during the last three years either on your own or based on who the lying scum NC tells you as to which cappers are hot(more times than not, when they tell you so and so has been hot for the past few days, it is time to jump OFF them and NOT on them because just about all of them will put you deep into the minus column over time).
When you factor in the cost of payong these guys theoretically each day for the last three years, you would be buried beyond belief and probably deep in debt.
If you do decide to go woth one of these guys for a day or two and get lucky(obviously they do win sometimes), I say don't press your luck-it can and will be harmful to your wallet!

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