I wish people, especially conservatives, would actually look at this bill. Way more than bathrooms, which is just a smokescreen to distract people and rally up the base. The lack of protection this gives the lgbt community is outrageous, and to have a bill written like this in 2016 in the US is almost unbelievable. The lack of common sense certain conservatives are capable of really hurts the party, but hopefully we are starting to see a shift away from this nonsense after the rnc last night. Honestly the gop would win almost every election if they would get away from the bible thumping and ultra conservative views. It's 2016.
And I'm saying this as a person who's never voted for a dem.
I agree w/ this comment. I've been saying it for years. The abortion and gay rights issues alone would put the GOP over the top....but the leadership in the GOP just can't let it go. Like you said, "it's 2016"!!
As far as the transgender thing goes.....I'm tired of it (and it's only been in the spotlight now for less than a year or so). Anyone that thinks a man - who thinks he's a woman - should be allowed to participate in woman's sports, and essentially behave like a woman....and we should all just sit back and accept it as if there is absolutely nothing wrong with it...well, you're nuts. There has to be a line drawn. There is nothing that says we have to accept alternative lifestyles such as this. We don't have to sit back and allow bill after bill to be passed so these smallest of groups feels they are "equal".
The reason Trump has risen as far as he has is people are sick of the Left ramming everything THEY think is wrong with our country and society down our throats. The smallest of minority groups are gaining more rights than the overwhelming majority.
A transgender using a restroom I have no problem with....because most of us don't know they are transgender. What this is about is the RAMMING down our throats that we are to accept anything and everything the Left tells us we need to accept. And God forbid we "offend" one of them.....