Cruise I got the hookup on this 1
There is a site out there that has better feed than LP with no blackouts, HD quality and 1/3rd the price
If you got this in your sports betting den pretty sure even Rick would have so much respect for the domain you've created that he would be forced to tone down the threats and just dirty bulk with you in peace.
cruise i got the hookup on this 1
there is a site out there that has better feed than lp with no blackouts, hd quality and 1/3rd the price
if you got this in your sports betting den pretty sure even rick would have so much respect for the domain you've created that he would be forced to tone down the threats and just dirty bulk with you in peace.
You might as well not have a man cave if you don't have NBA LP.
Only thing they blackout is the local stuff you can see on other channels anyway
Unless you're me where i'm on the edge of 2 markets for DTV purposes and gives me South Bend instead of Chicago, even though i'm blacked out for being too close to Chicago. Wipes out 20 Bulls games as I can't get the opponent's feed.