Blame the former owner. He knew he was selling the team to someone who probably would move it. He's drinking his Starbuck's not giving a crap about Seattle or it's fans. He could have waited for someone local to step up and buy the team.
If you own a business who is anybody else to come in and tell what you can or can't do with it?
First and foremost I blame David Stern. He is a big giant steaming pile of dogshit. Then I blame Bennett who at the start claimed he would try to keep the team in Seattle only to have emails pop up soon after explaining how the team was Oklahoma City bound (he's a bold faced fucking liar and probably plays poker with Journeyman and 5-Star).
Then I blame the city of Seattle for being the most spindless public servants known to man. Rumors were everywhere the judge was going to rule in favor of the city and keep the Sonics in Seattle for two more years and then possibly something could've been worked out to keep them in Seattle. Our politicians took the money and lost all pride and respect and for that won't get reelected.
Then I blame the worthless Howard Schultz. Can't even keep his businesses open let alone run an NBA franchise.
And who's left? Yeah, the fans.
Please call them the Oklahoma City We Don't Give a Fucks