7:00 pm EST
I was able to get a brief interview wih The Shrink this evening....As most sunday nights around 7 pm go, THE SHRINK CEO of ThePrescription.com was counting his money from a profitable day of wagering... 4-0 days are nothing new to the man, but on this evening he also mentioned to me that there would be headlines tomorrow morning....What exactly those headlines are he would not say.....
Was it the rumored meeting he had earlier this week with Rupert Murdoch? "NO" he said as he counted his winning day once more....I couldn`t get a word about what the news is, but he assured me everyone would know tomorrow.... I asked him his opinion on the rumor that Major Wager was for sale.... he told me The Majors site was worth peanuts at most 50K maybe. He also reitterated again he is NOT Aristotle, as a few of his detractors have tried to claim,lol...
What could the news be, inquiring minds want to know?
I was able to get a brief interview wih The Shrink this evening....As most sunday nights around 7 pm go, THE SHRINK CEO of ThePrescription.com was counting his money from a profitable day of wagering... 4-0 days are nothing new to the man, but on this evening he also mentioned to me that there would be headlines tomorrow morning....What exactly those headlines are he would not say.....
Was it the rumored meeting he had earlier this week with Rupert Murdoch? "NO" he said as he counted his winning day once more....I couldn`t get a word about what the news is, but he assured me everyone would know tomorrow.... I asked him his opinion on the rumor that Major Wager was for sale.... he told me The Majors site was worth peanuts at most 50K maybe. He also reitterated again he is NOT Aristotle, as a few of his detractors have tried to claim,lol...
What could the news be, inquiring minds want to know?