Journey....Good luck on your Big Play...I am not yet decided on whether or not I am playing this one...but, nonetheless, I give credit to anyone who has the balls to post a play that they feel so strongly about, whether I agree on it or not isnt the issue...and thus, I try to share with anyone who has a Big play some well I remember that your battles are with the Man(the enemy) and not with us....So with that said, GO KICK HIS ASS!
BTW, you have Phil Steele on your side as this is his 3* Play in his newsletter, I was told...and he feels that Purdue is overrated...Not sure if it helps or hurts you in your eyes hearing this, but many people here seem to like him, eventhough he is struggling a bit with his plays...He states that he has been siding with the Irish, for three straight weeks, and they came through for him with three staight star rated winners, including last weeks 38-3 blowout over UW...and will be riding them again this week vs what he feels is an overrated Purdue team...In my opinion, when someone has been releasing plays on a particular team, on a regular basis, and finding a lot of success with them....It tells me for one, that this person may have a good feel and may know more about a particular team then everyone else....Or two, this person knows a lot about a particular team and he is able to handicap their matchups very accurately vs the number and opponents they are facing...Phil may know something when it comes to ND.
Most people are not this informed on a particular team or on any team for that matter, but it doesnt stop them from making comments like this team is overrated or they suck...Then they make the mistake of taking their belief and statements and using it to go against and sway their opinions on this team, thus backing the other side and doing this no matter who their opponents are...Now that is not smart...Just last night in my BIG GAME PLAYS thread someone stated that UCONN was overrated and sucks and that is why they would lose...I dont even think they read my indepth Write-Up on why I am siding with UCONN, cause if they did, they would of seen me back up why I feel this is a perfect situation for them and a perfect opponent they are playing, which gives them a big advantage in that game, Overrated or not...Sometimes it is the situation a team is in and not the teams overall value compared to their opponents that turns out to be the deciding factor in them winning...Underdogs usually wins a lot in these situations, especially the dangerous home dogs...not to mention also, dangerous home dogs playing with Revenge...
ND is in similar situations in this game which may give them the edge....very interesting....Here is a bit of information I read about these two teams past games outcomes....This maybe not what those backing Purdue may want to hear....but it is what happened....
The team that has dominated statistically has LOST the last 4 games both SU and ATS...
Last year Purdue won at home eventhough their potent Offense was outgained by ND 346 yards to their 223 total yards..and out FD 18-13...Two years ago, ND won at home without scoring an offensive TD and being outgained by Purdue 318 total yards to their 203 total yards...and also being out FD 15-11....Both games WON by the home team as well...go figure?
-One interesting difference in the last two games between these two, compared to this years game, was that the vistor coming in was the UNDERDOG...whereas in this one, the visitor is the FAVORITE...Hmmm, even more interesting.
Anyways, like I said, I will give credit to anyone who puts out a big play and shares his reasoning on it with all of us...Best of luck again on your BIG PLAY! ...ALOHA CC.