this thread needs some wisdom from
You need to learn that the Cubs, Redsox, Yankees, and Angels are all overrated trash. And that the Japan national team would beat the living piss out of all of these teams. ESpn trys to shove these teams down our throats, but the truth of the matter is these teams suck. The only thing these teams have going for them is that they are popular which means the umpires will kiss there ass, other than that they arent worth jack squat.
Humans are pathetic little sheep. They need some hero to look up too. The key is to not be that little sheep that the international bankers want you to be. Thats is why I am about to go on a uge run, because I have clapped down and have gone back to oragnic. What does oragnaic mean? IT means a BIG FU to the USA, to the MEDIA, and to the SHEEP of this world who follow the bankers and let the goverments lies dictate there thinking.