Movie Review Thread: It aint celebrity nudes, but

Perhaps it has life.

I rented a very solid movie tonight and wanted to share it.
Igby goes down-
This movie has a great edge and I highly recommend it. A bit in the spirit of royal tennenbaums, starring Susan sarandon, ryan phillipe, claire danes (where did her rack go?)
Jeff goldblum, amanda peet and Bill pulman. Also with Kieran culkin, who does a stand up job and is pretty talented.

Anyway, I have many more favorites, perhaps we should post recommendations. See how it goes. Let me know if you have seen this what you think. When it was in theatres I did not hear much about it.

The RX Rules
dog, that's a great idea to post movie reviews down here. One of my all time faves is Eating Raoul. I will rent this flick that u mention next week and post my impression of it.

Snake Picks
hammy, i just checked the snake's website and noticed that he is down a lot of units since becoming tout.

most of his + units came before he started the service.

everything after that is very miserable.

i can already see him losing money in baseball this season.
Haven't seen it, but, i have heard a lot of good reviews about it.

Last few i saw, i liked quite a bit.

I have been checking out flicks i missed the last ten-15 years, losts of good stuff, especailly some of the smaller flicks.

Last few new ones i saw were The Bourne Identity, loved it. Better than i ever imagined.
I hate all the computerized special effects they use now, and this one had none.

One flick i found, that i read about at another site, was Donnie Darko, i know most people probably won't like it, but, with the camera work, acting, and the perfect casting, it made the eerie, dark world of this kid, who may or may not be schitsophrenic really hard not to watch.

I have seen it twice now, and will probably watch again soon enough.

Music was incredible too, especially at the end of the movie.

'Sad World', i think.

Donnie Darko Description and Review
Good idea for a thread Dogball!

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
I also like the idea. If someone doesn't like a recommended movie that should be posted too. This way a person can tell which posters they have similar tastes to. It sure would save a lot of time renting movies. I hate wasting 2 hours on a bad movie.
By the way, i loved The Royal Tennenbaums.

dogball , i am guessing you liked 'Election'?

Funny damn movie.

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
Ham- I am clearly going to take your recommendation and rent eating raoul, I will let you know what I think. Hope all is well with you, dont see you around as much.

Uncle- I saw darko a few weeks ago and loved it as well. Definite recommendation. It is a bit off the wall, but thats what we are probably looking for in this type of thread. I bet you like Igby if you like darko. Hope all is well with you Uncle B

Raiders- Looks like we might have a good idea here. Keep up the winners and good luck. Bases is around the corner


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THE RECRUIT!!!!!!!!!

Go see it! Pacino is awesome in it and it's got a lot of twists and turns.

Rating: 5 stars out of 5 stars
Max, was wondering if that would be good or not.
Hard to see Pacino do anything too bad, but, from what i saw in trailers, it almost came off as being somewhat of a retread.

Don't they even have the final "showdown" in an 'abandoned warehouse'?

Either way, i'll give it a shot , let you know what i think.

I do like Pacino a lot, and the new kid seems to be on a roll with his flicks.

"A stupid man's report of what a clever man says is never accurate because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something he can understand."
Uncle B,

If you don't enjoy it I'll refund you the price of admission ( but not the popcorn ). I just felt it was a very entertaining flick and well worth watching.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i would highly recommend "The Touts"

starring the theerododfather as: Mr. Chase

co starring jake thompson as: The 19 year old pro

guest appearance by dogball: " i love you but gimmie your money sucka"

this show is comical don't miss it. i have laughed for over a year watching this same show over and over again.

Certifiably Crazy
posted 10-28-02 12:20 AM

no doubt you are the premier handicapper on this forum.
keep up the great work. and thanks.

stay hot

Posts: 438 | Registered: 06-15-02

The RX Rules

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i still stand by that statement,but note the date.

back in october, when you were one of the "guys".

now you want money for your opinion as a "tout".

still think you would be better off being the "dogball" of last year.

hope you win either way.

Fair Enough
I am to sensitive but I tell you one thing, I am very fair with my people. Check the forums bc i post regularly still Bonus Plays and will in bases as well
Good luck to you

The RX Rules
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by slugster:
i would highly recommend "The Touts"

starring the theerododfather as: Mr. Chase

co starring jake thompson as: The 19 year old pro

guest appearance by dogball: " i love you but gimmie your money sucka"

this show is comical don't miss it. i have laughed for over a year watching this same show over and over again.



Slugster - they come in one after another year after year. Who knows how many user names they had before they finally have a good season. Plus most of the time they are monitoring themselves if you know what I mean. Let me keep my own record, play with monopoly money and press whenever I needed to I would never lose. We lost last night? Let's go to 150 units today men. Yes I'm 2-7 but up 3458 units, + $4582. The bad part is that will fool some people into sending them money. LOL.

Also the funniest is when they swear they had no intention of being a tout when they arrived. "I came just to help people out but when I started winning people asked me to start selling my plays!! LOL. Yeah okay.....

Almost comical some of these people.
Slugter-That was funny LMAO
Irish- Come on in the the Best of the RR if you feel like giving a pick out or some insight.
Dog- Good luck. Baseball's getting closer by the day.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
nice to hear from you.

you just have to laugh at this stuff, and hope that we are helping the younger, less experienced posters become aware of the con artists.

fraudfather take the cake though. last college bb season he keeps doubling up at the end until he finally hits a game, and then proclaims "i have never lost in any sport". truly comical.
he replies to posters with some kind words, and they send him money for absolutely nothing but BS.

if i didn't know any better, i wouls swear he is a "used car salesman".

talk to you soon patrick.

I have never posted a play here or anywhere under any other name.
I have never had a separate ID to post to any of my threads.
I had no intentions of ever making a side business out of selling my picks. It was my decision alone to make the transition though.
So tough for you to believe all this? Usually cynics like that are the biggest liars themselves. Why else would they have such a mistrust of everyone else.
Pat- I am not going to get into a war of words with you, you have taken 2- 3 shots at me in the last several days alone that I have ignored. I dont have the time or inclination to get into the labarious chore of responding to your long and often valuable threads. I am just setting the record straight as it pertains to your comments indirectly aimed at me above.
No movies to recommend?

The RX Rules

New member
Sep 21, 2004
this is just an obsevation.

based on your comments here and in other threads, you are a sensitive person who if affected by critics and people who question your motives.

this is not a good fit for the whores world of asking people to pay for sports picks, also known as "touting".

if a few mild darts in the rubber room has you flustered, how will you react when your advice causes someone to lose there mortgage money and the "client" wants to do harm to you because his wife and kids just left him.

an old pro on the senior tour once told me "if you can shoot in the 70's on your home course in a foursome, you would not break a hundred under this pressure kid, go back to school".

dogball, i really think you are doing the wrong thing and crossing the line into a world of cons, whores, and pimps.

remember, fraudfather is already a con and doesn't care about people.

jake thompson is just a kid who hit a few baseball picks for ONE season. he only has 2 or 3 retards at the most calling him.

dogball, the slugster knows more than the name implies. trying to help you dog. you don't need this.

There is also a lot of good I can do by helping people pace themselves and bet within there selves. I am sesnitive about some of this stuff, bc I do not like my integrity questioned unfairly. I am clear and honest with all my clients and let me say this- NOt once, even on two very bad days I have had has anyone complained once to me. I am thick skinned enough to handle any critics but I like an even playing field. ANother words, I will be responsible for my actions but do not like to be grouped in with people or things I am not responsible for.
I will say this, I am a little surprised by the fact that several people have looked for a bail out or seem to be betting above there means or from trouble. I have simply told them I can not help them. Slug, that is a serious problem and I feel very bad for anyone in that situation. I am clear on my website that I cannot always win, I specifically tell people dont join if you cant accept this. I know there are people with problems, but I do not fell responsible for them. I look at myself as an investment counselor for sports and conduct myself with genuine integrity off this site as well. I think it is working well so far and will keep everyone informed. I appreciate your comments and the time you took to prepare them. Also , what I dont advertise and what I have never said here, is that I have effectively made it a pay only if you win situation. True, people must pay first to join- I am not saying I will always do that, but I really have been very fair and only plan on taking money If I earn it. I was profitable for NFL playoffs

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