Most overrated college coach=IZZO, most underrated=Boeheim, most hypocritical=K


New member
Feb 13, 2007
Seriously, the last 10-15 years, Izzo’s MS teams always sexy pick to win get knocked out early. Boeheim squeaks in with mediocre talent and takes teams further. IZZO has no idea how to play vs zone. Basicallly a dick vitale
motivator type. X’s and O’s forget it.

And as as far as the guy who changes tune to suit himself more than anyone, coach K. One and done shit is bad enough. But his treatment and outright lying with that Oregon guard a few years ago...what a chump.

Sep 17, 2010
I think Izzo does well, flopped this year, sure. And Boeheim is a great coach, that zone is awesome and he recruits quick long players to implement it.

What are you talking about with K? He is top notch.

Sure he had to adapt to the sorry state that NCAA hoops is in and go with one and done players. Adapt or die. So what?

And tell us about "that Oregon guard". What...?

Mar 5, 2009
Boeheim has 1 Chip in 40 years....and it took the best player in the country to get it for him.

Just saying, not hating.

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Mich st has some terrible early exits since winning back in 02 or whatever.

Boeheim has taken bubble teams/poorly seeded teams further than anyone expected the last 5-10 years.

and don’t get me started on K. He was a total class act when he started but last 15 years, he is a piece of crap. He totally killed Calapari for “ruining” college basketball for one and done and now he does it almost as bad. Secondly, his holier than thou attitude when he attacks opposing fan bases when his has been caught saying some of the most inappropriate stuff ever (borderline racist and definitely inappropriate). Defending prick Grayson Allen who is the poorest example of an entitled duke athlete ever, tripping people and throwing fits and not disciplining him at all. And if you dknmt know he Oregon guard story, you must really have your head up his ass. He totally showed him up and “sonned” him when Oregon had the nerve to beat mighty duke a couple years ago in the tournament and he had the audacity to show some youthful emotion. On top of it, he outright lies in what was said and was caught but still couldn’t be an adult and accept responsibility, saying he ”forgot.” Not to mention, they get over seeded every year and get ideal locations and still have lost to Vcu (before they were good), Lehigh, and Mercer. But he can do no wrong. I used to to like the guy but he is disingenuous and an egomaniac now. Also don’t forget his back hurts every time the team underachieves. Need I say more...

New member
Feb 13, 2007
And yes, he was a great coach and titles speak for themselves but he is a shell of his former self.

Mar 31, 2008
I think Izzo does well, flopped this year, sure. And Boeheim is a great coach, that zone is awesome and he recruits quick long players to implement it.

What are you talking about with K? He is top notch.

Sure he had to adapt to the sorry state that NCAA hoops is in and go with one and done players. Adapt or die. So what?

And tell us about "that Oregon guard". What...?

A big second, "The sorry state NCAA hoops is {in}"; College basketball today is now a "contact sport" with the players lacking shoulder, hip and knee pads. A screen at the high post to set-up the 3 point shot; If that fails, a "slant into the middle of the defensive line" hoping to draw the blocking call.
So predicable....Move the 3 point arc back where it belongs (i.e. the NBA) and start calling charging a fouls again. I'm surprised more players are not carried off the floor on stretchers..........Traveling, palming the ball, double dribbling, offensive picks, holding, remember those violation? "Play Ground basketball" is alive and well; Yes indeed, "White Men Can't Jump".

Sep 5, 2005
I think you are right on for all three calls. For two different years, including this one, I thought Syracuse being in the tournament was a travesty and both times they got through the first weekend. Izzo and Miller at AZ are each incapable of making impactful in-game adjustments. Coach K has evolved into a jerk...just watch his sideline antics which would be highly criticized if it were anyone else.

Sep 6, 2014
all 3 were xlent. coaches win close games-team wins or looses. coach cant shoot.

New member
Apr 7, 2016
I think you are right on for all three calls. For two different years, including this one, I thought Syracuse being in the tournament was a travesty and both times they got through the first weekend. Izzo and Miller at AZ are each incapable of making impactful in-game adjustments. Coach K has evolved into a jerk...just watch his sideline antics which would be highly criticized if it were anyone else.
syracuse gets wins against teams that have not played against their zone defense- will lose next game against duke- duke knows that defense

Sep 17, 2010
and don’t get me started on K. He was a total class act when he started but last 15 years, he is a piece of crap. He totally killed Calapari for “ruining” college basketball for one and done and now he does it almost as bad. Secondly, his holier than thou attitude when he attacks opposing fan bases when his has been caught saying some of the most inapproprtiate stuff ever (borderline racist and definitely inappropriate). Defending prick Grayson Allen who is the poorest example of an entitled duke athlete ever, tripping people and throwing fits and not disciplining him at all. And if you dknmt know he Oregon guard story, you must really have your head up his ass. He totally showed him up and “sonned” him when Oregon had the nerve to beat mighty duke a couple years ago in the tournament and he had the audacity to show some youthful emotion. On top of it, he outright lies in what was said and was caught but still couldn’t be an adult and accept responsibility, saying he ”forgot.” Not to mention, they get over seeded every year and get ideal locations and still have lost to Vcu (before they were good), Lehigh, and Mercer. But he can do no wrong. I used to to like the guy but he is disingenuous and an egomaniac now. Also don’t forget his back hurts every time the team underachieves. Need I say more...

You are obviously a sore loser type. This is juvenile level nonsense.
Your kid couldn’t get into Duke? Or what?

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Actually jack ass, I got into Duke (went to wake bc I got a better scholarship) and my kid is getting a 75% ride to college based on her being second in her class, scoring 1380 on her Sat, and being a nationally ranked soccer player so keep the the “juvenile,” “sore loser” resorting to personal insults yourself. That’s what happens with people like you that can’t make a good’re just a mindless parrot and ask kissers who worships ESPN idols without ever taking in any deeper look into what kind of people some of these guys actually are. Your reply was predictable as you don’t come up with any defense but just name calling. Boohoo, somebody took a shot at my favorite coach. Waaaaa.

Sep 5, 2005
ESPN has a stable of coaches (of course all located on the east coast), who they continue to prop up, praise and usually employ. With that, they conveniently forget scandals (Pittino, Bruce Pearl, even Valvano and others) and coaching incompetence (Vitale, Fraschilla, Greenberg). Just pay attention to comments regarding coaches in that protected group versus those on the outside. Traits of the protected group...white, ethnic, east coast based and willing to kiss ESPN's ass.

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Hey Azbob. You’re just jealous and juvenile. Those guys are saints. They are perfect and can’t do anything wrong.. just listen to Espn’s duke round table of “analysts”: Smartest man in world Bilas, ingrate jay Williams who wanted final four athletes to walk out to prove a point even though
he is making a great living based on his time/connections at duke, duke Vitale, etc etc. Coach K is a saint. Never done anything wrong. Roy either other than unc running a complete fake academic department to facilitate athletes getting grades. Such a joke. God knows a mid major or African American coach would be annihilated for half this crap.

Sep 17, 2010
Ah. That makes sense, a Wake Forest ACC Conference guy watching Duke dominate for decades, tough to take I would guess.
I am in the Midwest, certainly not a Duke fan, I just despise any who completely smear a good coach and a good man with flimsy anecdotal misleading dirt.
AND I despise ESPN the last few years, they have gone way too far with their constant sickening social justice narrative.

New member
Nov 24, 2014
You nailed it with your comment about ESPN and their social justice. They and the media in this country are a complete joke. What makes it even worse is that many people watch ESPN and believe the garbage they are spewing.

Scott Van Pelt is making statements in air regarding politics. He is a complete jerk and when he is on ESPN I change the channel.

New member
Feb 13, 2007
Serbone, I agree with your ESPN Sjw BS. And coach K WAS a great guy and is still a good coach. Let’s get over the “smearing” a good man. The man is Teflon and catch is absolutely no grief for some of the shit he pulls and that is all I am pointing out. Calling someone a hypocrite is not exactly smearing him as it’s not like I said he was a child molester or cheater or awful human being. But not suspending Allen was the epitome of hypocritical as was his comments towards Cal when he has done the exact same thing. But the worst was his dressing down a kid who was happy to hit a big shot in a win over almighty duke and then outright LYING about it making the kid look bad. That is a low class shit move. Nothing you say will change that. He never took responsibility. And I am not jealous or bitter towards duke. I finished my undergrad at Clemson and actually do admittedly HATE Tobacco Road after what the wine and cheese crowd did to g tech and Clemson for minor infractions while doing nothing to Unc for grievous actions. Our sports program is infinitely more successful than piss ant duke over the last 5-10 years when you consider football, baseball, soccer, hoops, golf, etc. But my main point is Brad Brownell has more class in his little finger than this old version of coach rat errr k. He is a hall of fame coach and has done a million great things I am sure but he is devolving into a megolamaniac that thinks he is above reproach. Just not true.

Jul 4, 2012
Mich st has some terrible early exits since winning back in 02 or whatever.

Michigan State won the title in 2000 and were in the Final 4 in 1999.
Since then, they've been in the Final 4 in:

2009 (lost to UNC in final)

Izzo is tied for 8th for all-time tournament wins and only Coach K (12) and Roy Williams (9) have more Final 4 appearances.

That isn't "overrated" by any stretch.

Dec 16, 2008
Coach K and Boeheim are both scum balls. A Baylor player murdered a teammate. Big cover up. A big mess. One of the young assistant's recorded the HC instructing his staff on the cover up. I assume you all know the story. Anyway, Coach K and Boeheim have lots of influence in the industry and they engineered a coaching blackballing of the young assistant who blew the whistle on the scandal. There is no respect from me for those 2 "legends". The assistant never coached again. Thanks to those 2.

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