I have heard that isn't the case Chuck. Its not a spending bill, its not a policy bill that even remotely ties into other things. With the Senate being relatively close in votes and so partisan, people will get pissed if their bill gets messed with by something like this that generally is something that passes along both sides of the floor. And they have about a year to get it passed so its not in rush mode at this time.
I think that Kyl is still in line to be faced with a decision. Either pass a "statement" which is a de-fanged bill with lots of carve outs or use a lot of political capital getting this passed. Since he is on the Armed Services Cmte its not likely he wants to use up his bullets on something that at the end of the day won't get him many votes, nor favors elsewhere. With all the military issues coming up he is going to save his favors for those is the guess. I am not saying it won't pass, but people on here are not reading what the bill says now and are not accepting the fact that there are still votes and accompanying changes to be made. The doom and gloom is misplaced, even as it stands now the bill will do little other than make a statement because its almost certain that banks won't be part of the process of denying these charges.