More Than 12 Killed By Gunman At Connecticut School....Can We Discuss Gun Control or Must We Still Wait On That?

Oct 30, 2006
Frank Conforti As a gun owner and a retired Police Officer with 27 years on the job I do understand the Red Flag Law. Most people however don't understand it . In most states that use this type of law does so by having a person evaluated by a professional because of some threats a person had made . Once the professional has evaluated the person and deemed that person to be a threat because of his/her actions officers go in front of a court and ask a judge for an order to remove the persons guns based on the circumstances surrounding the event and professional evaluation . If the Judge feels / agrees with the evidence they issue an order to remove the guns from the person in question . The person in question can legally fight to have their guns returned through the court system . As a responsible gun owner I have no issues with this program because I don't want any unstable person to have a firearm where they might hurt some innocent person (s) . REMEMBER folks most of the shootings that have caused this type of enforcement is because someone with mental issues hasa gun and made threats . These people are ruining it for all of us that own.carry guns legally . However I do believe there is a safer way to do this once an court order has been issued. Officers could wait till the person leaves the house and or confront them outside where in most cases they aren't in possession of a firearm. Remember the officers are dealing with someone that has been already deemed mentally unstable, I believe this would be a safer way for all involved . I never want to lose my guns either folks, but a few bad apples are ruining it for all of us law abiding gun owners .

Oct 30, 2006
Virginia gun rally live updates: Thousands gather near Capitol under heavy security
MSN News|46 minutes ago

Live updates from the massive gun rights rally outside the state capitol in Richmond, Va.

[h=2]Richmond Gun Rally: Thousands Of Gun Owners Converge On Virginia Capitol On MLK Day
NPR|1 hour ago

The Richmond gun rally is expected to draw a wide range of people, from staunch believers that the Second Amendment guarantees wide access to guns to religious leaders calling for peace. "This ...

[h=2]Militia Leaders Warn Virginia Gun Rally Could Get Violent
US News & World Report|5 hours ago

A pro-gun rally expected to draw thousands around Virginia's capitol building on Monday has authorities bracing for violence, but it also marks shifting battle lines in the U.S. gundebate.

[h=2]Virginia on high alert ahead of pro-gun rally
BBC News|6 hours ago

Thousands of people are expected to descend on the US city of Richmond, in Virginia, on Monday for a pro-gun rally that authoriti

Oct 30, 2006
Two young boys from Fort Carson, Colorado, were arrested and charged with a felony for playing with toy guns outside. The incident happened last July, but the parents of one of the boys are speaking out now that their son's record is expunged.
Ten-year-old Gavin Carpenter and his friend were playing a real-life version of the video game Fortnite using toy guns. While they were playing, they pointed the guns at cars as they passed by, pretending to shoot them.
"The toy bow was an orange Nerf bow. It didn't work. Nothing could shoot out of it. Nothing would come out of it. The weapon, well toy I had, had an orange tip. It was also broken and couldn't shoot anything out of it," Gavin told KXRM.
After pretending to shoot around ten cars, one of the motorists slammed on his brakes and started chasing after Gavin and his friend.
"He slammed his brakes and started reversing as fast as he could," Gavin said. "He came up and started getting very heated and was very mad. I was at the time, very scared."
The two boys ran to his friend's grandparents' house, where the motorist parked and called the police. Video recorded by the family's Ring doorbell camera showed the irate man screaming at somebody near the front door.
When the police arrived, they took Gavin and his friend away in handcuffs and charged them with Felony Menacing, a Class 5 felony. Gavin tried to explain they were just playing and did not mean to threaten or scare anybody.
His family tried to get the charges dropped, but the district attorney refused.
"It was just a hard no, that the District Attorney wasn't going to throw this out," Gavin's father Chris said. "That is when we moved into the diversion program."
Gavin had his record expunged after completing the program, which included community service.
"So if you run his name, nothing will show up, but he did have a Class Five Felony on there for at least half a year," Chris said.
Gavin's parents said the incident has shattered their son's trust in the police, and they are trying to build it back up.
"Were trying to establish now for the boys a few events to help build trust in law enforcement because it was shattered. We want them to not be scared and show that law enforcement is their friends, and they need to show them the proper respect," Chris said.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Nolte: How’s that Second Amendment Looking Now, Democrats?

How’s the Second Amendment looking now, pal — with your city on fire and the Democrat politicians you voted for refusing to do anything about it?

So let me see if I understand your pious way of looking at the world…

You own us MAGAtards by continuing to vote for the same Democrats who have overseen decades of destruction of pretty much every major American city. Granted, it didn’t take De Blasio decades… Just a few years, but you get my drift.

You own Fox News by continuing to support far-left media outlets like CNNLOL that encourage the very riots and Antifa terrorists that are right now burning your neighborhood.

You own the police by supporting the Antifa and Black Lives Matter marauders who are right now burning and looting your neighborhood.

You own the NRA by refusing to own any kind of firearm.

Do I have that right?

Did I check off all the ways in which you are owning your political enemies? Did I miss any of your awesome ownage? Did I click all the boxes of all self-righteous posturing in that Ownage-o-rama of yours?

Well, look at you now…

You’ve spent five nights huddled in your apartment praying to Gaia that the terrorists you support (to own the Orange Bad Man, natch) don’t come-a-knockin’ because you got nothing to stop them — other than a nine-iron, which is awfully difficult to swing in that $2800 a month crackerbox you call an apartment.

Hey, you got exactly what you voted for, and you voted to be utterly defenseless as you cower in your apartment while the Democrats you vote for allow left-wing terrorists you champion to destroy your city, loot local businesses, and assault your neighbors.

Seriously, what did you think was going to happen as 1) your Democrats championed Antifa, while at the same time 2) your Democrats used a plague as an excuse to release violent criminals, while 3) your Democrats manipulated your bigotry towards Rural America to convince you to disarm yourself?

Your neighborhood is now filled with criminals, the Democrats you voted for hoodwinked you into not buying a firearm, and you’re surrounded by marauders with no way to protect yourself.

How’s that Right to Bear Arms looking now, Sunshine?

Because what’s happening right now is precisely why there is a Second Amendment. Even though — for all the reasons listed above — it’s your fault that law and order is non-existent in your city, our Founding Fathers still believed that, in the end, even a jackass like yourself enjoys the God-given right to self defense, especially when the government fails in its primary duty, which is to protect your life, your liberty, and your property…

And when you see these godless marauders swarm innocent people like something out of a zombie movie with no police in sight, you finally have an answer to that pompous question of yours: Why do the Guntards need AR-15s and magazines that hold all those bullets?

And do you want to know why else we Guntards need those AR-15s and those massive magazines that hold all that ammo? So that the left-wing terrorists you support know we have AR-15s and those magazines that hold all that ammo — which is why the left-wing terrorists you support don’t bother those of us out here in Rural America.

These riots are going to keep on keeping on, but they will keep on keeping on only in Democrat-run cities where the left-wing terrorists you support know everyone is owning the NRA by refusing to buy a firearm, by refusing to do fulfill their primary responsibility, which is to protect your home and family.

Eventually, all the stores will either be burnt out, looted out, or abandoned… And that will leave just you and your home to pillage, but at least you’ll be owning the NRA when your door’s kicked in.

This is blue on blue violence. This is the monsters you created turning on their creator. This is Democrats eating their own. This is not my problem.

I do hope you wake up before you get hurt.

But if you don’t, you can’t say no one warned you.

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC. Follow his Facebook Page here.
Oct 30, 2006


Biden Arms Terrorists After Lecturing Americans on “Keeping Guns Out of Dangerous Hands”

Before being declared the winner of the 2020 presidential election, Joe Biden was unabashed in his support for restricting Second Amendment rights. A lengthy section of his campaign website described his ambitions for new gun control, with headings such as “Keep guns out of dangerous hands” and “Make sure firearm owners take on the responsibility of ensuring their weapons are used safely.” Specific policies he supported included “legislation requiring firearm owners to store weapons safely” and legislation to require gun owners “to inform law enforcement if their weapon is lost or stolen.”
More recently, the administration promised to crack down on gun dealers in the U.S. that “are supplying firearms that show up at crime scenes” and to coordinate with state officials that “take their own steps to shut down dealers that fail to live up to their obligations” to prevent diversion to criminal elements.
Judged by these standards, the Biden administration’s disastrous handling of the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan should forever disqualify him from lecturing the rest of the country on “keeping firearms out of dangerous hands.” His bungling of that effort ensured that not just firearms but some of America’s more sophisticated military technology is now available to terrorists and other enemies who are and will continue to use them against Americans, American interests, and American allies.
Whatever one might think of America’s military presence in Afghanistan, it seems axiomatic that reasonable efforts should always be undertaken to ensure that our very own military materiel and armaments are secured against diversion to hostile forces.
It is becoming increasingly clear as the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan continues that none of these safeguards were adequately achieved.
The U.S. recognized government of Afghanistan collapsed almost immediately as American forces withdrew. Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and other senior government officials fled the country, and military and police forces offered little resistance as the Taliban quickly established itself as the de facto governing authority.
It was the Taliban which the U.S. toppled from power in Afghanistan following the events of Sept. 11, 2001, and the revelation that the fundamentalist Islamic group had sheltered and enabled Osama bin Laden in his preparation for the most devastating terrorist attack ever on American soil. Their rule had been marked by brutal treatment of anyone who diverged from the Taliban’s religious orthodoxy, with particular emphasis on the subjugation of women.
The New York Times reported that the Afghan military, which the U.S. had spent two decades and $83 billion trying to establish as an effective force, collapsed in days, rather than months or years as U.S. military planners had hoped. Many simply gave up, the paper stated, “with the cause for which they risked their lives appearing increasingly to be lost.”
The Washington Post acknowledged that the Taliban easily “captured many millions, perhaps billions, of dollars worth of U.S. military equipment that had once belonged to Afghan forces.” The haul included not just state-of-the-art small arms but more advanced equipment including armored personnel carriers, drones, helicopters, and night-vision equipment.
As the NRA has already reported, on the other hand, the Taliban do not trust ordinary Afghanis with weapons and have already started going door-to-door seizing personally held firearms, ostensibly because Taliban rule will replace the need for personal self-defense.
Yet media and NGO reports indicate that atrocities and war crimes are underway by victorious Taliban forces. These allegedly include executing surrendering Afghan troops, torturing and killing ethnic minorities and government loyalists, persecuting Christians, forcing girls and young women into sexual slavery, and even setting a woman on fire for “bad cooking.”
These activities (and perhaps future terrorist attacks and collaborations with other terrorists groups) are being enabled in part by armaments the Biden administration did not adequately secure before pulling U.S. forces out of the country.
Indeed, one of the horrors that has defined Biden’s incompetent leadership over the fiasco were images of Afghan citizens so panicked by the thought of being left to the Taliban’s depredations that they clung to the outside of departing U.S. aircraft until, inevitably, they fell to their deaths.
Joe Biden has therefore forfeited any credibility or moral authority on the issue of what ordinary Americans should do with their constitutionally protected arms.
© 2021 National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action. This may be reproduced. This may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.


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