Back to my dialogue with nysports: of course it doesn't matter whether you cap pros or not. You're good at what you do. I always liked you and checked your threads to see who you were on. I always thought you were a class guy. I thought we were friends until you made a big deal about my record.
I was just thinking about it, and I guess the thing that really bugs me is that your ONLY contribution to this site is to correct people's records. Maybe if you added something else in addition, or even contributed your own plays -- but the fact that you even have the time -- and USE all that time -- to check people's records just blows my mind. WHY would you do that?
Also, since you admit you don't check everyone's record, just some people's record, irks me even more. Why would you pick out certain people to pick on? If you're going to do it at all, be fair and check out EVERYONE'S record.
OK, that's it, I'm done. Be cool, have a nice day, and all that jazz.