So-Sorry-935& you feel that way, i believe russ has good intentions but maybe he is a little cuckoo... maybe.
i've been here 11 years as well and i have seen it all. maybe just try to ignore him and others like i try to ignore people trying to impersonate my friend dee and bash me with multiple aliases? they are just flat our liars and very sick individuals. we should treat them as though they are dying of cancer because in some ways they really are. patience and tolerance should be a code we all live by.
gluck to you and i hope you stay around. the mods do the very best they can and are stretched thin. we should give them a little recognition for being so dedicated to keeping this forum as clean as possible. i think if we give it time these liars and bs artist will fade away and go back to their broken down site from which they cam. but, i wanna be all inclusive and that doesn't always work. some people are just bs artists and may be beyond any human help.
ciao bubbalouski