Have it going on, 2-0 +800 on Tuesday. Overall 77-62 +3330. Been having a great couple weeks-Let's keep the cash rolling in!
5 Units-Angels-165 over the Brewers
4 Units-Reds+130 over the A's
3 Units-Rockies+215 over the Scankies
Glad to see Washburn on the mound he will put an end to the losing streak. Halos will win this one handily, lay the 1.5 if you can get it. Keep the winners coming in, Good Luck on all your action!
5 Units-Angels-165 over the Brewers
4 Units-Reds+130 over the A's
3 Units-Rockies+215 over the Scankies
Glad to see Washburn on the mound he will put an end to the losing streak. Halos will win this one handily, lay the 1.5 if you can get it. Keep the winners coming in, Good Luck on all your action!