Damn this is a tough one for me
Lowe has had two good outings (still 8 or more runs in each one - making that 10 out of his 11 wins in games where he had 7 or more in run support)
I liked the concept of staying on the win wagon but in garcias 25 outings his team has allowed 7 or more runs in only THREE instances!!! One of them being Garcias last time out in detroit, one of them vs minnesota where garcia only gave up 4 (no excuse but keep listening) and the third one was in mid MAY vs baltimore (garcia gave up 5 of those).
He has faced the sox once in boston and won giving up 4 runs (winning 5-4).
I suppose you might throw in a little animosity on my for boston sports after the way the pats played last night - and in returning from my little adventure to southern new england I'm back to my old ways in going for the sox fade.
Sorry to be on the other side but after looking at it I gotta take a shot at the slight home dog
GL either way!