Both the AM Sport Radio stations I listen to here in Houston are constantly referring to spreads and betting during the course of their broasdcast.
When will the US Government figure out that Sports Wagering goes hand in hand with "Baseball and Apple Pie" as an American pastime?
Both the AM Sport Radio stations I listen to here in Houston are constantly referring to spreads and betting during the course of their broasdcast.
When will the US Government figure out that Sports Wagering goes hand in hand with "Baseball and Apple Pie" as an American pastime?
I know this much. Take a survey of all bettors who had action on Game 5 ML. Survey should be taken before start of game. Question is: If game gets suspended sometime after 5 innings of play, would you want your bet graded based on the score after the last completed inning or who you want your bet graded based of the final official score. Remember this survey is taken before start of game. I believe over 95% of bettors would answer grade my bet based on the final official score. This is 1 reason why the current rule needs to be changed.
He wasn't sure about any of the Q's. What a fraud. Then they get an email from DuPay who is clueless. They're both idiots.:missingte