Michael Vick in trouble again


AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
Feds: Vick illegally spent pension funds

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<CITE class=source>Associated Press
<!-- end mod-article-title --><!-- begin story body --><!-- template inline -->RICHMOND, Va. -- The federal Department of Labor is accusing imprisoned NFL star Michael Vick of illegally withdrawing more than $1.3 million from a pension plan.


The department filed complaints Wednesday against Vick in federal district and bankruptcy courts in Newport News.
Vick attorney Mark Lichtenstein declined to comment on the complaints.
The department says Vick made a series of prohibited transfers from a pension plan sponsored by MV7, a celebrity marketing company owned by the former Atlanta Falcons quarterback. The department alleges that Vick violated his duties as trustee of a pension plan that covered nine current or former MV7 employees.
"This action sends a message that the Labor Department will not tolerate the misuse of plan money and will take whatever steps necessary to recover the assets owed to eligible workers," Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis said in a prepared statement.
The department also accused two of Vick's former financial advisers, Mary R. Wong and David A. Talbot, of participating in some of the transfers.
The filing further complicates Vick's bankruptcy case, which has gradually moved along in Newport News while Vick serves a 23-month prison term in the federal penitentiary in Leavenworth, Kan. The judge presiding over the bankruptcy case has ordered Vick to testify in person at next week's hearing on confirmation of his Chapter 11 plan.
The department says the plan assets were partially used to help pay the criminal restitution imposed on Vick after his federal dogfighting conspiracy conviction.
Vick is serving a 23-month prison term.:cripwalk:

2009 RX Death Pool Champion
Apr 3, 2005
which one of these messages was to you?

-- All you motherf***ers should be shot. Thanks for f***ing up our economy then taking our money.

-- Dear Sir: Ya'll should have the balls and come clean and give back the bonuses. I know you would never do this so the gov't ought to take you out back and shoot everyone of you crooked sonofb****es...I would be very careful when I went out side. This is just a warning. If I were ya'll I would be real afraid. Thanks, Bill.

-- I don't hope that bad things happen to the recipients of those bonuses. I really hope that bad things happen to the children and grandchildren of them! Whatever hurts them the most!!

-- You f***ing suck. Paying bonuses to the d*****s that made bad bets losing your company billions of dollars. I want to f***ing puke. Publish the list of those yankee scumbags so some good old southern boys can take care of them.

-- If the bonuses don't stop, it will be very likely that every CEO @ AIG has a bulls-eye on their backs.

-- We will hunt you down. Every last penny. We will hunt your children and we will hunt your conscience. We will do whatever we can to get those people getting the bonuses. Give back the money or kill yourselves.

-- All the executives and their families should be executed with piano wire around their necks --- my greatest hope.

-- You mother-f***ing, c***s***ing, d***l****ers need to be taken out one by one and shot in the head. There's a special place in hell for you pond scum. Watch your backs because someone will come to get you, you can be sure.

-- The Revolution is coming. The family members of your executives are not safe. Your blood will run through the streets in the coming months.

New member
Jan 30, 2009
When that dark cloud forms over a famous athlete, it is almost impossible to shake it.

AIG Bonus Recipient
Feb 15, 2006
this un

-- Dear Sir: Ya'll should have the balls and come clean and give back the bonuses. I know you would never do this so the gov't ought to take you out back and shoot everyone of you crooked sonofb****es...I would be very careful when I went out side. This is just a warning. If I were ya'll I would be real afraid. Thanks, lapdance.

Pro Handi-Craper My Picks are the shit
Sep 21, 2004
Didnt Vick get relesed today??? Immust of been drunk when I read it on Yahoo.

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