Arianna Huffington
is not too happy Obama, she wants you to say I'm a far left liberal and proud. Come on BO, "you can do it".
So why start playing to the political fence sitters -- staking out newly nuanced positions on FISA, gun control laws, expansion of the death penalty, and NAFTA?
In an interview with Nina Easton in Fortune Magazine, Obama was asked about having called NAFTA "a big mistake" and "devastating." Obama's reply: "Sometimes during campaigns the rhetoric gets overheated and amplified."
Overheated? So when he was campaigning in the Midwest, many parts of which have been, yes, devastated by economic changes since the passage of NAFTA, and he pledged to make use of a six-month opt-out clause in the trade agreement, that was "overheated?" Or was that one "amplified?"
Because if that's the case, it would be helpful going forward if Obama would let us know which of his powerful rhetoric is "overheated" and/or "amplified," so voters will know not to get their hopes too high.
You have your marching orders boyz, don't settle for this move to the center, tell BO it's unacceptable. If you want, I'll even draft the letter for you, seriously.
Do you think she knows the story about Ned LaMont v Joe Leiberman? :think2:
is not too happy Obama, she wants you to say I'm a far left liberal and proud. Come on BO, "you can do it".
So why start playing to the political fence sitters -- staking out newly nuanced positions on FISA, gun control laws, expansion of the death penalty, and NAFTA?
In an interview with Nina Easton in Fortune Magazine, Obama was asked about having called NAFTA "a big mistake" and "devastating." Obama's reply: "Sometimes during campaigns the rhetoric gets overheated and amplified."
Overheated? So when he was campaigning in the Midwest, many parts of which have been, yes, devastated by economic changes since the passage of NAFTA, and he pledged to make use of a six-month opt-out clause in the trade agreement, that was "overheated?" Or was that one "amplified?"
Because if that's the case, it would be helpful going forward if Obama would let us know which of his powerful rhetoric is "overheated" and/or "amplified," so voters will know not to get their hopes too high.
You have your marching orders boyz, don't settle for this move to the center, tell BO it's unacceptable. If you want, I'll even draft the letter for you, seriously.
Do you think she knows the story about Ned LaMont v Joe Leiberman? :think2: