Medical question open heart surgery my Dad


Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser
Jun 22, 2005
my dad is in Cleveland at the Cleveland clinic. He had double bypass surgery and a "mini maze" suregry that stops his heart from defibrulating. Anyways, he had one of the best surgeons in the country (lucky for us). He said the surgery went great.... But...The surgery was on Wed. afternoon. After the surgery they took him to the ICU. They said he would have to stay for about a day. Well we are going on the second day and they still have him on the ventilator. They said his lungs are not responding yet to the oxygen and he does not have enough oxygen in his body to take him off. We thought today may be the day but now we just heard that they have "heavily" sedated him ( I am sure because of how painful and irritating the ventilator must be). Once nurse said this is a huge procedure and people will react differently.

My question to anyone here-- is there a time frame we, as a family, should be concerned with of being on the ventilator too long?? The doctor is meeting with my mom today and I would like to know anything so I could ask a question since we will be on speakerphone..

Thanks in advance..

Dec 12, 2006
I have no answer but I just wanted to wish him a speedy recovery and my prayers go out to both him and your family...

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I'd respond to your question by saying, "You should be as concerned as you want to be, regardless of 'averages' or 'normal' etc"

It is what it is.

You mention that your father is under the care of a top notch doctor and staff, so it's reasonable to presume that whatever time he is on the ventilator is what's best.

And what's best is of course "the best" you could hope for as a concerned and caring family member.

New member
Sep 6, 2009
I understand your concerns,I'm sure your dad is in good hands and getting the best of care.Keep positive,everyones recovery time is indeed different.I wish your family well and will pray for your dad.

Jan 2, 2005
my dad is in Cleveland at the Cleveland clinic. He had double bypass surgery and a "mini maze" suregry that stops his heart from defibrulating. Anyways, he had one of the best surgeons in the country (lucky for us). He said the surgery went great.... But...The surgery was on Wed. afternoon. After the surgery they took him to the ICU. They said he would have to stay for about a day. Well we are going on the second day and they still have him on the ventilator. They said his lungs are not responding yet to the oxygen and he does not have enough oxygen in his body to take him off. We thought today may be the day but now we just heard that they have "heavily" sedated him ( I am sure because of how painful and irritating the ventilator must be). Once nurse said this is a huge procedure and people will react differently.

My question to anyone here-- is there a time frame we, as a family, should be concerned with of being on the ventilator too long?? The doctor is meeting with my mom today and I would like to know anything so I could ask a question since we will be on speakerphone..

Thanks in advance..

My sister was on a ventilator for 5 days. She had a heart attack during surgery and other problems. It was a rough go but when she did come out of it she turned out ok. I can guarantee you that ventilator is no fun. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know Cleveland Clinic is one of the best in the nation. I am sure everything will work out fine.

Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser
Jun 22, 2005
thank you all very much..It's weird but I am not worrying to much and it is just because of the hospital. This hospital's 8th floor is the VIP floor where Robin Williams etc have been treated. I feel we could not be in a better place which has made the situation not too worrisome. I really can't believe he got to go here. Veterans really played a big part..

anyways, funny story the nurse said they had an Arab flown in from South Florida for an operation a few weeks ago. He landed on the heli-pad was taken into a prep room etc..When they wheeled him into surgery next to his head was 50K in cash. He thought he had to pay before the operation..LMAO..Again thanks for the well wishes. Scary but he nor we had any idea about the blocked arteries. The surgeon said he was a awalking time bomb since they were 90% closed!!!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
thank you all very much..It's weird but I am not worrying to much and it is just because of the hospital. This hospital's 8th floor is the VIP floor where Robin Williams etc have been treated. I feel we could not be in a better place which has made the situation not too worrisome. I really can't believe he got to go here. Veterans really played a big part..

anyways, funny story the nurse said they had an Arab flown in from South Florida for an operation a few weeks ago. He landed on the heli-pad was taken into a prep room etc..When they wheeled him into surgery next to his head was 50K in cash. He thought he had to pay before the operation..LMAO..Again thanks for the well wishes. Scary but he nor we had any idea about the blocked arteries. The surgeon said he was a awalking time bomb since they were 90% closed!!!

50K? They should have laughed and said that wasn't enough for the 20% down payment.

Sep 21, 2004
Your Dad is at a great medical facility. My advice is to demand of them the information you require to assist your Dad in his recovery.

Be proactive but appropriate. Secondary issues can occure in matters like these. Talk to your Doctor and make sure you both have each others number on a 24/7 basis.

I wish you the best and I am sure things will go well.



New member
Nov 15, 2006
If your dad was a smoker or had underlying pulmonary (lung) disease, it would make getting him off the vent more difficult.

It's not unusual in these cases for it to take several days...

As others have said, he's in a great medical facility, under the care of some great doctors. Keep the faith and BOL to your dad.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
My dad had open heart at Clev as well...The one thing you have to remember with most any Doctors is you need to ask the questions you want answered, they just do not tell you. So push with out being to much of a pain. I found that the nurses on the floor can give you just as good info and sometime better than the Doctor as they are with him 24/7.

Your in good hand there, and the best to you and your family

May 27, 2007
This is pretty close to the last kind of website I'd ask for advice regarding this sort of question.

New member
Oct 3, 2005
Sounds like your dad might be in for an extended stay.

I would ask to be immediately informed if there any complications due to infection from all sources.

It is not just the procedure that can causes problems.

Show me a good loser, and I'll show you a loser
Jun 22, 2005
guys- quick update..first of all thanks for all the well wishes. Around 4pm today they removed the ventilator! Both my Dad and Mom were thrilled. I think it was my mom noticing a TV that she thought was monitor and having them turn on Bill O'Reilly and FOX news did the trick!! They hope to get out of ICU tomorrow..

One thing for certain this hospital is the BEST. my mom said besides the technology she has never met or talked to better nurses and staff in her life (and we have had alot of issues with my dad). If you or anyone you know has to go through a heart procedure there is no place to consider except Cleveland

The Noles kicking ass I am sure will speed up the recovery even more..

cheers my friends!!

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