I found this website and seeing as I support the pickens plan I thought I would break down the comparison between the candidates. I did this in an email but I thought I would post it here as well.
I am interested to here where I am wrong in my thoughts, I am sure I am somewhere if not everywhere.
I figure why not grade this....
Generally Speaking:
McCain - I like how it details that he believes the future is in domestic oil and domestic natural gas.
Obama - I like how he would force the oil companies to do their due diligence on the leases they currently own or lose them.
Edge to McCain here for me. Given it is just a couple of paragraphs from their sites but what it represents is one candidate lifting obstacles to getting more domestic energy and one candidate telling Big Oil to do something they have no interest in doing, whatever their reasoning.
Long Term Vision:
McCain - More domestic resources and alternative options
Obama - Confront our dependence on oil by developing alternative options and conserve
Edge McCain again. Simply based off of what he would do with our national resources. It is almost like we operate right now like we have no oil at all here at home and we have an abundance. Both have plans for alternative options including various tax credits and such. I do like how Obama would have us conserve by increasing the fuel economy standards but I think the market is going to make that happen.
McCain - Not sure how all of this translates to real life situations. What is a 0 emissions vehicle? Do they exist? Fuel Economy standards ADEQUATE?
Obama - Again I am not sure how this all translates to real life like how is he going to get 1 million plug in hybrids on the road in 7 years? Do I get one??
Edge Obama - When it comes to the vehicle sector McCain is willing to incentivize and hope it happens while Obama's position is to force it to happen. Not sure how either of them would do any of it but it seems like Obama is reaching higher than McCain.
Alternative Fuels: This section is over my head and I would have to do more research to really figure out what half of this means. I know one of them will spend $2 billion and one will spend $150 billion. That tells me one might get a lot more done while one would hope for the market to make it happen. The part about making current facilities cleaner all has to do with carbon emissions and global warming and all of that which is a secondary concern to me to getting off of foreign oil.
Energy Price Relief:
McCain - The gas tax holiday is absurd
Obama - Windfall tax money rebated to consumer. Seems like if you tax big oil they are going to make it up at the pump where you will end up spending your rebate. Seems like a big circle.
Edge Obama. I go back and forth on this as I am not sure of the argument against releasing oil from our reserves nor am I sure of what impact it would have at the pump. I am also not sure what impact the windfall tax would have on oil. Would it cause a loss of jobs? Higher prices at the pump? I could use a $1,000 to go towards gas and my other energy costs so slight edge to Obama.
Offshore Drilling - Edge McCain
Oil Profits:
McCain - Don't tax them.
Obama - Tax them.
Edge undecided. I simply don't know what effect this will have. Something tells me they will persevere and continue to make us much as they possibly can while part of me feels like it takes a lot of money to make a lot of money and when you start screwing around with that it could screw things up. It bothers me that they are cleaning up while everyone else suffers so that part of me says take as much as you can from them and give it to me. Just not sure it is right.
Global Warming: Wash - Both support cap and trade which I am not all that sure of. Simply put I have heard convincing arguments from both sides on global warming and I think it is our job to do what we can to take care of the planet but I don't think one of these guys is going to make that big of a difference over another. At the end of the day it is up to each and every one of us.
Energy Efficency: Not a lot to summarize. Seems like Obama's plan is to spend money around the country to make homes more efficent, where does that money come from. This is another case of Obama doing more than McCain but spending money to do it. I don't think I can give either one an edge. I like how Obama is conerned with appliances and the energy they use but that will also cost money.
At the end of the day the thing I have the most problem with is this - "There are several key opportunities to support increased U.S. production of oil and gas that do not require opening up currently protected areas. "
I am interested to here where I am wrong in my thoughts, I am sure I am somewhere if not everywhere.
I figure why not grade this....
Generally Speaking:
McCain - I like how it details that he believes the future is in domestic oil and domestic natural gas.
Obama - I like how he would force the oil companies to do their due diligence on the leases they currently own or lose them.
Edge to McCain here for me. Given it is just a couple of paragraphs from their sites but what it represents is one candidate lifting obstacles to getting more domestic energy and one candidate telling Big Oil to do something they have no interest in doing, whatever their reasoning.
Long Term Vision:
McCain - More domestic resources and alternative options
Obama - Confront our dependence on oil by developing alternative options and conserve
Edge McCain again. Simply based off of what he would do with our national resources. It is almost like we operate right now like we have no oil at all here at home and we have an abundance. Both have plans for alternative options including various tax credits and such. I do like how Obama would have us conserve by increasing the fuel economy standards but I think the market is going to make that happen.
McCain - Not sure how all of this translates to real life situations. What is a 0 emissions vehicle? Do they exist? Fuel Economy standards ADEQUATE?
Obama - Again I am not sure how this all translates to real life like how is he going to get 1 million plug in hybrids on the road in 7 years? Do I get one??
Edge Obama - When it comes to the vehicle sector McCain is willing to incentivize and hope it happens while Obama's position is to force it to happen. Not sure how either of them would do any of it but it seems like Obama is reaching higher than McCain.
Alternative Fuels: This section is over my head and I would have to do more research to really figure out what half of this means. I know one of them will spend $2 billion and one will spend $150 billion. That tells me one might get a lot more done while one would hope for the market to make it happen. The part about making current facilities cleaner all has to do with carbon emissions and global warming and all of that which is a secondary concern to me to getting off of foreign oil.
Energy Price Relief:
McCain - The gas tax holiday is absurd
Obama - Windfall tax money rebated to consumer. Seems like if you tax big oil they are going to make it up at the pump where you will end up spending your rebate. Seems like a big circle.
Edge Obama. I go back and forth on this as I am not sure of the argument against releasing oil from our reserves nor am I sure of what impact it would have at the pump. I am also not sure what impact the windfall tax would have on oil. Would it cause a loss of jobs? Higher prices at the pump? I could use a $1,000 to go towards gas and my other energy costs so slight edge to Obama.
Offshore Drilling - Edge McCain
Oil Profits:
McCain - Don't tax them.
Obama - Tax them.
Edge undecided. I simply don't know what effect this will have. Something tells me they will persevere and continue to make us much as they possibly can while part of me feels like it takes a lot of money to make a lot of money and when you start screwing around with that it could screw things up. It bothers me that they are cleaning up while everyone else suffers so that part of me says take as much as you can from them and give it to me. Just not sure it is right.
Global Warming: Wash - Both support cap and trade which I am not all that sure of. Simply put I have heard convincing arguments from both sides on global warming and I think it is our job to do what we can to take care of the planet but I don't think one of these guys is going to make that big of a difference over another. At the end of the day it is up to each and every one of us.
Energy Efficency: Not a lot to summarize. Seems like Obama's plan is to spend money around the country to make homes more efficent, where does that money come from. This is another case of Obama doing more than McCain but spending money to do it. I don't think I can give either one an edge. I like how Obama is conerned with appliances and the energy they use but that will also cost money.
At the end of the day the thing I have the most problem with is this - "There are several key opportunities to support increased U.S. production of oil and gas that do not require opening up currently protected areas. "