Rumor has it, Mayweather bet 8 million on 9 offshore and Vegas books. I'm a huge Mayweather fan and he does have ties with BW but until I see the posted ticket I doubt it.
Donkwin. Thank u. People missed the point. Jesus. Wanted to see how big the story was.
Murphy. U should know me by now. Common sense for those so intrigued.
and to nick pappagi: Hahahahaha. U really have no clue what happened between with him and his wife. If major would of been all over the place. Comical. Another hater.
By the way people. Looks like I'm gonna crush Wisconsin come Saturday. Love this post because I see the true colors shine. Hahahaha. Unreal. I love the rxforum!!!!!
My fault for not pointing out team earlier. I run a club so got caught up. Got busy. My fault forum. My apologies. BUT funny I get a first ass reply. Hahaha. I walk over that shit. Good luck this Saturday guys!!!!! Make that cash!
Nick pappp. I'm fuckin with u. All love. I'm not that guy. Just saying yes I'm a big fan. One of the biggest boxing fans you will ever meet. Nothing wrong to stir the pot. Healthy too and to get some fresh opinions is all
Nick pappp. I'm fuckin with u. All love. I'm not that guy. Just saying yes I'm a big fan. One of the biggest boxing fans you will ever meet. Nothing wrong to stir the pot. Healthy too and to get some fresh opinions is all