Maria Laura


New member
May 7, 2006
Hello Maria Laura,

I just saw you on TV and on the papers… I’ve been wondering who you are since 2004…

I have no words to express how much I admire and respect your strength for been able to handle what you have gone through… If it would have been me, I would probably be dead or committed at Hospital Chapui… You are an example to everyone in the world of what life is really about, which is keep going and facing all the good and bad things life gives you. You are truly a miracle.

I don’t know you, but hopefully someone in this forum does so you can read this someday.

I can perfectly remember the day someone told me: Gato, Taz, Checho and Diego abused a girl some nights ago in Santa Ana…. I’ll be honest; I wasn’t surprised at all and felt awful for what happened.

Both Gato and Taz at some point in my life were my Karate instructors, they are quite talented, too bad they are not worth a fucking cent as human beings. I do know both of them are no longer recognized as Kyokushin instructors which is quite humiliating to them if you know what Kyokushin is about… I’m glad both assholes are out…

The first time I heard what had happened to you, I freaking pictured the 4 idiots with their drink in their hand, acting like a $100 bill and it all made sense to me that something bad had happened.

Don’t get me wrong, at some point I thought you were just another girl wanting to screw with them for the fun of it… I apologize, but be sure this thought didn’t last 2 minutes.

I honestly didn’t knew your name until some months ago when this reappeared on the papers, I do have a couple of friends who know you and both have always said you are the best person on the earth. I didn’t even asked for your name because there was no point on that. I wasn’t even asking how you were doing since I knew you were definitely not having a good time.

At that time, I was working for an online casino and I remember thinking one morning what was happening with you during those days while I kept running into this 4 assholes at every party, bar, casino, etc after they were able to shut everyone about this and claiming they were innocent…. I remember considering breaking their skulls with a baseball bat (they are karetecas, and probably would have beaten the shit out of me) the next time I ran into them… I am not an aggressive person.

I do remember been very pissed because I felt they were manipulating the media to keep this quiet… Today I still think they did. It was obvious… 4 fresas bien conectados con plata hacen lo que sea …

Some days later I received a letter that was written by your father…No idea if it was legit or not… I wish I had a copy. After reading the first sentence I broke in to tears and I am not the type of person who cries often. All I know is that I felt similar to losing someone close to you and my anger for these 4 idiots just grew. Just trying to understand what he was going through, you and your family made me feel very sorry for you and prayed that God gave you the strength to overcome this… I’m pretty sure he did.

The years passed and from time to time the situation was mentioned among my friends. One day I was at Casino Colonial, probably like 1 year after what happened, and it was probably 5 am.. . I was hammered like hell playing blackjack ( I have a problem with gambling.. working on it) and all of a sudden Checho and Taz sat down at my table. Even though both could easily break me in 2, I just couldn’t shut up… So in a polite matter I stood up and told the dealer: My friend, nice playing with you for 14 hours but I just can’t sit down next to two fucking abusers who are probably worth less than horse shit.. and walked away… jajaj I remember feeling I was not going to make it to the parking lot, but thankfully due to the millions I donated to that @%@@# casino I was very well protected….

Enough said… the point is:I was so happy to finally see you, even if it was on TV. I am not 100% sure, but even if this has been the worst thing it could have happened to you, it looks that you have a good life, you are happy, you have a very nice family and you are motivated to keep on going with your life. I truly pray to God that this is true. One thing that is a fact is that you are an example of courage, determination, discipline, positive attitude and of grateful attitude towards life to everyone in this planet… Probably things some people can’t even achieve after spending their lives “studying” one of the most disciplined and amazing philosophies on Earth.
Is impossible to understand how God thinks and why sometimes he lets things happen…. He works in mysterious ways for sure…

One thing I do know is that he loves you and he knew you and your beloved ones were going to make it through this and hopefully this is true. Even though you can’t erase what has happened I am positive you are better now and day by day (as you have seen) we are all able to recover from anything… Once again you are a two legged miracle among us and definitely someone that deserves admiration and respect.

I really wish that you have a good life and that the future has nothing but amazing and positive experiences for you, not only for you but for your husband and family as well. Life has been amazing to me and half of it I’ve been a dick and probably acting in the opposite way God wants me to, well I can’t complain at all and I’m always thankful for letting me live one more day… Trust me that if he has been so good with me you have nothing but INCREDILBE things coming in your life…

As far as for the 4 horsemen of the Apocalypse… don’t even think of them. 1 is already going to have lots of time to think about what he did… the other 3 will probably have an eternity to meditate about this while their ass fries in hell. I feel sorry for them, they might have been found not guilty but if they were there … all should be wearing skirts in San Sebastian.
Maria Laura, very nice to meet you… Seeing you today on TV just gave me the feeling that you are going to be more than ok and that there is always someone taking care of us even though we not always accept it.

“We will observe the rules of courtesy, respect our superiors, and refrain from violence.”

“We will follow our religious principles and never forget the true virtue of humility.”

New member
May 7, 2006
I could easily get you a picture of some known character these 4 @%@#%@ will be meeting in a short matter of time...

Not appropiate though....

Regarding those morons... you can easily find pictures of them at all the known costa rican "nightlife" websites... Check photos of pathetic bars in Escazu since 1995 and you will be able to spot all f@%@%ers.

Don't bother, no se pierde de nada...

Feb 16, 2006
A Watchdog....I was just fu/king around and you are right.... I'm glad someone got the joke

New member
Jun 25, 2005
interesting thread @)

I still don't get it, that's the chick who got 68 million colones and sent a guy to jail?

Maria Laura, very nice to meet you… Seeing you today on TV just gave me the feeling that you are going to be more than ok and that there is always someone taking care of us even though we not always accept it.

I bet she will.


New member
May 7, 2006
Have you noticed that la Nacion hasn't posted anything about this over the weekend?

How many knew about this since it hit the papers?

Do you really think someone would be sick enough to undergo such a nightmare, hire the most expensive lawyer in the country, face thousands of people with a fake story just to screw up 4 guys? I think that not even the great George Costanza could handle that one


Mack Daddy
Oct 16, 2006
hey steve3200 there is one quote in this last post ↑↑ just asking for it, for some reason I just can't do it.

Mack Daddy
Oct 16, 2006
hey Watchdog I found a similar version of your post in another forum. only that she is on his side. (for the record I'm not on anyone's side on this)

mali03 said:
Aqui no se trata de si se es mujer u hombre, se trata de ver la justicia.

A mi me parece INCONCEBIBLE que una muchachita de 20 anos vaya a una fiesta, se meta esa clase de borrachera y le diga a un poco de gente "a ese mae me lo cojo hoy" (refiriendose a Gato), que se le ponga y lo incite toda la noche para luego venir a decir en television nacional "yo no sabia que esas cosas pasaban en esas fiestas". No solo esto, si no ya una mujer con fama de que se le "aflojan las caderitas" cuando toma.
Que diga que le hicieron una llave karateca en el bano dejandola inconciente y que asi se la llevo alzada hasta el carro? O sea, NADIE VIO ESO???
La gente odia a Gato, Taz, Checho y Coco por una unica razon ENVIDIA!!!
Otra cosa, como mujer me pregunto, si bien es cierto que tiene un trauma espantoso que le cambio la vida, como MENOS DE UNA SEMANA DESPUES anda tomando guaro DE NUEVO en estadios y fiestas? Me van a perdonar, pero si a mi me violan y tocan entre 4 maes y me fisuran el ano, yo no salgo de la casa en no se cuanto tiempo.
Si esta chiquita un dia dice que no tomo y que no sabia que eso pasaba en esas fiestas (jajajajajja es vacilona y todo la guila ) y otro dia dice que si tomo, luego que cuando abrio los ojos solo le vio los boxers abajo cuando Gato NO USA BOXERS y despues dice que estaba demasiado ebria para recordar bien quien la violo despues de culpar a los 4 de violacion la verdad me parece demasiado la incongruencia.
Si ella lo que tiene es verguenza de haberse ido como una calentona con un mae a cogerselo al carro y de repente ver a un poco de maes alrededor del carro viendo, claro que se murio de la pena y ahi reacciono y por eso seguro dijo "ayy no no Gato quitate" pero diay TOO LATE, ya la tenian como papa en tenedor como dicen vulgarmete y de ahi le encontraron semen de Gato y NO DE LOS OTROS 3 aunque haya dicho que la violaron los 4.
Luego, el guarda la fue a dejar no ellos como dijo la muchacha y ADEMAS si la gente ve que vienen unos maes con una mujer al hombro, semi desnuda con heridas, CREAME que esa misma noche los denuncian, no solo la violada si no testigos. Ahh y por lo visto CERO amigas o es que ni fueron a buscarla porque ya sabian que andaba cogiendo en el carro como habia dicho desde que empezo la fiesta???
Si es cierto que tiene fisura en el culo, es porque despues del acto vaginal el cual disfruto, donde Gato quiso hacero anal, a lo mejor era uno de los pocos huecos virgenes que le quedaban y la maltrato por lo que ella dijo "uyy Gato no" y de ahi la fisura. No me vengan con que la 1era no duele porque todas gritamosy de hecho decimos "no no por ahi no!!! Asi que mijita de fijo ahora si lo disfruta

Pregunta, cuantas personas en una mica no se van de "one night stand" y se despiertan sin saber que hicieron? Yo he escuchado miles de veces esos cuentos. Se imagina que todas las personas que hagan esos despiches demanden o denuncien? Ahhh no no sorry es que hay que ser sobrina del ex presidente, tener plata y ser una descarada sin corazon ni verguenza!!!

En fin, NO HAY PLATA EN EL MUNDO que compre la justicia divina como dice ella (que dicho sea de paso deberia dejar a Dios fuera de esto porque se la va a llevar PUTA, acordemonos que esa pelicula que se tiene puede enganar a la gente aqui en la tierra pero no al verdadero juez y TARDE O TEMPRANO ya sea en 20 anos que Gato salga de la carcel, el sera quien vera a esta muchachita pagar por las MENTIRAS que esta diciendo. Ria, celebre, aproveche sus dias porque cuando el Karma la alcance, you will scream for mercy and it shall be too late!
Ahi es donde yo quiero estar, cuando usted este en el juicio final sweetie, "what comes around goes around"
NUNCA he visto alguien tan FALSO hablando,de hecho GATISIMA en la actuacion y mis respetos a su esposo, "mae, no le haga nada malo si no se lo lleva puta" Suerte en esta vida y espero que puedas dormir en paz.....

Y QUE RIDICULO LAS LESBICAS CON CARTELAS EN DEFENSA DE LA MUJER o sea, esta bien que nos defiendan pero no se aprovechen de esta ley para vengarse de los hombres.
Y que lindo Juan Diego Castro diciendo que los que calificA como matones lo amenazaron, porque no puso denuncia a ver quien le quiere hacer dano?
Y EL PERIODISTA Roy Solano de que habla si sale jalandose el ridiculo en internet!


New member
Jun 25, 2005
Yo no estoy de acuerdo con una violacion, pero como pasaron las cosas, a mi no me la hace, se les paso la mano a los malparidos esos. Pero a la guila le paso eso por resbalosa. Ahh y la guila dice ahi es sobrina de un ex-presidente.... mmm con razon...

pero bueno ahora es el mae el q va a tener q preocuparse por la fisura en el culo lol

Life is short, play hard!
Nov 20, 2004
Yo no estoy de acuerdo con una violacion, pero como pasaron las cosas, a mi no me la hace, se les paso la mano a los malparidos esos. Pero a la guila le paso eso por resbalosa. Ahh y la guila dice ahi es sobrina de un ex-presidente.... mmm con razon...

pero bueno ahora es el mae el q va a tener q preocuparse por la fisura en el culo lol

conoche san sebas o la refor.... gueizo le va a ir...

Its Venus, B.I.T.C.H!
Apr 4, 2005
I doesn´t matter if she was seducing him, it doesn´t matter if she has a "piernitas flojas", no woman desearves to be hurt in such manner. When someone says NO (either male or female) means NO.

Even if it wasn´t Maria Laura, let´s just say it was just hooker... would you consent that type of behavior? Would you ever condone a rapist? How would you feel if that was your own daughter?

Back in the days, many many years ago, I used to practice Karate and these guys (KK) were our competition. They were so despicable, so arrogant, so stupid and lame... I saw them act like pigs over and over (the only exception I knew of was Alejo, who is a decent man) I heard all their stories, all the ladies they abused (one of them was a very good friend of mine). Personally, I feel no sympathy whatsoever for these assssholes, they could burn in hell for all I care.

Algunos dicen que ella "se lo merecia", señores, ningun ser humano se merece ser degradado y abusado a tal punto y lo mas triste es oir a las mismas mujeres tachandola de "facilita" cuando eso le puede pasar a cualquier mujer, en cualquier momento. RESPETO.

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