"Marathon Drinking"


www.globetrottershostel.c om
Sep 21, 2004
When I was 17, my friends rented a cabin in my hometown for the summer. The cabin quickly became "the spot" in my tiny island community, where Dionysian parties would be held, resulting in great feats of debauchery and roof-jumping. But the one memory from that hazy summer that sticks with me to this day was the sight of a man in his late twenties, who came to the cabin one cool summer evening in order to hang out with us. From outward appearances, nothing seemed different or out of place with the man, until word spread that he was working on his 33rd beer of the day. That was not a typo. Thirty-three beers in one day. And it was only 7:30. I decided once and for all that I, too, would someday acclomplish this feat of daring consumption. Did I ever achieve 33? Shit no. The guy had about 200 lbs. over me. But I did master the art of marathon drinking.

Marathon drinking is no task for the weak willed. It takes cunning, extreme concentration, and the willingness to shut any hopes of getting some pussy out of your life for at least a few years. What seperates a marathon drinker from a normal binge drinker is pace. The normal binge drinker, in an effort to impress those in the herd, will guzzle, slurp, shotgun and shoot as much alcohol into his system as quickly as possible. This is wrong. No one has won the Boston Marathon by sprinting the entire 26 miles; it's impossible. You'd die. The same holds true with marathon drinking. You have to take it nice and slooowww...

First off, you need conditioning. Practice drinking beers at least one full year before making a marathon attempt. If your tolerance for intoxicating spirits is low, say 5 or 6 drinks, then you are either a woman or a nancy-boy. So work on finishing eight beers without puking. Eight is a pretty good starting point. People are reasonably impressed by someone who has downed 8 beers over the course of an evening. But imagine when word spreads that you've finished a case. You'll be a god among the frat-boy jock generation among whom we now reside. Gradually increase your intake until you can finish 12, or a half rack. Again, you have past another milestone. The trick now is to keep on keepin' on, as they say in AA. Stick to a twelver each day of the weekend. Quaff 12 on Friday, and another 12 on Saturday. For maintenance during this loading phase of alcohol tolerance, try on Wednesday to finish enough beers to make you wish you hadn't the following morning. No one said this was going to be easy, assclown, now do it!

Again, let me state that the marathon is not for the weak willed. A good exercise to try in the months leading up to your marathon is the "Millenium Club", or the "100 Shot Club." In this seemingly innocuous training regimen, you and whatever dumb little buddies you can drag along drink one shot glass of beer every minute for one hundred minutes. Sounds easy, huh? Let's do the math: One 1 1/2 oz. shot glass times 100 equals 150 oz. of beer. One-hundred fifty divided by 12 (the amount of ounces of beer in one can) equals to somewhere in the neighborhood of 12 and a half beers in 100 minutes, or one can of beer every 8 minutes . If you can make it all the way to 100 without puking, and still keep drinking, then you are ready for the marathon you have trained so arduously for.

Pick a day where you have absolutely nothing at all to do, preferably a weekend. Convince your dumb little buddies that you should all start drinking at a predetermined time in the afternoon, the earlier the better. Twelve noon is most appropriate and convienient. Now, start drinking. Slowly. Sip on your beers, savor the flavor. It's best if you simply sit down on a picnic table with the cooler within arms reach. Drink at least half of the beers in a case by 4:30. This is where your training comes in. You should be drunk, but not too drunk. A few notches over buzzed perhaps, but if you're already starting to suffer from the headspins, you're in serious trouble. The first half of the marathon was to prime your guts for the latter half. And the half way point is where many, many people simply lose control. They begin bragging about the amount of beer consumed, inviting dares from friends that will most certainly result in absolute failure. Keep drinking at a reasonable pace, but above all, remain focused!

Undoubtably you will have grown hungry during the tenure of your marathon, but do not eat anything substantial. Harvest Cheddar Sun Chips or a reasonable substitute work best. Now give yourself a good stretch and get ready to go, cause you're gonna finish this case of Bud, whether you like it or not. Gradually increase the speed at which you drink each beer. Begin walking around, talking to people you know. Always keep a beer in your hand, if not for convienience so much as for image. Image is vitally important. Don't go too fast or you're liable to end up blacked-out, in a pool of vomit, or unconcious with black-marker all over your face. Don't go too slow or you will lose your buzz and the desire to keep drinking. Not to mention the constant taunting of your friends, disgusted by your "pussying out at 9:30." By now, you've probably lost count. In fact, as hard as you try to think of it, you simply can't put a finger on the amount you've taken in. Success! This is almost certainly a sign that you have reached the 24-beer mark. What you do from there is up to you, but proceed with extreme caution. I myself, after a marathon drinking session, vaguely remember rowing a boat with one oar across the ocean, returning to my hometown, climbing into a car and breaking into homes at 2:30 in the morning with a morbidly obese redneck trying to score a few more drops of sweet, sweet booze. And by Jesus, the next day I was a legend!

Chi Chi Fellipe, aka Seth Macy, no longer drinks. May his wisdom shine upon you.


I peaked out at around 18 beers in one sitting when I was 17. Enough for one lifetime.

What's the most you've drunk in one session?
Sep 21, 2004
What a great story SW!!!! LMFAO!!!! I've rarely tried the "Marathon" but I've indeed tried the "Hour of Power", which is the almost the same as the "100 Shot Club" but it falls 40 minutes short.
and it's not that impressive. These words of wisdom has sparked an old flame inside which tells me that I must try to master what you speak of.
Good luck to all on this task.

New member
Apr 21, 2002
17 cans of good ole Natty Light. Might try and break the record tonight.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
Cant say I'm much of a drinker guys, my taste buds just wont adjust! Why dont they make some of this alcohol taste like chocolate milk and I'd be ok!
I will have a few if I go out somewhere such as a club or something.

New member
Apr 21, 2002
Hache, it's cause you're drinking that shitty beer.

Natural Light hits the spot real nice

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
It only takes about 3 strong beers to put me in that "other land" Jake......
I always know when to stop though, cause I'm usually the one driving if Im that type of situation.

Active member
Oct 20, 1999
Would drink over a case a day in my younger days. To this day, at age 43, can still drink a lot.......and the more food in me, the more I can drink. Actually have not gone over my 4 beer limit in a couple months now. I consider myself dry.

PS- ONE cup of coffee and I am wired by the way. My body cant handle caffiene, but it is as if I am immuned to alcohol. Weird.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
A real pro would not have anything to do with light beer (unless he was broke and that was all he could get). See, light beer is light because it is less potent than real beer, hardcore drunks know this. Marathon drinking is a nice way of saying a guy is a maintenance drunk. There are two kind of drunks in this world. Binge and maintenance. A maintenance drinker needs a certain amount of alcohol in his bloodstream at alltimes. That means all the time everyday, all day. A binge drinker gets very drunk and then will take a few days off, maintenance drunks cannot do this. Once a M. Drunk starts to sober up he is in danger of slipping into DTs or delirium tremors. This can be very dangerous and frightening for a maintenance drunk. In order to stop drinking when you are at this stage you need to detox or ween off booze. The only way to do it safely is in a detox or dry-out clinic, it takes a good week on medication to kick booze, it is no different than say a herion addict, in some ways worse. Have you ever seen a drunk shaking and suffering visibly? It is because he needs a drink. Some of the side effects of detoxing without medical supervision are seisures, hallucinations, eratic behavior, and just plain misery. If anyone ever has to take a maintenance drunk to a hospital make sure you let him have a few beers, you may think that you are making things worse, but letting him start to detox on the way is worse. Boooze is a tough SOB to take on and no human can really beat it, all you can do is get sober and stay sober one day at a time. I know I have'nt had a drink in over 12 years.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
A lot of drunks here or should I say heavy drinkers. If you guys focused more on posting you could be like Rail and I and be sharp and not miss a trick and be well informed about what goes on offshore.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Up here in Canada drinking a case is much more of a challenge. None of this pansy "light" crap. We pride ourselves on our beer and its high alcohol content. When we travel down to the U.S. we have trained ourselves the right way. I can pound the beer pack like it was nuttin' down in the old U-S of A. Cheers!

www.globetrottershostel.c om
Sep 21, 2004
My problem with beer lies more in the volume than the alcohol. I get full before I get smashed.

Solution: Hard alcohol, preferrably mixing different types. I am, ladies and gentlemen, a girly drink drunk. If it has several layers, a couple of pieces of fruit and an umbrella thrown in I will like it. Make it sweet and hard as a muther.

Wilhelms beautiful post describes me to perfection: binge drinker.

If of you beer drinkers think you are tough I'll challenge you to a Long Island Iced Tea drinking contest. Now THAT is a drink.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I once worked with a women who said her parents from north dakota drank a lot - her dad had a case of beer a night while her mom had a 12 pack. she said it was every single night and that her dad never missed a day of work. she also said that the owner of the liqour store in town would give them tremendous gifts for christmas. I was very impressed.

SportsOptions/Line up with the pros
Jul 20, 2000
SuperWimp - did you say a challenge of Long Island Ice Tea? My wife said to tell you she's game. I told her be careful because you play a mean game of hopscotch once you get loose. Anything I could challenge your husband in at the same time?

Seriously though I too get full before I get a buzz off beer. I don't drink often but the only thing that loosens me up is Jack Daniels, the problem is I always wake up in an orange jumpsuit the next morning.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
11 double Gray Goose screwdrivers tonite and not even drunk. Yep, I could pass any drunk test, as long as I was the one administrating it. Besides, I was low on Vitamin C, but not anymore.

Rx. Senior
Sep 20, 2003
my record is 34 drinks documented, and i stayed at the bar for 26 hours,
im something of a legend there.
or maybe they just think im a drunk.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Two options for a drinking competition.

Poitin - Irish potato liquor, I mean the illegal moonshine. Pure rocket fuel, you drink water two days later in an attempt to sober up, and you are drunk again

Antiguan Cavalier 151 proof rum. Lethal, especially in that climate. I've woken up more than once on the beach there on my day off after a session on that gear (never again)

New member
Sep 21, 2004

It's a fine line between being a legend or just a drunk... we'll go with legend for now.

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