For all you lefties if this is what you want. Please move here and see what happens when you let the Dems run a city tight into the graoun. Between our socialist **** of a gov and the whole city of detroit (city councel and the mayor) And now of all things a news anchor is also getting loked at from the FBI.
This is what happens when the brothers are in charge. They all steal and bribe thier way to get more money.
Is this what you lefties want. This is what you'll get. My state is in the shitter.
Thanks Libs.
Ahem!!!! Sir... Our whole nation has been turned into a shit hole. It is none other that mr All white George Bush, with his lying cheating stealing bums of friends at Enron, Haliburton, and the authors of the deregulation of the banking industry that have brought this nation down.
It is the lying cheating scumbug that ignored energy policy until the shit hit the fan now he is jumping up and down like a monkey crying for offshore drilling 8 F#cking years too late..
It is the very white George Bush who lied and decieved this nation and led us into a stupid war that has cost us thousands of innocent lives , money and has ultimately made us even worse of security wise..
It is your white George bush that screwed up our entire nation when Katrina blew through when he appointed a F#cking horse show judge head of Fema..People, white black brown all along the mississippii coast are still cussing the fraud that is Bush..
It is white republican senators and congressment who have been caught trying to rape pages, give fellow men blow jobs in public bathrooms and sleeping with prostitutes.
So dont give me this racist bullshit about how detroit is a shithole.. That is only a microcosm of the effects of George W Bush.
Last time i checked he was white..
Ps..Once again we get another racist a$$hole trying to blame the problems of America on black people while trying to bury the fact that whites are the majority of people in power that have turned the whole country. (not one mere city) into the shit hole it is!!!