Man destroys portrait of ‘piece of s–t’ De Niro after actor’s anti-Trump rant

Feb 6, 2007
the liberal tears will never get old

I think Trump is a better president in a lot of ways than Obama. Obama was a weak president. Is that something a liberal would say? I don’t care about political party beef. Shit is a disgrace. All of them. Both parties.

Feb 2, 2010
Trump named him "punchy"

Lol.....without a doubt the GOAT president

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
lol the media is only doing it because Trump gives them ridiculous shit to run with. I agree no president has been treated like this, but if you didn’t notice, we have never had a president like this before. Someone who is cool with promoting violence and racist tendencies, of course people are going to want to take him down lol, even publicly. That’s common sense , I don’t know why everyone is like those damn democrats... yeah well nobody has seen anything like this. Even a lot of republicans have refused to co-sign half the shit he says.

He doesn't advocate violence, he doesn't promote racial tensions, butt Obama sure did. He made blacks angry, he called police officers throughout this country racists, his leadership gave us the Ferguson riots, the Baltimore riots and BLM complete with the murdering of police officers .

As for the opposition media, they're part of the problem. They spin EVERYTHING against him, even the North Korean peace summit.

Do they talk about the growing economy? Real jobs growth? Companies moving into and growing in the states? How about defeating ISIS? Business confidence? Consumer confidence?

No, the opposition media talks about Stormy Daniels and Mueller chasing Manafort for matters totally unrelated to Trump. The opposition media complains about Trump not bringing 10,000 Syrian refugees to the states, butt they're silent when Trump gives those million refugees their homes back. Which is what the refugees really wanted all along.

Middle america will speak loud and clear about all of this on election day, just like they have been since 2010.

Jun 12, 2008
I think Trump is a better president in a lot of ways than Obama. Obama was a weak president. Is that something a liberal would say? I don’t care about political party beef. Shit is a disgrace. All of them. Both parties.

Who did you vote for and why?

May 27, 2007
lol the media is only doing it because Trump gives them ridiculous shit to run with. I agree no president has been treated like this, but if you didn’t notice, we have never had a president like this before. Someone who is cool with promoting violence and racist tendencies, of course people are going to want to take him down lol, even publicly. That’s common sense , I don’t know why everyone is like those damn democrats... yeah well nobody has seen anything like this. Even a lot of republicans have refused to co-sign half the shit he says.

You can't point out one thing DJT has done in the White House that is racist. Keep watching the news and believing everything they tell you Deep Throater.

Sep 21, 2004
May 3, 2018
He doesn't advocate violence, he doesn't promote racial tensions, butt Obama sure did. He made blacks angry, he called police officers throughout this country racists, his leadership gave us the Ferguson riots, the Baltimore riots and BLM complete with the murdering of police officers .

As for the opposition media, they're part of the problem. They spin EVERYTHING against him, even the North Korean peace summit.

Do they talk about the growing economy? Real jobs growth? Companies moving into and growing in the states? How about defeating ISIS? Business confidence? Consumer confidence?

No, the opposition media talks about Stormy Daniels and Mueller chasing Manafort for matters totally unrelated to Trump. The opposition media complains about Trump not bringing 10,000 Syrian refugees to the states, butt they're silent when Trump gives those million refugees their homes back. Which is what the refugees really wanted all along.

Middle america will speak loud and clear about all of this on election day, just like they have been since 2010.

This is the most comical statement I've read. Trump doesn't promote racism? This proves yet again it's a waste of time arguing with most Republicans. It's as if they are intellectually and genetically inferior uck yuck hee haw. Have you not noticed all the racial attacks and racists feeling emboldened by Trumps antics and words?

Wow. Lol. You aren't very bright and you reek of an agenda. Selective learning and observing of the state of affairs in America might be one of many ailments you suffer from. It might be in your genes it might be your lack of education or inferior education. I don't know. I don't care. It's a waste of time. I've noticed uneducated people constantly provoke and attack and play the victim. I'm done. You made me snicker. Sometime you would make me laugh but today it's just a snicker.

Saturday night. Time to hit the clubs boys. Fuck politics for now. WOOOOOOooooooo!!!!!!

I'm from the government and I'm here to help
Sep 21, 2004
This is the most comical statement I've read. Trump doesn't promote racism? This proves yet again it's a waste of time arguing with most Republicans. It's as if they are intellectually and genetically inferior uck yuck hee haw. Have you not noticed all the racial attacks and racists feeling emboldened by Trumps antics and words?

Wow. Lol. You aren't very bright and you reek of an agenda. Selective learning and observing of the state of affairs in America might be one of many ailments you suffer from. It might be in your genes it might be your lack of education or inferior education. I don't know. I don't care. It's a waste of time. I've noticed uneducated people constantly provoke and attack and play the victim. I'm done. You made me snicker. Sometime you would make me laugh but today it's just a snicker.

Saturday night. Time to hit the clubs boys. Fuck politics for now. WOOOOOOooooooo!!!!!!
perfect liberal response with name calling and no specific reasoning to combat willie's statement

just go on a diatribe of personal attacks then drop the mic and never provide specific proof to combat his argument.

pretty funny if you think you are intellectually and genetically superior. your debate skills are as refined as robert de niro's and kathy griffin's who are, quite likely, personal heroes to newbie boy

btw, all of you...take this garbage to the poly forum

May 27, 2007
This is the most comical statement I've read. Trump doesn't promote racism? This proves yet again it's a waste of time arguing with most Republicans. It's as if they are intellectually and genetically inferior uck yuck hee haw. Have you not noticed all the racial attacks and racists feeling emboldened by Trumps antics and words?

Wow. Lol. You aren't very bright and you reek of an agenda. Selective learning and observing of the state of affairs in America might be one of many ailments you suffer from. It might be in your genes it might be your lack of education or inferior education. I don't know. I don't care. It's a waste of time. I've noticed uneducated people constantly provoke and attack and play the victim. I'm done. You made me snicker. Sometime you would make me laugh but today it's just a snicker.

Saturday night. Time to hit the clubs boys. Fuck politics for now. WOOOOOOooooooo!!!!!!

Point it out or STFU.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
This is the most comical statement I've read. Trump doesn't promote racism? This proves yet again it's a waste of time arguing with most Republicans. It's as if they are intellectually and genetically inferior uck yuck hee haw. Have you not noticed all the racial attacks and racists feeling emboldened by Trumps antics and words?

Wow. Lol. You aren't very bright and you reek of an agenda. Selective learning and observing of the state of affairs in America might be one of many ailments you suffer from. It might be in your genes it might be your lack of education or inferior education. I don't know. I don't care. It's a waste of time. I've noticed uneducated people constantly provoke and attack and play the victim. I'm done. You made me snicker. Sometime you would make me laugh but today it's just a snicker.

Saturday night. Time to hit the clubs boys. Fuck politics for now. WOOOOOOooooooo!!!!!!

Being a liberal, it's understandable that you don't provide any citations.

You're another Guardian of the Galaxy, and you know a victim when you see one

Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record. ‎
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a senior economic analyst at CNN.

School choice may be the biggest proof Trump and conservatives are not racists as we seek to improve the educational opportunities for the inner-city poor.

Being disrespected by your ilk is a badge of honor. Believe me, I just laugh at all such idiocy. If you don't step up your game in the intellectual arena, I'll just start ignoring you.
May 3, 2018
Being a liberal, it's understandable that you don't provide any citations.

You're another Guardian of the Galaxy, and you know a victim when you see one

Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record. ‎
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a senior economic analyst at CNN.

School choice may be the biggest proof Trump and conservatives are not racists as we seek to improve the educational opportunities for the inner-city poor.

Being disrespected by your ilk is a badge of honor. Believe me, I just laugh at all such idiocy. If you don't step up your game in the intellectual arena, I'll just start ignoring you.

Little willy, there is no bigger proof of an uneducated or poorly educated individual than one who constantly engages in political talk on a gambling forum. Also one that constantly copies and pastes biased articles in a sadly futile attempt to win the argument. You fit the description to a tee and guys like you are a dime a dozen.

Ever since the dawn of the internet, people fancy themselves intelligent because they can google stuff. The internet can't replace good old fashioned formal education and you seem to lack it dearly.

This is a waste of my typing. The only thing I am not sure of is do you actually believe the nonsense and outrageously bias statements you make. Lol.

It doesn't matter. You embarrass yourself constantly but being a small pond on this slow gambling forum filled with like minded extremists rights, you aren't exposed often. Ignorance is bliss for you.

I'm done with intellectual midgets and genetically inferior folks ya hear?? I reckon I gots to be movin on from this here crazy town hee haw.
May 3, 2018
Being a liberal, it's understandable that you don't provide any citations.

You're another Guardian of the Galaxy, and you know a victim when you see one

Another issue that is critically important to black and Hispanic economic progress is good schools. Trump is advancing the idea of school choice so that every child can attend a quality school, public or private. In cities such as Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, the children who benefit from voucher and scholarship programs are predominantly black. Trump wants to increase by tenfold the number of black children who benefit from these vouchers and scholarships.
The goal here is to give every poor or minority child the same range of education choices that wealthy families have.
The same people who denounce Trump for being a racist hypocritically oppose Trump's plan for better school options for black children. I have heard many liberal commentators compare Trump to George Wallace, the late Alabama governor who defended school segregation and stood in front of the white public schools with armed guards to keep the black children out.
Now we have liberals and teachers unions figuratively standing in front of the high-quality white private schools like modern-day George Wallaces trying to keep black children out.
Trump also wants more infrastructure spending, more energy jobs and more apprenticeship programs so our youth have access to better jobs and better training. Disproportionately, blacks and other minorities will benefit from these programs, because fewer have the financial capability to go to a four-year college.
So is Trump a racist who doesn't care about the future of black Americans? Let's face it. He's no Jack Kemp when it comes to talking about race and healing wounds with his words. But Trump is creating more jobs and higher incomes for blacks and other minorities and is trying to give a better education to every disadvantaged black child in America. That is a pretty impressive civil rights record. ‎
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a senior economic analyst at CNN.

School choice may be the biggest proof Trump and conservatives are not racists as we seek to improve the educational opportunities for the inner-city poor.

Being disrespected by your ilk is a badge of honor. Believe me, I just laugh at all such idiocy. If you don't step up your game in the intellectual arena, I'll just start ignoring you.

Did we forget the shithole comments? The retweets of Anti Muslim videos (not racism per se but you know what I'm talking about here)

I can make a whole long list but twisted extremists simple minds like you will find a way to dodge it or make excuses. It's what you genetically inferior and poorly educated extremists republicants do.

Hee haw.

I'm done. It's like arguing with children. It's embarrassing. I hope you are enlightened one day to your hateful and disgustingly bias views. You have an agenda and spew your propaganda but deep down I think even you realize how bias you are. A desperate attempt to make society be as how you see it in your delusional mind.

Take care. I can't keep wasting my time on guys that are intellectually and genetically beneath me. I'm glad I'll be around for decades after you're gone and I will bump this thread. Lol.


Bye lol.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
so your evidence of racism in your own words is "not racism per say"

that's just fucking brilliant I tell ya, pure brilliance


my dog knows more tricks

Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Ha ha the “educated” just got..well, educated by Willie.

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