Right now one can lay -500 on the under..........good bet????
I think so. Say the gov bails out the Big 3 Automakers, or GM/Chrysler merges and the gov helps out Ford, GM. What do you think happens to the market? If they don't get the bailout, I say it goes to 8000. That seems to be the bottom.
Even if they get the bailout people wont run out and buy cars they will be back asking for more sometime next year, many thought the bank bailout would jump start the market
If you havent learned anything, its how volatile the market really is with all the swings, if there is some good news out of the whole auto industry situation i can easily see a 1K swing upward in one day and the momentum can carry it for the next few days past the 10K mark.Do I dare lay -500 on this prop???
It's a very tough spot. One in ten jobs are tied to the auto industry. Not sure what the percentage is in Michigan and Ohio. Union auto jobs are getting an average of $78/hour in wages/benefits. There is a big problem there. Also the retirees are making great coin too. Wonder why Toyota and other foreign companies are doing so well - they don't have the obligation to the retired. The unions will have to be more flexible here.