Lordy, there are TAPES!!!


New member
Aug 28, 2012
Because OBAMA THINKS he committed a crime because him and his administration KNEW Russia was meddling but looked the other way because he knew Putin wanted Trump to win.

If he had just been upfront and honest in the first place -- you, how innocent people act. He wouldn't be on the hook for obstruction. How was it that Nixon went down again? It's not the crime, it's the coverup?

We are a nation of laws and Obama doesn't get to unilaterally decide which ones to follow.

Fixed a couple people in your quote for ya with actual FACTS that we know as FACT, and not opinion...

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Donger busted again


Here's the beauty about being a Donger, he'll watch this video 1,000 times and every time he does he'll expect a better result. Only to be disappointed again

So close

Nov 23, 2004
Trump is not "on the hook for obstruction"

Your non-stop manic Maddow'esque buffoonery is hysterical.

Oh, but he is -- Your living in denial is hysterical. Don't take my word for it though, just read through the Mueller report it's all in there. Including the part where the WH and members of Congress attempted to coerce Flynn into interfering with the Mueller investigation. Apparently the counsel hired by your 'stable genius' president left a voicemail.

Sounds like there are tapes.

Somebody please explain to me why Putin would want a wildcard like Trump to win when he had the pussycat, Uranium One, Reset Button, Hillary licking his ballinis.

Do you liberals ever think?

Are you fucking stupid? Trump has been sucking up to the Russians since the 80s when he was dealing with the Russian mob. Then later when he was publicly sucking up to Putin and opining that they could be 'best friends'. Is it that hard to believe that its POSSIBLE that Putin has some dirt on the syphilitic-sycophant in the form of shady real-estate transaction, loans, kompromat?

Do you ever take the time to hold your elected officials accountable? Or are you merely content with their dictatorial ballsack on your chin all the time?

Fixed a couple people in your quote for ya with actual FACTS that we know as FACT, and not opinion...

Classic Trumpian move. Blame the black guy. How many indictments did the Obama admin face again? Unlike the current President, Obama doesn't strike me as someone directing the FBI to investigate his political opponents nor is there any evidence to support that claim.

Nov 23, 2004
Donger busted again


Here's the beauty about being a Donger, he'll watch this video 1,000 times and every time he does he'll expect a better result. Only to be disappointed again

So close

Excellent, on-topic post. Clearly dealing with superior genetics here :neenee:

Apr 14, 2006
Lol. Donger still hanging onto the Russian conspiracy bit.

Hey dipshit, do you really not think if Muller could have recommended prosecution of Trump he would have done so already?

Man are you really this big of a tin foil hat loser listening to your Puget Sound type morons babbling about "it's not over!!! WAAHHHHH"

Oh but don't worry, your convictions are coming. Just won't be from anyone on the Trump team.

Gonna be a glorious day to watch another 6 years of MAGA.

BTW where is theGuesser?

Apr 14, 2006
[h=1]Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-up”[/h]By
Sara Carter -

August 27, 2018

Adam Lovinger, a former Defense Department analyst, never expected that what he stumbled on during his final months at the Pentagon would expose an integral player in the FBI’s handling of President Donald Trump’s campaign and alleged Russia collusion.
Lovinger, a whistleblower, is now battling to save his career. The Pentagon suspended his top-secret security clearance May 1, 2017, when he exposed through an internal review that Stefan Halper, who was then an emeritus Cambridge professor, had received roughly $1 million in tax-payer funded money to write Defense Department foreign policy reports, his attorney Sean Bigley said. Before Lovinger’s clearance was suspended he had taken a detail to the National Security Council as senior director for strategy. He was only there for five months before he was recalled to the Pentagon, stripped of his prestigious White House detail, and ordered to perform bureaucratic make-work in a Pentagon annex Bigley calls “the land of misfit toys.” His security clearance was eventually revoked in March 2018, despite the Pentagon “refusing to turn over a single page of its purported evidence of Lovinger’s wrongdoing,” Bigley stated. Conservative watchdog group, Judicial Watch, recently filed a federal lawsuit against the Defense Department to obtain the withheld records.

Lovinger also raised concerns about Halper’s role in conducting what appeared to be diplomatic meetings with foreigners on behalf of the U.S. government because his role as contractor forbids him from doing so, according to U.S. federal law.
[h=4]WATCH: Sara Explains Her Bombshell Report on ‘Hannity’[/h]An investigation by SaraACarter.com reveals that the documents and information Lovinger stumbled on and other documents obtained by this news site, raise troubling questions about Halper, who was believed to have worked with the CIA and part of the matrix of players in the bureau’s ‘CrossFire Hurricane’ investigation into Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Halper, who assisted the FBI in the Russia investigation, appears to also have significant ties to the Russian government, as well as sources connected directly to President Vladimir Putin.
Halper did not respond to requests for comment.
Mr. Lovinger simply did what all Americans should expect of our civil servants
“When Mr. Lovinger raised concerns about DoD’s misuse of Stefan Halper in 2016, he did so without any political designs or knowledge of Mr. Halper’s spying activities,” Bigley told SaraACarter.com. “Instead, Mr. Lovinger simply did what all Americans should expect of our civil servants: he reported violations of law and a gross waste of public funds to his superiors.”

And for that, Bigley said, Lovinger has paid the ultimate price in his 12-year career as a strategist in the Pentagon’s Office of Net Assessment. According to Bigley, shortly after Lovinger began reporting and asking questions about suspicious contracts given to Halper and others, including one person closely associated Chelsea Clinton, his security clearance was suspended. Later, on April 3, 2018, the DoD’s Washington Headquarters Services Director Barbara Westgate sent a letter to Lovinger indefinitely suspending him from duty and pay status after his clearance was removed in March. The letter stated, “The purpose of this memorandum is to notify you that I am proposing to indefinitely suspend you from duty and pay status in your position as a Foreign Affairs Specialist.”
Lovinger, who is married with three children and is the family’s primary breadwinner, has been living off the generosity of family members since his pay was removed.
The retaliation for whistleblowing was something Bigley expected. “So, we weren’t surprised when DoD bureaucrats moved shortly thereafter to strip Mr. Lovinger of both his security clearance and his detail to the National Security Council, where he had been Senior Director for Strategy as a by-name request of the incoming Trump Administration,” said the attorney.
“Yet, we were puzzled by the unprecedented ferocity of efforts to discredit Mr. Lovinger, including leaks from DoD of false and defamatory information to the press,” he said. “Our assumption was that the other contractor about whom Mr. Lovinger explicitly raised concerns – a close confidante of Hillary Clinton – was the reason for the sustained assault on Mr. Lovinger, and that certainly may have played a role.”
Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon
Bigley suspects it was more than the Clinton-connected contracts adding, “Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”

Halper’s Ties to Russian Officials Raise Serious Questions
Halper has had a long career and worked in government with several GOP administrations. At 73, the elusive professor spent a career developing top-level government connections–not just through academia but also through his work with members of the intelligence apparatus.
Those contacts and the information Halper collected along the way would eventually, through apparent circumstance, become utilized by the FBI against the Trump campaign. But, it was during his time hosting the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar at the University of Cambridge where Halper shifted from a professor and former government consultant to FBI informant on the Trump campaign.

In 2016, Halper was an integral part of the FBI’s investigation into short-term Trump campaign volunteer, Carter Page. Halper first made contact with Page at his seminar in July 2016. Page, who was already on the FBI’s radar, was accused of being sympathetic to Russia and sought better relations between the U.S. and Russian officials. Halper stayed in contact with Page until September 2017.
During that time, the FBI sought and obtained a warrant from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) to spy on Page and used Halper to collect information on him, according to sources. The House Intelligence Committee Russia report and documents obtained by this outlet revealed that the bulk of the warrant against Page relied heavily on an unverified dossier compiled by Former British Spy Christopher Steele and the matter is still under congressional investigation. Steele, who was a former MI6 agent, also had ties to many of the same people, like former MI6 chief Sir Richard Dearlove, who were part of the seminar.
Stefan HalperHalper, along with Dearlove, left the Cambridge Intelligence Seminar in December 2016, saying they were concerned about Russian influence. Halper had told reporters at the time that it was due to “unacceptable Russian influence.”
Ironically, documents obtained by SaraACarter.com suggest that Halper also had invited senior Russian intelligence officials to co-teach his course on several occasions and, according to news reports, also accepted money to finance the course from a top Russian oligarch with ties to Putin.
Several course syllabi from 2012 and 2015 obtained by this outlet reveal Hapler had invited and co-taught his course on intelligence with the former Director of Russian Intelligence Gen. Vladimir I. Trubnikov.
On May 4, 2012, the course syllabus states, “Ambassador Vladimir I. Trubnikov will comment on the challenges faced while directing the Foreign Intelligence Service, his tenure as Ambassador to India, President Putin and the likely course of Russia’s relations with Britain and the U.S.”
In May 2015, Trubnikov returned to teach with Halper at his seminar in Cambridge on “current relations between the Russian Federation and the West.” Other notable intelligence experts attended the event in 2015, including Major Gen.Peter Williams, a former British commander of the mission to the Soviet Forces in Germany.
Halper’s partner in the seminar, Cambridge Professor Neil Kent has also espoused better relations with Russia and Putin in his writings and told Russia Today in a 2014 interview that “everyone is attacking and demonizing Russia.” According to Kent’s biography, he was a professor from 2002 to 2012 at Russia’s St. Petersburg State Academic Institute.
Even more interesting are reports from the British Media outlet, The Financial Times, that state Halper received funds for the Cambridge seminar from Russian billionaire Andrey Cheglakov, who has close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. Cheglakov also funded Veruscript in 2016, which raised the suspicion of Dearlove and those connected to the seminar. Veruscript, a publisher for a Russian academic journal, was suspected by MI6 of being a front for Russian intelligence. Kent also happened to be the editor and chief of the journal. He published the inaugural article in the journal “The Journal of Intelligence and Terrorism” blaming the West for the Russian invasion into Crimea but the journal closed down due to their suspicions.
Dearlove was also concerned “that Russia may be seeking to use the seminar as an impeccably credentialed platform to covertly steer debate and opinion on high-level sensitive defense and security topics,” according to the Financial Times sources.
A former senior intelligence official told this news outlet, “It’s all smoke and mirrors. Halper was well aware when he was bringing in Trubnikov in 2012 that the Russian’s were already there at his invitation. The FBI uses Halper to get more information on Trump aides but it’s Halper who has the real connection to Russia.”
Lovinger raised concerns with top officials at the Pentagon in 2016 and noted that Halper went far beyond his work as a contractor after he discovered that the amount of money the professor was being paid for his research did not make sense. Lovinger stressed his concern that Halper was not just being utilized as a contractor, but that he was also conducting diplomatic work for the Pentagon “in violation of federal law,” according to Bigley.
In one email from Stephan Halper to Andrew May, the second highest ranking official in Lovinger’s office, Halper writes about a planned trip to conduct meetings in India.
“I am in Cambridge en route to India – arriving Saturday. So far 14 meetings have been scheduled with various parts of the political-military community. On Monday, a meeting is planned with the Delhi Policy Group where I will meet with Brigadier Seghal who is, apparently working with ONA (Office of Net Assessment) Can you tell me anything about him,” according to the document obtained by SaraACarter.com.
Halper and George Papadopoulos
Halper was not only spying on Page for the FBI in 2016, but he had also made contact in September 2016 with another Trump campaign volunteer, George Papadopoulos. He invited Papadopoulos to London that September, luring him with a $3,000 paycheck to work on a research paper under contract. By this time the young Trump campaign volunteer had already been in contact London-based professor, Josef Mifsud, who had basically informed him that the Russians had damaging material about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Misfud’s role has also come into question by Congress.
Eventually, Papadopoulos was swept into Robert Mueller’s Special Counsel investigation and pled guilty to one count of lying to the FBI. His wife, Simona Papadopoulos, who’s been a vocal advocate for her husband, told SaraACarter.com that essentially he was forced to plead guilty because of threats from Mueller’s team and lack of financial resources.
After testifying behind closed doors last month to the House Intelligence Committee, Simona told this outlet that she testified to Congress “as far as George is concerned, he met with individuals following the same pattern of behavior….and all of a sudden (Halper) was asking if he was doing anything with Russians…. This is the case with Halper, who is now proven to be a spy, possibly with (Australian Ambassador) Alexander Downer” who her husband met with in London.
Halper and Michael Flynn
Before Page and Papadopolous, there was the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn. Flynn had been invited to Cambridge in February, 2014 for a a dinner hosted by both Dearlove and Halper.
The investigation into Trump didn’t start with Carter Page or George Papadapolous, but with Flynn
But during that time, Flynn was already walking a fine line with the Obama Administration and battling President Obama and the CIA over his deep disagreement with the administration’s narrative that al-Qaeda and extremists groups, had been defeated or were on the run. Several months later Flynn was forced to resign early and ended his tenure as the director of the DIA.

“Flynn was pushed out by Obama and then became a thorn in the side of Obama and the Clintons when he joined the Trump campaign,” said a former senior intelligence source with knowledge of what happened. “The investigation into Trump didn’t start with Carter Page or George Papadapolous, but with Flynn. Flynn was already on the CIA and Clinton target list. Those same people sure as hell didn’t want him in the White House and they sure as hell didn’t want Trump to win.”
Flynn’s career with Trump ended as quickly as it came. He was forced to resign as Trump’s National Security Advisor 27 days after taking the job. The highly classified conversation between Flynn and former Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak was leaked to the Washington Post in January 2017 and he was later questioned by the FBI on that conversation. According to former FBI Director James Comey, the agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he was lying, but in the end, Flynn pled guilty to one count of lying to Special Counsel Robert Mueller. He had already spent more than $1 million in lawyers fees and sold his home to help with the debt. According to sources, Flynn’s family was being threatened by the Mueller team.
Halper’s involvement in the bureau’s investigation started much earlier than the FBI’s opening of its Crossfire investigation into the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016. He was already providing information on Page, Papadopolous, and Flynn earlier that year.
And it was in 2016 when Halper had told the FBI that he witnessed concerning interactions between Russian academic, Svetlana Lokhova, and Flynn at the February 2014 seminar dinner. This suspicion – without any proof – was then leaked to papers in London and eventually discussed in the U.S. media. Lokhova told the BBC in May 2017 that when she first saw the allegations raised in the media she thought it was a joke.
Numerous sources with knowledge of the allegations Halper made about Flynn, said that they were “absolutely” false and that Flynn and Lokhova only spoke for a short time at the dinner. Several email exchanges between Lokhova, Flynn and his assistant that took place after the dinner were generic in nature, as Flynn had asked her for a copy of a historical 1930s postcard she had brought to the seminar.
“But it didn’t matter that it wasn’t the truth,” said the former senior intelligence official. “It was already out there because of Halper’s allegations and the constant leaking and lying of false stories of those to the media.”

Nov 23, 2004
[h=1]Whistleblower Exposes Key Player in FBI Russia Probe: “It was all a Set-up”[/h]By
Sara Carter -

Yep and if the President was innocent he shouldn't have acted like a criminal trying to cover it up.

Consciousness of guilt and paranoia is a motherfucker.

Your guy is going to jail.

Apr 14, 2006
Yep and if the President was innocent he shouldn't have acted like a criminal trying to cover it up.

Consciousness of guilt and paranoia is a motherfucker.

Your guy is going to jail.

Lol. Yep. You wanna put a lifetime ban bet on it?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Dude has been categorically incorrect about everything and he's still talking shit, which makes him a laughing stock but he's too fucking stupid to know it

After being led down the wrong path 1,001 times, you'd think he'd start questioning his handlers. Butt nope, he just parrots the daily talking points without hesitation

Maybe he thinks "he's due", LMFAO

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Weeks ago, it seemed all but certain that the special counsel would head to Capitol Hill in May to answer questions about his eponymous 448-page report on Russian election interference and potential obstruction of justice by President Trump.

Now, some frustrated Democrats say his testimony could slip into June, while others are beginning to doubt he’ll ever show, saying Mueller has no desire to become a political pawn in an ugly, partisan fight that’s become a proxy battle for 2020 presidential race.

“He doesn’t want to be trashed by the Republicans,” said Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), who serves on the Intelligence Committee and is close to Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a fellow California Democrat.

“Does anyone want their reputation dragged through the mud falsely? You’ve seen Jim Jordan [R-Ohio] in action. He can handle his own, but they’ll ask questions like, ‘Why didn’t you look at this and why didn’t you look at that?’ I mean, talk about a thankless job.”


Pavian and his ignorant libtard bloggers still think this is gonna happen but Mueller apparently wants no part of this left wing clown show.

R̶u̶s̶s̶i̶a̶ ̶R̶u̶s̶s̶i̶a̶ ̶R̶u̶s̶s̶i̶a̶!̶!̶

Obstruction Obstruction Obstruction!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Gee, how come Mueller isn't doing the talk show tour now making his case for "obstruction"??? Why didn't Mueller charge Trump with "obstruction"??

Richard Maddow wants to know!


"Trump is headed to jail!!!" -- ding-donger/akphidelt/fratfraud/Pavian


Nov 23, 2004
Gee, how come Mueller isn't doing the talk show tour now making his case for "obstruction"??? Why didn't Mueller charge Trump with "obstruction"??

Mueller wrote a letter to Barr... TWICE as well as called him to express his dissatisfaction with the way Barr has handled his report.

Talk show tour? Should he make an appointment to appear on Fox & Friends? The View? Ellen?

Dude is going to testify to Congress eventually. You'll hear what he has to say then.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
In Donger's world, the Blazers are rolling the Warriors after three games

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lordy, there are TAPES!!!

"…I think some people are missing something here. The President [Obama] has put in place an organization that contains a kind of database than no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful and whoever …and that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been don before.” -- Maxine Waters

Dan Bongino‏Verified account @dbongino

Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems. The whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama they’ve disingenuously tried to portray is about to be destroyed. The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see.


Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
Lordy, there are TAPES!!!

"…I think some people are missing something here. The President [Obama] has put in place an organization that contains a kind of database than no one has ever seen before in life. That’s going to be very, very powerful and whoever …and that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been don before.” -- Maxine Waters

Dan Bongino‏Verified account @dbongino

Take it to the bank, the FBI/FISA docs are devastating for the Dems. The whole image of a benevolent Barack Obama they’ve disingenuously tried to portray is about to be destroyed. The real Obama, the vengeful narcissist, is going to be exposed for all to see.

[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif]Unless it ends with Barry doing time it will be a waste of time and money.

Does anyone realistically see that happening?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Lordy, there are TAPES!!!

Comey Versus Brennan! Papa Wire Tap Transcripts will tell the whole story!


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Russian Collusion, there's evidence
Russian Collusion, just wait for the Mueller report
Russian Collusion and / or Obstruction of Justice, everybody is flipping
Russian Collusion and / or Obstruction of Justice, just wait for the Mueller report
Obstruction of Justice, just wait for the Mueller report
Obstruction of Justice, not Mueller's job the prosecute Trump
Obstruction of Justice, just wait for the Congressional Hearings

Do they really wonder why we laugh at them? More importantly, do they even realize how stupid they sound and how they keep swallowing and regurgitating moving goalposts?

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