Steve Finley leading the way (he will not hit 50 Hrs)...and even the RBI numbers are this a coincidence or did the Govt. and MLB finally put its foot down and stop the artificially inflated nonsense?
Ironically Giambi, Bonds, Sosa, all hurt with bad backs...maybe the are trying to over compensate for the lack of artificial enhancement in their is ironic, the old saying is when I guy is on the juice he is more apt to hurt him all three are hurt and all 3 apparently are no longer using the Roids.
If this season doesn`t prove the last 10 years were an artificial abberation I don`t know what else to tell you...its more clear now than ever!
Ironically Giambi, Bonds, Sosa, all hurt with bad backs...maybe the are trying to over compensate for the lack of artificial enhancement in their is ironic, the old saying is when I guy is on the juice he is more apt to hurt him all three are hurt and all 3 apparently are no longer using the Roids.
If this season doesn`t prove the last 10 years were an artificial abberation I don`t know what else to tell you...its more clear now than ever!