been_there's comments (especially about Montana Mel) have put me on a roll, so to speak, so I will drop a few more names off the top of my head. Many are just nicknames, but I'm sure many of you may know who I'm talking about (or they may actually be you). Either way, if you have any stories about them, I would like to hear them. Additional fodder for my planned book. Cigar Bob...Catfish...Dick The Pick...Tom & Sue...Al & Dottie...Cornflakes...Sam The Jeweler...Bing...Rocky Mann...Nutsy...Buckwheat...Wayne The Weasel...Harry-O...Wheelchair Johnny...Who Do Ya Like...Broadway Joe...and a host of others aside from the more 'Normal' Hi-Rollers such as Lem Banker...Billy Baxter and the like. The place was a virtual 'Damon Runyon Paradise' and I'd like to write in that Runyon spirit. Any comments concerning these people, or others will be appreciated.