LMFAO! The Germans UN rep says they are


New member
Sep 20, 2004
very concerned over Irans NUKE program.

The Germans cannot do anything about Irans NUKE program, except be concerned.

The Germans can go to the UN and have a resolution or 50 passed and get nothing done.

Once again in the end they'll turn to the US for the heavy lifting, this gets old.

Eventually these radicals will set a NUKE off somewhere and that's when America will crush them. Liberalism has paralyzed the world.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Interesting times ahead...

Pakistan admits it may be source of Iran's nuclear expertise

Ian Traynor
Wednesday December 24, 2003
The Guardian

Pakistan yesterday admitted for the first time that it may have been the source of sensitive nuclear know-how and equipment for Iran's uranium enrichment programme, a sophisticated and extensive project which has been kept secret for 18 years.
The admission from the government in Islamabad followed weeks of denial of any involvement in the Iranian projects. It followed Pakistan's disclosure that it was questioning Abdul Qadeer Khan - the man who masterminded Pakistan's acquisition of nuclear weapons, and a hero in his country - about possible links with Iran.

Pakistan is under intense pressure from western countries and from the international atomic energy agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, to clarify its suspected role in supplying Iran with nuclear information and technology.

The foreign ministry in Islamabad continued to deny that Pakistan had had any role in nuclear proliferation, but conceded that some of its nuclear experts might have acted out of "ambition or greed" in supplying nuclear technology.

In recent weeks, Pakistan has detained three prominent nuclear scientists for questioning, and on Monday it announced it was also "debriefing" Mr Khan, who was removed as the head of the country's main nuclear laboratory three years ago under pressure from Washington.

Mr Khan, revered in Pakistan as the "father of the Islamic bomb" and as the man who achieved Pakistan's nuclear parity with India, worked in the Netherlands in the 1970s at Urenco, the British-Dutch-German consortium which is a world leader in uranium enrichment technology.

After he left the Netherlands and returned home, a Dutch court sentenced him to four years in prison for stealing sensitive designs for centrifuge technology used to enrich uranium to weapons grade.

The verdict was later overturned. But diplomats in Vienna - the home of the IAEA - following the labyrinthine development of Pakistan's and Iran's nuclear programmes say Pakistan's arrival as a nuclear power in 1998 was due to its copying, modifying and improving the European uranium enrichment blueprint.

UN inspectors who examined Iran's nascent uranium enrichment centre at Natanz this year concluded that the designs were identical to Pakistan's. After 18 years of secretly buying and importing much of the equipment, Tehran admitted it had acquired the material on the international black market.

A lengthy dossier on the Iranian programme, supplied to the Vienna agency by Tehran in October, identified some of the sources of the equipment and the middlemen involved.

In recent weeks, IAEA nuclear detectives have visited several capitals around the world as part of their investigation into the Iranian programme. They have also demanded cooperation from Pakistan, which they see as a prime - but far from the sole - suspect in the Iranian dealings.

"Confronted by the agency with pretty overwhelming evidence, the Pakistanis thought they had better do something," said a diplomat in Vienna.

Earlier this week, President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan assured Washington that Islamabad was not leaking any secrets about weapons of mass destruction to other countries.

"President Musharraf has assured us there are not any transfers of WMD-related technologies or know-how going on in the present time," the White House spokesman Scott McClellan said. That implied that Mr Musharraf had admitted that such leaks had occurred in the past.

US press reports also put the spotlight on Pakistan for aiding North Korea in its nuclear weapons programme; and with Libya admitting at the weekend that it had built a pilot uranium enrichment centrifuge facility using imported equipment, questions are also being asked about Pakistan's possible role in providing that technology.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Asked if the U.S. government had concluded Pakistan was the source of nuclear technology in Libya and Iran, White House spokesman Scott McClellan did not give a solid answer.

"That is the past," he said Monday. "I'm not in a position to discuss those matters related to classified information and intelligence matters.... But let me talk to the present. President (Pervez) Musharraf has assured us there are not any transfers of WMD-related technologies or know-how going on in the present time."


The dudes passing it out are US allies.
LMFAO indeed.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> The Germans cannot do anything about Irans NUKE program, except be concerned.

Amazing ain't it, Game....and these cocksxckers will then actually spit and piss on our troops for doing the work of cleaning up this next mess....While they brag about how they have national health care.
Sep 21, 2004
The US cant' do anything either...your troops are stretched. 3 wars in 3 years against 3 muslim countries (I was for the afghanistan war) but talk about bad PR.

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Well it looks like the UN is finally going to have to do the right thing and get into this.
Its either now Mr.Chamberlin or under terms that aren't so favorable.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I dunno.

Mutual extermination might be a good thing.

India and Pakistan sorted themselves out, and there's definitely no love between those guys.

I don't see why my guys should invade yet another flipping country just because of Israel.
Its not as if they're innocent in all of this anyway, and the place didn't even exist until 55yrs ago.

And if the 'terrorists' nuke/WMD any part of the West, make it very public knowledge that Tehran & Damascus will get their own personal mushroom cloud the following day.

Its that or mobilise the entire Western hemisphere just so that a few million Israelie dudes can sleep safe and snug at night, then wake up in the morning and steal more land off the Palestinians.

Let the eejits sort themselves out.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

We really need the WWII generation attitude to defeat the enemy, the ACLU and the liberal media are harming our efforts.

The ACLU is sueing the airlines for using a terrorist watch list, only in America could such a group thrive. Its the enemy within that is our greatest enemy.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Gimme a break.

The West could obliterate the entire region in 12 months if it got serious.

9/11 was two big buildings, and it got Afghanistan a shiny new government.
(I will Ignore Iraq at this point...)

A serious attack on the West would create region changing military repercussions that even ordinary moderates would support.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
GAMEFACE.....When you say we really need the WWII generation attitude to defeat the enemy....

...you also need the WWII uniforms to go with that attitude just to know how to tell the good guys from the bad guys.....it was easier then cuz everyone wore uniforms and had thier country's flag painted on thier equipment....

...could that be part of the reason we lost in Vietnam....that the enemy dressed like civilians, and lobbed grenades and took potshots from the jungle and disappeared to fight again another day, instead of wearing a uniform and lining up to fight like redcoats?

It would appear that Iraq is little more than a desert and urban version of Vietnam....different of course, in that in Vietnam there was already a civil war being fought, while in Iraq, we're actually creating one.

Maybe when you get a minute you could talk to your friend Bushie about adlibbing an amendment to the constitution banning warfare and acts of terrorism without the use of uniforms...please do so while he's carving out well thought out, meaningful passages from that same constitution....I wouldn't want you to bother him while he is doing anything intelligent....

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Liberalism, the Kerry types lost Vietnam.

America would have won if not for the enemy within.

New member
Sep 25, 2000
GAMEFACE.....The enemy within had little to do with losing in Vietnam....with the exception to that being the way the government chose to fight the war...the government was the enemy within.

How about "rules of engagement"????

I saw a documentary a while back...the fighter pilots interviewed stated that they were sent for 10 days to bomb the same site, day after day, and forget about surprise, because they were all run at the same time of each day....the place they bombed looked like the moon, yet they could see the airstrips the migs were taking off from, the same migs that were coming to intercept them.....yet they couldn't stray from thier mission to go bomb the airstrip....WTF is that? No way I could fight a war with them kind of rules.....If I go to fight a war it's going to be for a good reason, with effective strategies...in short, with a TEAM. "Team" meaning the higher ups are committed to thier fighting men and not placing those same troops in positions where they have to radio back for permission to fire back, and cannot engage the enemy at will. I refuse to die for a worthless cause in a war where I'm treated by brass as a puppet.

We could have won Vietnam had we wanted to....we spent our time pissing around in the jungle looking for snipers and booby traps instead of really laying it on heavy to the North Vietnamese.....

We had the military might to win that war, we just didn't choose to use it. And I'm not talking about using the bomb.

Personally, I think that getting involved in that war, and the Korean War, were two of the biggest mistakes this government has ever made.....over 100,000 dead, all to go fight in other countries civil wars...

We had no right and no reason to be in either of those wars, period.

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