Listen up fellas... the Sixers are now a top team in the East


New member
Apr 21, 2002
2 wins in a row since AI left. Not great quality wins about top competition but you don't need to beat the best to win that division. Beat up on bottom feeders, come out with a .500 record, and playoffs here we come.

LA Clippers Junkie
May 14, 2005
Andre Miller is a pretty good friend of mine. From what I gather, he won't be in Philadelphia for long.

morally bankrupt
Nov 23, 2004
What the fuck? Boston was like a high school team with everyone out, and the Knicks @ home short handed. Philly had to win those games.

If your wild prediction stands then solid, but lets not get carried away over 2W.

Solid odds though, I might hit that.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
simply no chance philly wins the east. Not a good team at all. Boxslayer making some great points, proving he knows the NBA game well. Agree with most of what he has said in this thread.

New member
Feb 9, 2006
ak47 = best white defender in the NBA. I think philly will move Andre Miller before the deadline to a team that needs a true pt guard. Dalenbert and Igudala is a good base they just need to have a good draft and bring and some good players thru FA.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Tough sell to me !

I think I use kind numbers

3-1 to make playoffs, then a -130 dog in 3 series, then a huge dog to the West, and I think that's very generous. I don't see the overlay ?

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<HR color=#000080 SIZE=4><CENTER>[FONT=arial,helvetica][SIZE=+2]Baseball Parlay Calculator
<!-- <SCRIPT LANGUAGE=JavaScript1.2 SRC=""/Javascript/ParlayCalculator.js></SCRIPT> --><SCRIPT language=JavaScript>function CalculateMLBParlay(form){ if (ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice1) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice2) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice3) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice4) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice5) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice6) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice7) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice8) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice9) && ValidateAllFields(form.TeamPrice10) && ValidateAllFields(form.BetUnits)) { TP1 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice1.value); TP2 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice2.value); TP3 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice3.value); TP4 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice4.value); TP5 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice5.value); TP6 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice6.value); TP7 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice7.value); TP8 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice8.value); TP9 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice9.value); TP10 = parseFloat(form.TeamPrice10.value); BetUnits = parseFloat(form.BetUnits.value); ParlayPayout = parseFloat(form.ParlayPayout.value); if (TP1 < 0) { PF1 = (-TP1 + 100) / -TP1; } else if (TP1 > 0) { PF1 = (TP1 + 100) / 100; } else PF1 = 1; if (TP2 < 0) { PF2 = (-TP2 + 100) / -TP2; } else if (TP2 > 0) { PF2 = (TP2 + 100) / 100; } else PF2 = 1; if (TP3 < 0) { PF3 = (-TP3 + 100) / -TP3; } else if (TP3 > 0) { PF3 = (TP3 + 100) / 100; } else PF3 = 1; if (TP4 < 0) { PF4 = (-TP4 + 100) / -TP4; } else if (TP4 > 0) { PF4 = (TP4 + 100) / 100; } else PF4 = 1; if (TP5 < 0) { PF5 = (-TP5 + 100) / -TP5; } else if (TP5 > 0) { PF5 = (TP5 + 100) / 100; } else PF5 = 1; if (TP6 < 0) { PF6 = (-TP6 + 100) / -TP6; } else if (TP6 > 0) { PF6 = (TP6 + 100) / 100; } else PF6 = 1; if (TP7 < 0) { PF7 = (-TP7 + 100) / -TP7; } else if (TP7 > 0) { PF7 = (TP7 + 100) / 100; } else PF7 = 1; if (TP8 < 0) { PF8 = (-TP8 + 100) / -TP8; } else if (TP8 > 0) { PF8 = (TP8 + 100) / 100; } else PF8 = 1; if (TP9 < 0) { PF9 = (-TP9 + 100) / -TP9; } else if (TP9 > 0) { PF9 = (TP9 + 100) / 100; } else PF9 = 1; if (TP10 < 0) { PF10 = (-TP10 + 100) / -TP10; } else if (TP10 > 0){ PF10 = (TP10 + 100) / 100; } else PF10 = 1; ParlayPayout = ((PF1 * PF2 * PF3 * PF4 * PF5 * PF6 * PF7 * PF8 * PF9 * PF10) - 1) * BetUnits; form.ParlayPayout.value = ParlayPayout; } else form.ParlayPayout.value = '';}function ValidateAllFields(field){ flag = 0; var str = field.value; for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { var chr = str.substring(i, i+1); if (((chr < "0") || (chr > "9")) && (chr != ".") && (chr != "-") && (chr != "+")) flag = 1; } if ((flag == 1) || (str.length == 0)) { alert("You have typed an invalid character.\nPlease type numerical values only."); return false; } else return true;}function ResetAllValues(form){ form.TeamPrice1.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice2.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice3.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice4.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice5.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice6.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice7.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice8.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice9.value = "0"; form.TeamPrice10.value = "0"; form.BetUnits.value = "1"; form.ParlayPayout.value = "0";} </SCRIPT><CENTER><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=450 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=top><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=24>BASEBALL PARLAY
</TD></TR><TR><TD><HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=2></TD></TR><TR><TD>Enter the price of each game you are betting. Enter a favorite using the line with a minus (-) sign at the beginning. Enter dogs by using just the price, no + is necessary. Leave a "0" in each box which will not be factored into the parlay. Enter the amount of your wager in the box next to "Wager", and click on "Show me the Money". The payout amount of a winning parlay wager will appear in the box next to Parlay Payout.

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD vAlign=top align=right><FORM><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=beige><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=5 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=beige><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR bgColor=beige><TD width=100 bgColor=#ffcc66>Teams</TD><TD width=50 bgColor=#ffcc66>Prices</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffcc66 colSpan=2><HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=2></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>1.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=300 name=TeamPrice1></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>2.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=130 name=TeamPrice2></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>3.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=130 name=TeamPrice3></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>4.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=130 name=TeamPrice4></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>5.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=250 name=TeamPrice5></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>6.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=0 name=TeamPrice6></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>7.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=0 name=TeamPrice7></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>8.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=0 name=TeamPrice8></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>9.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=0 name=TeamPrice9></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>10.</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=0 name=TeamPrice10></TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffcc66 colSpan=2><HR width="100%" noShade SIZE=2></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>Wager:</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=1 name=BetUnits></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66>Parlay Payout:</TD><TD bgColor=#ffcc66><INPUT size=10 value=169.33799999999994 name=ParlayPayout></TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#ffcc66 colSpan=2 height=1> </TD></TR><TR bgColor=beige><TD bgColor=#0000ff><INPUT onclick=CalculateMLBParlay(this.form) type=button value="Show me the Money"></TD><TD align=right bgColor=#0000ff><INPUT onclick=ResetAllValues(this.form) type=reset value="Reset All"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=bottom align=middle colSpan=2 height=100>The total payout on the bet is the sum of the wager + parlay payout.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></CENTER>
*Always check parlay odds with multiple sports books for best value.
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Formula to Calulate Parlay Payoffs
When a Moneyline is used in a parlay, such as for Baseball, there is no set payoff. Instead, payoffs are determined by a simple formula that changes the Moneyline into a decimal number and combines it with the other lines in the parlay.
The first step is to change the Moneyline into a decimal.
1. If the Moneyline is a dog (+) add 100 to the Moneyline and divide by 100.
2. If the Moneyline is a favorite (-). Divide the moneyline into 100.
3. Multiply the amount of the wager by the numbers generated by the above formulas.
4. Subtract the amount of the wager to arrive at the parlay payoff

Example: $50 parlay Yankees -135 Cardinals +220
  1. <LI class=text-jus>
    (+) 220 + 100 = 320 divided by 100 = 3.2
    <LI class=text-jus>
    100 divided by (-) 135 = 0.74
    <LI class=text-jus>
    $50 x 3.2 x 0.74 = $278
  2. $278 - $50 = $228 payoff
5. Use the same formula for any number of teams up to 10.
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Jun 23, 2006

i clicked into this thread thinking it was a joke but see that someone is REALLY trying to SELL this Philly squad as a contender this season.


ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
MrCleo said:

i clicked into this thread thinking it was a joke but see that someone is REALLY trying to SELL this Philly squad as a contender this season.


maybe next year or thereafter, but obviously not this year.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I think my quick numbers are way to kind, in particular to even make the payoffs, each number thereafter is also kind to Philly as well. I see no value in 76er's, but good luck Jake, it fails my analysis.

New member
Sep 23, 2005
You just threw your money away IMO. I'd rather buy a lottery ticket.

I live in the Philly area and watch this team every night. No way they win the East and I don't even think they are trying to at this point.

I heard something with Miller being traded by the deadline as well.

Dalembert is way too inconsistent. He has 2 good game out of 10, the other 8 are just flat out horrible. He makes alot of bonehead plays.

Korver cannot do anything but hit a 3 off a pick or wide open.

Webber is motivated one game and limping around lazy the next 5.

Iquodala is a promising player, but still inconsistent and still a little raw offensively. He needs to draw fouls when he drives to the hoop, he's always looking to avoid fouls by fading away or reversing it.

Most of the bench is way too young and still learning.

Cheeks is an average coach at best, he has lost about 5-6 games by himself this year.

This team is definitely looking to the future, not the present.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
I look at the odds alone, just can't come close, even using friendly numbers, numbers I'd seriously think about betting into !

Get'em Jake ! I can't bet this. If anything I'd go against sixers but I don't do bridgejumper odds.

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