Lmao, you owe me 2 minutes of my life back! I thought you were posting something serious!
Don't really have to. Dem Deutsch is an uber liberal who I think actually had his mouth on BO's cock...and he is throwing in the towel knowing what a failure and disaster the American Idol voting block put in power the last eight years.
Lmao! You guys did the same shit the first 4 years. Trust me, a dem will win in 2016. You guys might get enough votes from the useless, degenerate states to take the Senate... But no way can you win the General. The new generation does not want to be forced to live by psycho conservative rules. You guys are destroying this country! Obstruct and blame!
I agree with you on this post. Mitt will get destroyed by the liberal media once again, and all the trash from the last go around will surface...its what the liberal media does. I am still holding out hope that Ben Carson runs. Talk about a landslide...maybe bigger than ReaganI think Obama deserves a lot of criticism, a lot, but the Republicans are going to have to do much better than trolling out old Mitt again. Mitt would have a chance but a bleak one. He does have some advantage and that comes from experience from running against BO. He would have to keep his mouth shut about social issues but we all know once you put a republican in front of a mic they can't stop themselves from eventually saying something stupid but maybe Mitt has learned from mistakes.