Hillary Clinton set out to destroy the reputation of Monica Lewinsky (and Jennifer Flowers). She knew the truth, always did, yet she called a 20 year old intern and infatuated stalker. She also blamed her political opponents for fabricating the Monica Lewinsky story, she called it all a "vast right wing conspiracy". SHE LIES, SHE KNOWINGLY LIED, and her lies are the worst kind of lies, she tries to destroy other people. Have you heard that recently? She hasn't changed one iota.
Hillary Clinton, while she privately telling her daughter the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, she LIES to the American people blaming it on a spontaneous uprising resulting from a YouTube video. When talking about the catastrophic events of that day she says "what difference does it make?". She lied because the elections were around the corner, it's what pure scum does.
When talking about her trip to Bosnia, she said she remembers bullets flying over her head as she disembarked from the plane. The pool reporters that were with her said that never happened, she must have been shocked the media outed her since they obviously don't do that (how else could she possibly think she would get away with that WHOPPER OF A FUCKING LIE). Brian Williams lost his job for telling a similar lie, but libtard nation loves their liars who play them for the fools that they are.
The libatrds around here love their fucking psychos, they embrace their liars, they love losers since they're losers themselves, they love how Obama hoodwinked everyone about his clusterfuck known as Obamacare, and they love the orchestrated attempt to personally destroy an African American Conservative with more lies, and even if those lies were true, would pale in comparison to the lying psycho they embrace
they are a DNA chain gone bad, they are the scum of the earth
Hillary Clinton, while she privately telling her daughter the Benghazi attack was a terrorist attack, she LIES to the American people blaming it on a spontaneous uprising resulting from a YouTube video. When talking about the catastrophic events of that day she says "what difference does it make?". She lied because the elections were around the corner, it's what pure scum does.
When talking about her trip to Bosnia, she said she remembers bullets flying over her head as she disembarked from the plane. The pool reporters that were with her said that never happened, she must have been shocked the media outed her since they obviously don't do that (how else could she possibly think she would get away with that WHOPPER OF A FUCKING LIE). Brian Williams lost his job for telling a similar lie, but libtard nation loves their liars who play them for the fools that they are.
The libatrds around here love their fucking psychos, they embrace their liars, they love losers since they're losers themselves, they love how Obama hoodwinked everyone about his clusterfuck known as Obamacare, and they love the orchestrated attempt to personally destroy an African American Conservative with more lies, and even if those lies were true, would pale in comparison to the lying psycho they embrace
they are a DNA chain gone bad, they are the scum of the earth