All depends on how the bets come in.I am sure the future pools are making it a lot easier for them to stay on 7 rather than moving to 7.5. I just cannot see them opening themselves up for everyone that got those goofy opening numbers, 5 is obviously s adead number, but 6 isn't all that dead, and combine it with a 7 when you see 7.5 for little or no extra vig, and it isn't hard to take a shot.
The NFC took quite a move there the last couple days. Even at a low limit it seemed to be pretty one sided on the NFC the way that thing dropped. So there you also have the guys that might have bought the AFC late in that prop, now they have NE -4.5 in a prop, and again 5 is a dead number, but with a 7.5 itis still 3 numbers to middle. Probaby less than 1% difference beteen that 4.5 in the prop, and the 5 that some books opened up at. but the psychology is there. And if the guys buy back and get "lucky" when it hits 6 then it makes a big difference.
I am not so convinced that so many people love New England here. Not difficult for people to make a case for Philly, and people do love the dogs in the Superbowl despite what some people want to believe.
So unless we can see what the balance sheets look like it is hard to say.
I also have to think that books have been swapping plays off and balancing each others action all week between themselves. I mean how hard is it for them to do it, they have two weeks to run the numbers.