Let me introduce you to...Devolution


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Have to give it to Q. He has been able to unite all of the lowest IQ people in the country. He has made them a semi force . They actual are the test grounds for MAGAs. If it gains enough traction with the Qs it will quickly be adopted by MAGAs. As the IQ difference in the two groups is very minuscule. Take away the "I" in IQ for intelligence and you get "Q" for the gullible.
Q is not meant for you and your clueless ilk and you're not smart enough to understand anything in this thread anyway, which again, is aging like a fine red wine.

Remember, Father Time always bends to my will, not the other way around.

Of the dozens of "conspiracies" I've been right about in just the last few years alone, this one is going to hurt you the most

That's because Devolution is the Crown Jewel of all Sheriff Joe forecasts - not only the most surreal for anyone still asleep to grasp, but also the one I am most confident in and proud of.

This current Military Occupancy is truly The Greatest Show On Earth.

Sep 12, 2022
Fascinating thread. I started at the beginning and am working my way through it. I'm on board with about 80% of the information being presented on the various videos, like The Greatest Show on Earth.

Noticed that Cybersharp was gung-ho in March of 2022, calling this thread fantastic, but in February of 2023 he appears disillusioned and ready to throw in the towel.

I don't think we can attach a timeline to what's taking place behind the scenes. War is fluid.

Of course, information like this is WAY over the heads of the Tards.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Here is one man's opinion.....(really good for the doomers)
I just c/p his entire post

Trying times isn’t it? It seems like we never seem to go on offense. Like it’s just deep state win after win. We want to see black helicopters and politicians in handcuffs. We want to be vindicated for our research, after all of the accusations of conspiracy theory. Stay strong. Imagine being Trump. You get handed a folder that proves the election was rigged, by enemies both foreign and domestic, and you can’t say shit. You can’t shove it in CNNs face. All the ridicule from every possible angle, and he had the proof in his hand from day one. All he can do is keep telling the truth. The election was rigged. But he can’t prove it yet. Not publicly. So we must be patient like him. Trust the plan.

In the meantime, let’s do an assessment of our progress and our enemies. Censorship. We are winning. Compare now to 2020. Tucker Carlson is the biggest barometer of change. Russel Brand is another one. Their old playbook doesn’t work anymore. Elon and others like Rumble are not caving. Supreme Court is about to uphold the lawsuits against Biden, and completely ban the government from interacting with social media in regard to censorship. The 5th circuit dropped a bombshell on that one. I’m very very confident the SC will do the same. They are trying to regain their image, and make up for 2020.

Ukraine. Source of Vindman, Crowdstrike, Burisma, and the geographical home base of the deep state corruption and money laundering. 80% of Ukraine government is foreign born. The WEF essentially bought a fucking country. And now Putin owns half of it. And if he wants, he can have the rest. The only thing stopping Russia from driving into Kiev is Russia. Ukraine is being removed from the board.
China. Financial decapitation. It’s hard to overstate how badly China is being fucked right now. It’s over. Every factory funded by Taiwan and the west over the last 30 years is closing. Some are coming back to the US. Some Vietnam, India. And this is happening quickly. Apple is moving its production as fast as it possibly can. The glory days are over. 50% of 20 year olds are unemployed. It got so bad they stopped releasing the numbers. This is decades of globalist capitulation to China being reversed in less than 4 years.
Right there we have the 2 countries called out specifically relating to election interference, and both of them look much different now than they did in 2020. They are getting fucked.

Immigration. “You have to show them.” Compare Eric Adams in 2022 and Eric Adams now. “Immigration is going to destroy this city.” All of these fucking idiot lefties in Dem cities are having bus loads of red pills being dumped into their neighborhoods every week. You have to set the stage for what’s to come. Millions of people being deported. How do you get liberals on board with that? You show them. You flood their neighborhoods with illegals. Compare sentiment regarding immigration now, and in 2020. It’s changed. And every week it will change more as normies start to see their streets flooded with illegals.

The Fed. The fed has been broken. It no longer has the power to do shit. The petrodollar is over. The federal reserve note doesn’t even exist anymore, and it’s also no longer the worlds reserve currency. No longer can the deep state use sanctions to keep countries in line. The path has been cleared completely to restore American currency to a gold back US treasury note. Not some useless fiat Bank of England/Rothschilds piece of inflated toilet paper. No longer will your own taxpayers dollars be controlled by unelected private bankers. It’s going back to the US treasury. That one is right in the open.

We want to see guys in fatigues kicking doors in and sending traitors to the gulag. But that’s not what this is. It’s a new kind of war. Information over bullets. Cyberspace. Banking. Global trade. We don’t see our wins bragged about publicly. Elon isn’t bragging about being a part of a plan.
But the wins are there. It’s not happening overnight. It’s a series of miracles. The military flat out told us in a damn commercial what is happening. There is a ghost in the machine. We don’t see the ghost. All we see is the machine breaking. Keep a level head and just watch everything with an open mind. When you see a win, recognize it for what it is.
The best is yet to come. The red folder is real.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Notice the US Debt Clock no longer says the Federal Reserve Note but now says the US Treasury Dollars

? ? ?


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Notice the US Debt Clock no longer says the Federal Reserve Note but now says the US Treasury Dollars

? ? ?
View attachment 75494
I dont think even 1percent of the population understand what Trump did OVAH here.

Edit...more like 1/10 of 1 percent.

Everything is hidden in plain site for anyone that wants to look it up.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"No State shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts."
-- Article 1, Section 10, US Constitution

Real money holds its value.

Fiat is a ponzi scheme that enables the Deep State: endless wars, endless corruption, endless inflation, endless subjugation, endless oppression, endless surveillance, endless lawfare...

Things will change in ways people cannot possibly fathom.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Mainly for the doomers


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So a couple nights ago something really cool happened.

"Patel Patriot", aka Jon Herold, got invited to Mar-a-Lago for the screening of Police State.

As many know, "Patel Patriot" is the original "Devolution guy" - author of the "Devolution Series" I posted at the very beginning of this thread.

Jon's original social media handle was inspired by Kash Patel, now Senior Advisor to President Trump, who he finally got to meet..


Along with...




Schmoozing with the stars. LOL

So many wonderful Patriots on this historic journey who spend endless hours researching, document-diving and REAL fact-checking bringing you the TRUTH.

Looks like all the hard work paid off for the "Devolution Guy"

Congrats Jon Herold, aka "Patel Patriot"! Well deserved.

Feb 9, 2019
We're in a cultural revolution and it's not good......I see grown men here more brainwashed than a black kid at a blm protest!!! Dems fooled the black man for yrs and now the White man is falling for the government BS.......Not the time to shut up!!! Knock!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Have to post this from time to time for those wondering "what is taking so long"

You cant just arrest/execute the bad guys without changing the systems that create them......financial , politcal and more,....
otherwise the snake just grows another head

anyone who is NOT distracted by the DS can PLAINLY see that the WhiteHats have been/are in the process of breaking down these systems globally......Joe and SBD continue to give example over example but even smart people cant see past the mirage

THE DS is being destroyed....perhaps not a fast as most would like BUT considering how much control the other side has had historically I would say things are happening at WARP SPEED!!!!

(and most think Operation WARP SPEED was only "VAX" related)

Sep 12, 2022
Have to post this from time to time for those wondering "what is taking so long"

You cant just arrest/execute the bad guys without changing the systems that create them......financial , politcal and more,....
otherwise the snake just grows another head

anyone who is NOT distracted by the DS can PLAINLY see that the WhiteHats have been/are in the process of breaking down these systems globally......Joe and SBD continue to give example over example but even smart people cant see past the mirage

THE DS is being destroyed....perhaps not a fast as most would like BUT considering how much control the other side has had historically I would say things are happening at WARP SPEED!!!!

(and most think Operation WARP SPEED was only "VAX" related)

View attachment 77597
I never thought of it that way - that Operation Warp Speed meant taking down the Deep State - at warp speed!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Short 3 min clip....you dont gotta take ANYONE's word for it, ignore the evidence, ignore the people showing you FACTS
hell ignore TRUMP himself tellling you what is up over and over and over....



Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Here is a link to the ENTIRE collection of Devolution research and articles from PatelPatriot for anyone that is interested in perusing or sharing.
It is extensive and no telling how many hundereds of hours of research and writing was involved

So its LOLOLOL when a guy who has done ZERO research, tells us nothing is happening.
You will just have to admit you are a sheep and are wating for TV to tell you something different and then you will come back and claim you
"knew it all along"


Active member
Jun 18, 2007
I had to look up the word

the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I had to look up the word

the transfer or delegation of power to a lower level, especially by central government to local or regional administration.
It means "Continuity of Government" (military control).

Just confirmed by the "Director of Secret Service" during her testimony.

Meanwhile, 98% of the population have no idea what she's talking about.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
For those new to devolution, a very brief simple explanation, and where we are today.

Governments have different continuity plans in place in case disaster strikes. If a nuke went off in DC, there are plans in place to ensure the government survives, at least the most essential functions.

When disaster strikes, the plan automatically takes effect. Simple.

Flashback 4 years ago 👇👇👇

Q: What disaster struck the United States of America on Nov 3, 2020?

Answer 👉 "81 votes for Biden" 👉 "ELECTION INTERFERENCE!"

President Trump and the military set up the sting in advance, then sat back and watched the Deep State hang themselves...literally.

Trump let them run their little election scam, then take power...without them knowing a Continuity of Operations plan had been put into place ready to be triggered in the event of that exact scenario.




Remember when the military raided FOREIGN Dominion servers in Germany and Italy days after the fraudulent election? Remember the mules?

That's why, even though it appeared he "lost", President Trump publicly "walked away" with the REAL government in exile, if only to avoid a civil war triggered by the Deep State's ANTIFA rent-a-mobs..

That why..

👉CIC Trump has the nuclear football, "Biden" doesn't. (Neither does Kamala).
👉CIC Trump has the 45 car presidential motorcade, "Biden" doesn't.
👉CIC Trump controls the military, "Biden" doesn't (otherwise we'd be in WWIII)
👉The FAA has No-Fly zones over Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster.
👉Choppers hovering above etc.

Continuity of Operations... meaning, the REAL govt remains in exile, until this "issue" is resolved.

It's complicated but that's COG/devolution in a nutshell.

And that's where we sit today... almost 4 years later.


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