First Drug Arrest :
before 12/31/03 +130
after 12/31/03 -170
First Drug Conviction :
before 12/31/03 +400
after 12/31/03 -700
Number of (claimed) Children by age 30
o9.5 -110
u9.5 -110
Number of (actual) Children by age 30
o16.5 -130
u16.5 EV
Will Michael Jordan call him out
yes OTB
no -200
Will Cleveland still infinately suck
yes -300
no +220
Number of bitches that claim he assulted them in 2003
o2.5 +130
u2.5 -160
before 12/31/03 +130
after 12/31/03 -170
First Drug Conviction :
before 12/31/03 +400
after 12/31/03 -700
Number of (claimed) Children by age 30
o9.5 -110
u9.5 -110
Number of (actual) Children by age 30
o16.5 -130
u16.5 EV
Will Michael Jordan call him out
yes OTB
no -200
Will Cleveland still infinately suck
yes -300
no +220
Number of bitches that claim he assulted them in 2003
o2.5 +130
u2.5 -160