for real, TN, nothing said here takes away from what you've contributed to this site in the short time you've been posting. You record is amazing considering how hard it is to make money in bases. you do it CONSISTENTLY each week, with many large dogs. That is impressive!!!
Your picks must be making you tons of cash, which is phenomial. But there are many people who look at this site who DON'T post who are also profiting from your knowledge, and follow your picks religiously, like myself.
The person you remind me of most is Dogball who , I'm sure, everyone remembers. He had a couple great years here and made people $$. He took the same shit and bolted, and this forum is less potent because of that. 95% of these guys don't wanna see you take off also.
Stick around, keep your hot picks coming; we're all looing for your insight come playoff time...
you're the man!