Both start at 9pm on Sunday... :nohead:
The NBA easily could have played this game tonight... leaving Sunday night open for the Sopranos Finale. This is some bullshit if you ask me.
Nominate the above for the biggest Pus*y post of the month.
You can still watch Teletubbies on Nickelodeon. The Sopranos are still on??? I thought everyone stopped watching after the second season. Finale my ass, 5th graders are writing the show now. Wonder whats going to happen, Oh yeah Tony gets whacked, how imaginative oh wait here's the twist... its all a dream sequence. There's more suspense in trying to figure out if the Teletubby with the purse is gay or not.
Guess you don't bet. Hint: betting takes the boring out of anything.
I looked up boring in the dictionary and saw a picture of a wanna be wiseguy watching the Sopranos.