Lander, whatever happened to the take-back prices? I thought it was a great feature when you had it.
We have it for ml only, for the sole reason of total/spread & juice taking up too much real estate (space) for takeback (forgive my abbr, I cut my finger tonight & anything on the left hurts to type
Lander, that chart tracking idea would be a great feature and ofcourse Pinnacle would be the best choice. Thanks.
Thanks, we'll also be getting the Sportbet graphs up again at somepoint (we both had new releases & have to re-sync up)
The Pin idea is purely speculation at this stage ... I have to run it by Kenny after he boards up his mansion & chases the hurricane ... seriously though, I know he's probably freaked out about that Cat 4/5, so maybe we'll get on this in a few weeks or so
Hey, do all that and you can change the name to DB. How about weather and injuries too?
Thanks, but DB is real time. We're on a slight delay & that alone puts us light years behind DB.
Ken has been in contact with a 3rd party about injuries, so I imagine this isn't too far off
Any chance of having halftime lines posted?
Yes, we will DEFINATELY look towards getting 1st & 2nd halves in at some point (hopefully soon).
Thanks for the feedback guys!! Without a proper set of QA, developers & Info Architects your feedback is what we MUST rely on.
I'm just a square, so if were just my work we'd have exactly 2 pages - one with SIA lines
and one with HIP photos