"The timing of the women’s action was due to U.S. Soccer communicating in CBA negotiations that the women would not get as much as the men in their new CBA."
“I can tell you categorically along with the other U.S. Soccer participants that statement or anything even remotely along those lines was never said,”
"The women’s CBA is in place until December 31, 2016, based on the memorandum of understanding signed in 2013."
(Note: Suitable images of US Soccer Federation Lawyer Russell Sauer were unavailable)
"The CBA is no longer in place. It expired."
"Wake Up Bozo."
"This battle is not just for us but for the girls who are going to eventually take our spots on this team. Hopefully they won't have to fight as hard as we are. Hopefully we will contribute to a culture that pushes us toward true equality."
"There are so many things that are shocking in our past. Women used to not be allowed to vote. I think one day we will look back and think it is shocking that women didn't earn as much as men. We're going to look back and wonder, why did we value women so much less?"
"Because the Men who wrote your holy books and the Laws of your Societies were (and still are) ego-driven self obsessed insecure wreckage of human beings exactly like that kid who cried in the Leave Brittney Spears Alone Video. The primitive brains of these morons and the sheep that slave to keep their archaic stupidity in place today are idiots.
There is no disputing this, they are hypocritical embiciles who care only about Power. Stand up to them, destroy their self-appointed positions of control, decimate their illusions of superiority, obliterate their delusions of grandeur, wipe these from the canvas topple utterly and forever the false thrones they sit upon and proclaim their idiocy from.
The True Seat of Power lies with The People, has only ever legitimately existed therein, with The People and True Power lies not with Men who Lie, take advantage of you from on High."