KOW Sat. Plays But always remember!!!


Feb 9, 2019
well there goes hill billy knockwood running his friggin mouth off again. The guy just cant keep his views to himself and post sports stuff. Every post of his, he has to spit out his political and religious views. I truly cant stand people like this, because they are total phonies, frauds, hypocrites and scum. They believe that their beliefs that are the only ones that are right, instead of just keeping their mouths shut. Hey knockwood, you dont need to post what you are doing all day long on a sports forum. He says all of us need to be good humans like tucker, musk and trump, because they are good people. Lmfaoooooooooooo

Girl where you B :) I'm still in just one thread, Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
welll knockwood made no picks today other then his giant fake football teaser that the big bet bettor needed his buddy to put in for him.

Sure hope he makes basketball picks tomorrow, i need to add to that 3-14-1 bashing he took yesterday. I guess when you stink at handicapping, you have to talk about politics and religion

Feb 9, 2019
Knockwood heres your record at start of dec 54-71!!! (Sucks)
Minus $4950!!!

Then he stopped posting in nfl forum and instead hid picks in nba forum. Then suddenly he appears with a plus record and now says hes up good in nfl. Complete total fraud and best damn fade on the internet you will ever find. He must think everybody that reads his posts is a dumb hill billy like him. His head is gonna explode seeing how i exposed this fraud capper. Living in knocks head rent free. Love it

Feb 9, 2019
Thanks Knockwood, for the san fran moneyline loser. Congrats on your teaser win, tough to fade a persons teaser, cause both persons bets could lose and i dont make square bets. So kc win was good enough and i know i will get more chances to make cash on basketball.

Amazing how you and others were saying how the nfl rigged the game for kc, but then go and bet the opposite. Do they teach that down in hill billy school? If you know the result of something , you bet the opposite lolll.
Oh and by the way that Billy guy you were making fun of, with your billy who comments, is Billy Walters who happens to be one of the greatest gamblers of all time and won more on this game, then you have made collecting your welfare checks your whole life.
Now go study those basketball games.

Cd you friends with this person..... set up meeting and I'll bet him for 1 yr, name the price!!!! I'm here waiting, Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
Last few days he hasnt graced us with his political views, but today he was right back to that stuff. Guess when you suck at capping, you need to talk about something else. Today he said everybody should stock up on water, food and bullets. Says hes got enough supplies to last awhile. Can you imagine living your whole life being that afraid and worrying about this stuff that the conspiracy crazies have been saying for like the last 30 years.

I wont post his plays, cause i gotta make you guys at least put in some effort. Cant spoon feed you. just remember 6-23-1, when you are trying to pick your games for tonight, when you could have rode with the goose.

2 more and done waiting for now, time to eat and then some poker maybe :) why scared to post here??????????

Feb 9, 2019
Didn't see this one :) feel free to post plays starting tomorrow but I'm still waiting on your 1 of many lies :) man is that truly all you have :) I have a memory that doesn't forget jack!!! You said sue and I said NO!!!!!! I may pretend I might have but know I didn't and why you haven't shower Jack here or in China your safe Place!!! 2 more and done because it's 100's but hate showing the worst of them!!!! I don't like trying to make people look bad and things you've said :) you're lucky china protects the sheep but I'll never stoop to your level!!!!!! I'm still waiting like the Russian hoax never proven by dems, all made up!!!! 2 more :) tomorrow nwybe anther thread where you really talk sweet byt new Yorkers talk more nasty, just truth I know many if you'd ever like to meet some there :) good people and can have come visit :) ask your mom upstairs first, Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
Not that this is any of your fucking business, i have disliked that piece of shit for years. He is a fraud capper and i hate to see fellow bettors fall for his shit. But besides that what i do with my fucking life is not your business, so why dont you just worry about your own life. Its funny you making posts saying am obsessed with that clown, but arent you doing the same fucking thing you clown? Go look in the mirror dipshit. I post here, cause trust me he here everyday reading the posts and losing his mind, cause he wants people to think hes a great capper, which hes not. Also he bashed all the people on covers, which he does when he gets the boot on other forums.

You really should move along, cause your never gonna get my hog. Am not into that, but it appears you are into that type of stuff bigtime. I hope you find the hog of your dreams.

Honestly i will never understand why other people run their mouths off worrying about shit that has nothing to do with them. I do want to apologize to phillyboy for my posts causing him to lose sleep at night worrying about my posts. Sorry phillyboy, take a sleeping pill if you cant fall asleep again tonight or just count hogs

Dang not sure about this one as to another member but :) little cd why now start telling people if I was your golden goose for 20 yrs :) I doubt I was even at talksport 20 yrs ago, I left there because I could see sheep taking over......Came back and they were gone!!! Could china be next :) we sure don't need in America!!!!!!!!!! Dems worship china and the thug!!!! I'm MAGA, we think for ourselves but keep trusting.....you know???? Never mind

Feb 9, 2019
Last one for now :)

yup more proof knock = cubs. Cubs posted same time knock posted on other site. Looks like knock might lose his cubs alias,lmfaoooo.

knockers = cubs just woke up from his drug fueled night. Guy hits the hard drugs pretty hard. He loves that fentanyl shit. One of those guys that even licks the patches. He says hes got a bad back. Sure he does. He doesnt even realize his idol is gonna come for all the dealers and users.

you gotta read the rant he just made crying about me and this site. Hes good for fading and is a great laugh with his political rants. I truly believe he would like to make a pee pee tape with his idol trumper.

I just hope he has some narcan on hand, cause i would really hate to see him gone.

Have no idea who cubs is but little cd say it b me :) I be cubs and everyone else feeling sorry for little cd and sidekick dizzy or whatever her name :) have a good night

Feb 9, 2019
By itself :)

Have a good night :) I knew he couldn't show because it's a flat lie!!!!! Cd, that's how media and government brainwash you.......Straight up lies but you're to ignorant to see it :) Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
Lied, after this done.....Dinner and poker :) mid 60's here all week so working outside....Got to love climate change getting warmer than colder but you can't control it and only here for the last post of the night!!!

I've said for yrs posting and why I started....I always thought it was to help beat the book and I have as much as anyone in 40 yrs.........I've said many of times know when to fade or know when to follow, not just me but anyone...........I'm very fadeable right now but I'm not fading myself.....I just adjust my bets and when I feel it's right, go bigger.....Most don't bet a lot because I see what lots of people bet.......Som bet huge but have stupid money, like say grand son of one of the biggest cola companies in the world, biggest.....I watched the book take very stupid money and yes if I could have got connected without book knowing to the guy....He would have paid very stupid money for winners but couldn't and prob wouldn't......Connections and loyalty is extremely important to me, its just who you know sometime.........
These 2 dudes or girls who I called out to come here......Bragging on how much money they made fading me this weekend and really, that's cool :) post my record right till end of hoops, like climate it changes.......Sad part, I've never liked dancing in the end zone but players like Berry Sanders who handed the ball to the ref, not dancing like the 1st time......These 2 over there you can tell in 20 yrs if playing that long, they've never Won!!! Not many people have and they haven't beat the book yet.....Like a game, you play till the end and best score wins so quit dancing and act like you've won before......It's very telling and one bad stretch for me doesn't scare me at all..................I'm only disappointed in people like you 2 who trust media and government.......I don't care who you are and will tell anyone.......You're one dumb mother if you trust media and government!!!!!!! These 2 are as dumb as they come, especially cd.....All they have to do is say where I'm wrong but they just call names....I hate using dumb but does he see the people moving out of NY to hillbilly country.....I've got great friends in NY I'll do anything for but another year under dems and damn put a fence around the place!!! It was a movie like that I think but he probably thinks people south are moving north because it's to dang hot down here now :) I'd say wake up and think for yourself.......I mean come on, you removed your governor for no reason to replace with a woman.......then, you hire the chocolate mayor worst than the one who had no idea what he was but wife ripped millions from you......The great new chocolate mayor who said all come :) until they did but after complaining to Biden they come down with charges on the melting chocolate.....Now chocolate can't say anything but we need more of the taxpayers money :) the chocolate mayor, his words not mine :) cd guess you're chicken shit to show where I said sue but dems can never back what they say.......They just lie more because of people like cd they can!!!

Mad u came fading me :) not at all I welcome......Just mad because you're old enough to not be such a brainwashed ignorant joke of a person......My plays will be posted by 6 so keep making money why you can :) easy to tell those who never beat the book and doubt you do this time :) Have a great night all but they can never produce fact and truth!!!! Forgot about nba game, Wanted to see if went over!!! Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
Okay thats 10 posts in 15 months and 9 of them are to me in this thread. This without a doubt is proof that you are Knockwood and covers hates banned aliases.

Covers take care of this knockwood alias.

10 posts in 15 months and 9 are to me in the penalty box lmfaoooooooo. Knockwood you are one stupid country bumpkin

Feb 9, 2019
Now I'm 2 or 3 others......I may post and may stop, tired of participating in stupidity :) what's funny is, I loss a tad in college, balls not big enough in championship game.....NFL WON thanks to playoffs and super bowl!!!!! Baseball last season on China site won just under a grand and worst year ever.......To be honest in the past few years the book hasn't beat me but once in yrs.....That was college football and truth told, my year runs until start of baseball!!!! So fade boy hasn't made much besides hoops down a little but never knew season was over.....People like cd and many others on China site are very ignorant people, Wallstreet (banned me and check this leftist out) fubu, Kelly, mid something and a few more......These are all very sick people :) I don't feel I need to post and wanted to stop yrs ago, it does nothing for Mr truth told........Also, getting Trump elected is most important thing to me!!!! Getting all Republicans and dems out means more to me!!! If you're not MAGA Americans don't want you!!!!! Let's see in November after Trump Wins :) Vegas is setting the hook and ive done good to stay even this year but most will never understand........Do you see how many trust media and government???? Vegas setting the hook!!!!! Commercials 24/7 pushing gambling in NC starting NOV. 11TH!!!!! SET that hook, can't wait :) Golden Goose out, Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
damn Deezy, he lost the minny bet. Am kicking myself now for not betting it live. I was just afraid he might get a winner. He did get a winner with the nba all star pick going over (which 99 percent of bettors probably had like they do every year).

0-3 night on real games and 1-0 on the nba fun game, where everybody had that pick.

I sure hope he makes enough cash selling his raccoon pelts to pay his gambling bills.

Oh one other thing, for a guy thats been gambling all these years he still has no clue who Billy Walters is, even thou billy is from his neck of the woods in Munfordville, Kentucky.

Feb 9, 2019
damn Deezy, he lost the minny bet. Am kicking myself now for not betting it live. I was just afraid he might get a winner. He did get a winner with the nba all star pick going over (which 99 percent of bettors probably had like they do every year).

0-3 night on real games and 1-0 on the nba fun game, where everybody had that pick.

I sure hope he makes enough cash selling his raccoon pelts to pay his gambling bills.

Oh one other thing, for a guy thats been gambling all these years he still has no clue who Billy Walters is, even thou billy is from his neck of the woods in Munfordville, Kentucky.
Didn't bet yesterday but said I liked plays.....If not posted I played, I didn't play.....

Little girl I'll keep posting for you :) post here where you said I would sue covers, that's the only lie I can prove you've told right now and for your info........This White Boy is not afraid to call out the racist chocolate mayor.........You need me to prove that??? I saw the meeting where he said the people running NY is the most chocolate it's ever been..... Now I know people like you are a straight up pussy but I'm a racist because I called your mayor a chocolate mayor??? He said it dumb ass!!!!!!! Like most you're a brainwashed piece of shit that has never thought for himself!!!!!! He called his fellow police officers crackers but unlike you I don't fear the black man or white.....You dems are good at calling people racist when dens are the true racist........Your dumb ass doesn't think the kkk was created by democrats!!! Someone printed fact for you in China but the gatekeeper protects you from truth and fact!!!!
Pull up the post where I'm pushing for the first black governor in NC, right I'm the racist :)

You sit over in China lying why Wallstreet protects you :) you're both sick people!!! Tell me where I sad sue and I'll post plays immediately by your golden goose :) show prove white chocolate :) lol, I'm a racist for calling the NY mayor what he calls himself!!!! Grow some damn balls little cd!!!!(( oh, ive got your address where you paid me $100 a month and you have mine in Raleigh, feel free to drop by anything but don't be dressed in black and a mask because I'll save you for Christmas as hang as a Christmas ornament :) bring 0bama, you're both make nice Christmas ornaments :) I'll cut you down after Christmas and send you back to your basement!!! Merry Christmas :) now bring where I said sue and don't prove to be a lie!!!!!!!!! I'll check back, Knock!! I'm sorry I'm the one had to let you know you had a chocolate mayor :) Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
damn Deezy, he lost the minny bet. Am kicking myself now for not betting it live. I was just afraid he might get a winner. He did get a winner with the nba all star pick going over (which 99 percent of bettors probably had like they do every year).

0-3 night on real games and 1-0 on the nba fun game, where everybody had that pick.

I sure hope he makes enough cash selling his raccoon pelts to pay his gambling bills.

Oh one other thing, for a guy thats been gambling all these years he still has no clue who Billy Walters is, even thou billy is from his neck of the woods in Munfordville, Kentucky.
I still don't know Billy whoever, I know bigger players trust me :) you know, some golfers make more money gambling than pros.....Billy who????? Lol, Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
Bring where I said sue :) like all other lies you cant!!!! A true democrat, Knock! Your governor is a dumb ass also but dems love a dumb ass :) you voting Biden or Trump little cd??? Show people how stupid a cracker can be now :) Knock! Anyone else feel free to say if voting biden!!! Be proud and say, Knock!

Feb 9, 2019
Hey China, ready to post.......Again, you wrote here I said I would sue your sheep site.....All I asked is you copy and post where I said sue!!!!! It's simple to do unless I didn't say that :) prove me wrong and I post but why post when I'm lied about on a site that banned me for political talk!!!!!!! See, that site is for true sheep.....They will protect you from truth and fact why able to lie......Why you're so brainwashed in life!!!! I don't just post games, I try and help younger people in all.....Pray they don't listen to people like you but I think yesterday I gave advice to have ocean front property paid for by others......You, sound like a little girl stuck in basement all your life and never got out to smell the roses :) remember this.....You can't do anything about the past, so never worry about it!!!!!!!! I'll post when the protected sheep post sue, who lied!!!!!!!!

I'll post when showed but until............Play with the public, easy to do little cd!!! I'm always on the side of book so it's easy......Follow the public :) they're winning, you don't need a golden goose........Once you wrote, Knock acts like he's the only one who can get book numbers so do this.....................I'm telling you because dems can't think for themselves so pay attention :) call the book you trust and ask him who are they betting???? Go with who he says, they're winning 75% of the week right now..........So since everyone can call a big book, better to go by yourself though........He says I have 40 players on Duke and 7 on unc, play duke!!!! Simple enough???? So since everyone can get real numbers and not what every site puts out.....Go by, ask who he needs and fade the book!!!! It will change very soon so enjoy :) call your books cd so get busy, gave you the formula or do I need to shoe exact numbers, we could compare :)

I'll post when the little girl copies where I Said I would sue covers, his exact words here.....I don't change wording like. Democrats and back everything I say!!!!

I'll check back by 5 and if prove I said that I'll post.....if not go follow cd, he's finally won a $1000 after 20 yrs she claims!!! She might be on a 2 week roll :) Knock! She's mad though because i called her mayor chocolate, chocolates words not mine :) Knock!

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Sep 8, 2023
Why this site continues to let you spew your rambling nonsense is comical.
And racist comments.
You're a winner

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