Thanks to All yesterday Knock!
Plus $2495!!!
All $100!!!
STL 110!!!
Mia. Plus 110!!!
Oak. Plus 115!!!
KC Plus 145!!!
ALL $100!!!
jack. St. Plus 7-!!!
Lafayette Plus 3-!!!
Coastal Plus 3-!!!
N. Dak. St. Plus 10!!!
Sac. St. Plus 3-!!!
Every year I say I should wait 2 weeks and every year I start in the hole!!! Every year I say bump it, it's a new year to those who don't wait 2 weeks as well, Wish the very best this season that's it for me today, Knock! (If not against the rules or anything, I'll be posting football under baseball)
Plus $2495!!!
All $100!!!
STL 110!!!
Mia. Plus 110!!!
Oak. Plus 115!!!
KC Plus 145!!!
ALL $100!!!
jack. St. Plus 7-!!!
Lafayette Plus 3-!!!
Coastal Plus 3-!!!
N. Dak. St. Plus 10!!!
Sac. St. Plus 3-!!!
Every year I say I should wait 2 weeks and every year I start in the hole!!! Every year I say bump it, it's a new year to those who don't wait 2 weeks as well, Wish the very best this season that's it for me today, Knock! (If not against the rules or anything, I'll be posting football under baseball)