here's a theater report from Puerto Rico:
"I saw the 6:30pm of Kill Bill,It was about 50% full in a 120 seater.
It was a Good film but i was disaapointed mostly because it didnt live up to all the hype,It was still good ***/****,I say half the people liked it and the other didnt,i can say all the people in the theatre were Tarantino fans by the way they cheard when the credits came and said Quentin Tarantino's 4th film.
The Trailers were
ROTK:Every Loved it
TCM:Great response
Alien Directors cut:No reaction,when it came on and said:The scariest film of alltime,i could hear people sniff.Good Trailer IMO.
I say Kill bill wont be the smash people think it will be,i say it does 21mill and finish with about 55mill.